The Internal Black Void

What are you afraid of?

Failure is natural. Learn from it and keep moving.

I think in a way Felix Dennis said it best in the narrow road. Its lonely out there.

What fascinates me all those people talking about "facing your fears", the loneliness of doing this, its all starting to click on a personal level instead of a mental level.

As I said, its a trip. A significant purge of who I am to rebuild something better. I am doing things I could not even imagine 2 years ago...and I haven't made it yet. I am sure making it comes with its own set of challenges and issues.
Niko, experiences are relative, but you have a FUCKING DAY JOB WHICH PAYS THE BILLS.

You haven't risked anything except your free time and maybe a little cash. In the bigger picture of taking risks, your experience to date rates a 0.1 out of 10 if it moves the needle at all.

Now I wish you a ton of success, but you can't stop to post a vagina monologue and write emo-poetry just because you made a website that didn't take off. If everyone did that, this forum would be flooded with thousands of shitty threads (or at least, shittier than they currently are).

We've all had stuff not work out. Lots of it. The failures teach and you move on. Lingering like this is depressing and unproductive.

Find your balls and go do some work.
I've been doing this for 2-3 years now fulltime and I love it. I can't imagine ever going back to work for someone else, there are just way too many opportunities out there. Think about all the rags to riches stories from people who dominated industries that have nothing to do with the Internet. Even if they shut down the Internet tomorrow I don't think I'd go work for someone else. Instead I'd start a different business and give it my all.

The biggest thing I've learnt is to always remember that everything changes and all feelings pass. I've had good profit days, and I've had days where all my campaigns get fucked or days where Google fucks up my shit completely. I get butthurt for a day and then remember that everything is always changing and that I have to get back up and start up some new stuff. It's always worked out and I've always found something new.

Have I built something you could actually call a real 'business' yet? Nope. But I now have the capital and the advertising experience to get started on my long term shit, while keeping the short term money flowing in.

I think it's also important to have a business partner or someone who can motivate you when you hit rough seas.

Ultimately, I think you have to decide if you're going to keep doubting you'll make it, or if you're going to make it no matter what. I like to keep a mantra I heard awhile back going on in my head - "Every failure is another brick in my castle".

The Tao is like a well:
used but never used up.
It is like the eternal void:
filled with infinite possibilities.
- Lao Tzu

That internal black void is where all your creativity and new ideas come from.
Seriously, no one gets it. To them we are greedy bastards, counting the green stuff all the time, but it takes a lotta balls and maturity to break into entrepreneurship. Personally, this was my best decision ever - and it takes your mind to another dimension once you actually get into it. No one else gets it. We have been able to outsmart 99% of the people in the world - it ain't easy - know what it takes to be there. And more than doctors, scientists, engineers etc. entrepreneurs move the world forward.
the risks are big but rewards are bigger.

I have a cousin lawyer that charges $200 an hour, u know what he does in his spare time? building a janitorial business, because he knows that there is no roof when u own ur own business even if it is as measely as sweeping floors.

I know several people that have trade licenses (plumbing,general contrct, electricians) that work as an employee in that respective trade. I ask them why the fck they aint out there running their own business and that all have the same answer...
.."it aint worth it"

da fck!!

peasants dont know how to think outside the box, neither do they know how to hustle. they rather work for another person and have structure in their day to day life.

I would die to have a trade license, cause I already have the marketing and business part down.

The grass is always greener. Do you know you would spend 85% of your time chasing people down for payment. Unless you're a major contractor doing business with the government then I would agree.

Oh whey. You'll have people sign contracts when you're doing work. If that's the case you'll spend all your time in courts.
Hello friend,

Since you no for to having balls required to be of doing internet business and only for to having Mangina, I am for to helping you fill you internal black void. Here is for what I can fill void with.


You for to do 3o minute session and you void never feel empty again. No more worry about void and can concentrate on new project for to making monies.

Please for to do PM if interested in me for helping you.

Best wiches,
Find a nice girl who'll stick with you through the thick & thin. That feeling than becomes MUCH less painful, if not non-existent.

Knowing that regardless if you fuck up or do good, you're still going to get that hug / love at the end of a day is pretty important to have.

Bah, gtfo with that mushy, feely shit.
