The Growth Of Walmart....

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Well, it's not like I'm some scholarly sage on the topic. But their meteoric growth (post Sam Walton, maybe before too, IDK) was heavily assisted by being given extremely generous tax breaks and, in a lot of cases, even being given money to fund the construction of their stores. In some cases, this funding happened while the local schools languished in disrepair. These concessions were typically given because Walmart's representatives convinced the local governments that their presence would stimulate economic growth. Also, they were given reprieve from paying local taxes for the first several years after new stores opened. Of course, Walmart has a habit of relocating to just outside the local jurisdiction right before it's time for them to start paying taxes.

Pretty much, they made a habit of duping local governments into assisting in their growth. They then had the opposite effect on the local economy. Driving locally owned businesses out of business by lowering their prices beyond what they local owners could compete with, then when there was no other choice than walmart, they hiked them up to more than the local businesses were originally charging. As I mentioned before, they came into areas where schools and other areas of the community were lacking funding, and convinced local government to fund the opening of their store. In many cases this was millions of dollars that mysteriously wasn't there for schools who didn't need half as much to fix their problems, but was readily forthcoming when Walmart came calling. Not to mention that, had the local government really wanted to stimulate economic growth, their money would have been much better spent funding locally owned businesses. Of course, everyone has heard of their shitty employment practices.

My point being this: If they had to grow their business with all the same tax obligations, and without extraordinary government funding, they would not be the dominating force they are today. That is not Free Market Capitalism. That is Corporate Socialism. Because they lied to get it, they received money and tax breaks that allowed them an advantage that their competitors didn't have. And, when I say competitors, I'm not talking about Kmart and Target. I mean the locally owned businesses they drove into the ground in pretty much every small town they came to.

I still shop there. When I have to.

Corporate welfare is common place, especially in local governments. Local governments gives millions in tax breaks to a large corp that will bring millions of dollars in tax revenue over time and provide hundreds/thousands of jobs. Sounds like good business to me.

If you are against corporate socialism then you need to point the blame at local/state/federal government not the corporations. If you were the CEO of a large corp, wouldn't you take the free tax breaks/cash?

I like Wal Mart, watch all these in order too:

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Corporate welfare is common place, especially in local governments. Local governments gives millions in tax breaks to a large corp that will bring millions of dollars in tax revenue over time and provide hundreds/thousands of jobs. Sounds like good business to me.

If you are against corporate socialism then you need to point the blame at local/state/federal government not the corporations. If you were the CEO of a large corp, wouldn't you take the free tax breaks/cash?

Well, to answer your first point, that's the practice I was speaking of in my last post. They get millions in tax breaks then RELOCATE just outside that government's tax jurisdiction before the deadline is up for them to start paying. They JUST did it in my town. Literally built a new location mere feet outside our tax jurisdiction and shut down the other location just DAYS before they would have had to start paying up on those tax obligations.

Secondly, their effect on the number of jobs on the area is a net negative. They put several local business out of the game by dropping their prices below what those businesses could purchase their goods for wholesale, then hiked them up after the competing business was gone. They killed more jobs that were stable AND better paying/benefits than they provide with their store.

Yes, If I was a large corp, I would take whatever advantages were available. An axiom in Game Theory is: "If everyone else is cheating to give themselves an unfair advantage, then you create an unfair disadvantage for yourself by not cheating." I'm not necessarily saying that corporate welfare is cheating. It's legal. I'm just saying that those same sorts of tax breaks should be available to all businesses, not just huge corporations that game them so they end up not having to pay.

So yeah, I DO blame the local/state/federal government. Because this sort of bullshit perpetuates at every level. That's rather been my point from the start. Walmart would not exist in its current incarnation if corporate welfare didn't.
If no one shopped at Wal-Mart, they would have to change. Personally, I can't afford anywhere else.

I've been a Wal-Mart employee for almost a year now. I have been happy. There are many advancement opportunities and I don't need a degree! In one year...2 raises after evaluations and a pay level increase when I changed departments! I've worked for no benefits, Wal-mart has some and matches a bunch of stuff. All companies have a bad side!
I found wallmart ok I agree on what member popeye said it is good thing we have them .
Hmmm...i think i'll go on supporting the local mom and pop guys have fun with your Walmart orgy


All I need to know is that about 5 cents on the dollar of my local walmart goes back into my community vs 45 cents at my local co op. Plus the stuff I buy doesn't fall apart in 72 hours and the food I eat isn't full of shit I can't pronounce.

I think it's time people take some pride in the things they do.

All I need to know is that about 5 cents on the dollar of my local walmart goes back into my community vs 45 cents at my local co op. Plus the stuff I buy doesn't fall apart in 72 hours and the food I eat isn't full of shit I can't pronounce.

I think it's time people take some pride in the things they do.

Those preservatives are the secret to eternal life!

All I need to know is that about 5 cents on the dollar of my local walmart goes back into my community vs 45 cents at my local co op. Plus the stuff I buy doesn't fall apart in 72 hours and the food I eat isn't full of shit I can't pronounce.

I think it's time people take some pride in the things they do.

I agree. I prefer eating organic food. It tends to be more expensive, but I know that what I'm putting into my body isn't full of preservatives and nasty shit. I love Wild Oats, Trader Joes and Whole Foods.

I agree. I prefer eating organic food. It tends to be more expensive, but I know that what I'm putting into my body isn't full of preservatives and nasty shit. I love Wild Oats, Trader Joes and Whole Foods.


Ditto for me as well. Food is one area where I'd never skimp on quality.
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