The Growth Of Walmart....

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And to think this started out as a mom and pop shop in bentonville. Read the autobiography by sam walton. A great book on how to really develop a business and compete with the big boys.
Yeah you guys are right...we need more companies to encourage their employees to go on welfare, and manipulate punch clocks to skim wages...and use all of the extra $$ to build private bunkers underground b/c everyone hates you.

Or use all kinds of corporate loopholes to get free money from the government (your tax dollars)
Walmart isn't the product of free market capitalism. How can anyone watch all the corporate welfare and see all the big interests lobby for laws to be written in their favor and not realize that the prevailing system is not capitalism but corporate socialism?

I don't like Walmart's business practicies, but I don't blame a system that big business and big government have been strangling to death for decades.
Wal-Mart has had two era. The Sam Walton era when the business grew, prospered and so did its employees. Back in 1993, I worked at a Walmart in Branson, Missouri. Most of the long time workers there were millionaires.

The other era is the post Sam Walton era. This is when the entire company become corporatized and began focusing on one thing, increased profits. They decided to cost cut anywhere they could, including the wages and benefits.
Walmart in my area works the way it should. Teens, retirees and part-time labor. Without Walmart a lot of unskilled labor would be sitting at home.
Walmart isn't the product of free market capitalism. How can anyone watch all the corporate welfare and see all the big interests lobby for laws to be written in their favor and not realize that the prevailing system is not capitalism but corporate socialism?

I don't like Walmart's business practicies, but I don't blame a system that big business and big government have been strangling to death for decades.

How is it not the product of the free market? Corporate socialism? Please elaborate.
I am not from the US but every time I visit the US I always go to Walmart as we have nothing like it here. I just spend about 10 minutes looking at all the breakfast cereal and other strange things you can pick up there.
I seriously hate these "walmart is evil" arguments.

But I would like to say that Walmart is definitely not the only business to skim hours off of its employees punch cards. Small franchises like Starbucks and McDonalds do it too.

Back when I was in high school I worked at a KFC and there was always a problem with the GM skimming small amounts of time off of the time cards.
How is it not the product of the free market? Corporate socialism? Please elaborate.
It's well known that Wal Mart obtains government subsidies to help expand. I think it was 1 billion in 2007, not sure on this number or maybe the amount collected over the years. Just check out CNN or Forbes and I think you'll find the articles.

It's not "free" market when you have free money being given to you.
How is it not the product of the free market? Corporate socialism? Please elaborate.

Well, it's not like I'm some scholarly sage on the topic. But their meteoric growth (post Sam Walton, maybe before too, IDK) was heavily assisted by being given extremely generous tax breaks and, in a lot of cases, even being given money to fund the construction of their stores. In some cases, this funding happened while the local schools languished in disrepair. These concessions were typically given because Walmart's representatives convinced the local governments that their presence would stimulate economic growth. Also, they were given reprieve from paying local taxes for the first several years after new stores opened. Of course, Walmart has a habit of relocating to just outside the local jurisdiction right before it's time for them to start paying taxes.

Pretty much, they made a habit of duping local governments into assisting in their growth. They then had the opposite effect on the local economy. Driving locally owned businesses out of business by lowering their prices beyond what they local owners could compete with, then when there was no other choice than walmart, they hiked them up to more than the local businesses were originally charging. As I mentioned before, they came into areas where schools and other areas of the community were lacking funding, and convinced local government to fund the opening of their store. In many cases this was millions of dollars that mysteriously wasn't there for schools who didn't need half as much to fix their problems, but was readily forthcoming when Walmart came calling. Not to mention that, had the local government really wanted to stimulate economic growth, their money would have been much better spent funding locally owned businesses. Of course, everyone has heard of their shitty employment practices.

My point being this: If they had to grow their business with all the same tax obligations, and without extraordinary government funding, they would not be the dominating force they are today. That is not Free Market Capitalism. That is Corporate Socialism. Because they lied to get it, they received money and tax breaks that allowed them an advantage that their competitors didn't have. And, when I say competitors, I'm not talking about Kmart and Target. I mean the locally owned businesses they drove into the ground in pretty much every small town they came to.

I still shop there. When I have to.
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