The Gradual And COMPLETE Erosion of Privacy

No one gives a shit about your life. Especially not enough to watch you every day on fucking "nanocams" or whatever

Get over yourself
A forum full of people who earn their money through internet advertising and precise demo targeting are against less privacy for the average internet slob? Think of the possibilities if everyone had nanocams installed - "Female, 170-230 pounds, alone in a room, wallet on desk with credit card readily available." Fuck it, just pre-pop the form with her credit card info based on the nano-feed, all the while telling her that she's sitting alone in a room wearing an unwashed winnie-the-pooh shirt because she's too fat due to the Cheetos that she's currently ingesting :D

Just work hard enough to make sure you're on the right side things when data collection becomes even more robust and therefore far more valuable than it already is.
tracking individuals movements with google maps and cctv...

[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
"The individual desires judgment. Without that desire, the cohesion of groups is impossible, and so is civilization. This is because the human organism always worships. First it was the gods (apparitions of observation, judgment, and punishment), then it was fame (the observation and judgment of others). Human beings feel pleasure when they are watched. The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God and peers. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms and surveillance.You will soon have your God, and you will make it with your own hands." -DX
I am with you ZIMOK. I remember having a similar discussion a year or two back on here. The technology has just got better, as it does every year. Here is an idea out of left field for you. Do you think, there will ever be a growth market for anti- surveillance technology. Where, VCs start funding startups that, build and sell anti- surveillance gear, for individuals to big companies. Anything and everything from hiding your shit on the interwebs, to personal devices that perhaps shoot beams at CCTVs or some other far fetched shit...

A few years ago, clean tech, was a bit of a stretch, however today billions are being poured into startups for every thing from wave energy plants to wind energy....
If you're law abiding you've got nothing to worry about... do you really think the government cares where us dumb asses go every day?
If you're law abiding you've got nothing to worry about... do you really think the government cares where us dumb asses go every day?

One of the weakest arguments for the erosion of privacy.

There are many things people would like to remain private, although they are well inside the law.

- Your shmalzy love letters
- Your fap session browsing history
- The medication you have to take for that embarassing condition

Privacy is a basic human need and right. The erosion of privacy is something everyone should be concerned about.


Although I see the role that technology plays in this, I am far more concerned about the sheeple giving their privacy away willingly.

Either because they are too dumb

- Party pics on facebook, etc...

or because they believe the fear mongering

- The terrorists will win if we do not have CCTV everywhere!
- Privacy is only for wrongdoers, if you are good, you should have nothing to hide!


Also this:

The Digital Imprimatur

Years ago I dismissed Walker's fears as commie nonsense, but as social networks flourished and John and Jane Does demonstrated that they have absolutely no interest in privacy at all, I have gotten a bit more pessimistic.

I am with you ZIMOK. I remember having a similar discussion a year or two back on here. The technology has just got better, as it does every year. Here is an idea out of left field for you. Do you think, there will ever be a growth market for anti- surveillance technology. Where, VCs start funding startups that, build and sell anti- surveillance gear, for individuals to big companies. Anything and everything from hiding your shit on the interwebs, to personal devices that perhaps shoot beams at CCTVs or some other far fetched shit...

A few years ago, clean tech, was a bit of a stretch, however today billions are being poured into startups for every thing from wave energy plants to wind energy....

There's already a little of what you say that exists currently, such as baseball caps with infrared LED's that block out your face. All the 'spy/surveillance' equipment, applications for encryption, tunneling, erasing etc..

For proper privacy on all accounts a person would need seminars, individual training sessions, computer courses, tech courses etc.. it just wouldn't end because the evolution of anti-privacy never ends. Would be a great rebill if an organization could be on top of things all the time.

I'd wage that around 85%-95% of people think that when they hit delete on a file, or when they clear their temporary internet files that it's gone for good. The problem resides in properly marketing and educating the masses in how little privacy they have right now, to get the worried and looking for options. Once that's established you would of course have your product/pitch ready to go.

If you're law abiding you've got nothing to worry about... do you really think the government cares where us dumb asses go every day?

The implications of everyone losing their personal privacy will be one of the greatest losses of human rights. A loss far too great to pigeon hole in "if you follow the law" or "they don't are about us dumb asses".

They don't care about individuals if they don't have a reason to, you're right. Don't think for a moment however that they don't want to be able to track ALL our dumb asses at once, all the time, forever. That's the point, ALL, not individuals, EVERYONE.
I'm optimistic, I think that "sousveillance" can empower weaker people to take on stronger ones. All this technology is also making it easy for us to create multiple identities and saturate the system with noise. Also, both the criminals in the underworld and the criminals in the government need solutions that will effectively cover their tracks - they are developing new approaches and tools, and they will leak out to the common people eventually.
OP if you are that worried about your privacy the solutions are simple.

1. Start using linux so you have more control of your OS
2. Enable high encryption for your files and emails
3. Stop using your real address and start using PO Boxes linked to one use credit cards
4. Every time you make a username make a new one, write down your passwords and keep them in your underground vault right next to your Y2K supplies
5. Do not use any Google products
6. Always use proxies for everything you do, the more the better
7. Throw away your cellphone, they might be tracking you from there
8. Use candles and your own electrical do not want them to know how much power you are using on a monthly basis do you?
9. Throw away all your phones they might be listening
10. Put inside your house thick wire mesh to stop radio waves from passing through your house
11. Buy guns...lots of them...also learn how to make your own ammo in case ze Germans take over...or the communist...or NWO...or Illuminati...or NSA...or CIA...or zombies...or the Government....or Black Helicopters...or your neighbor
12. Have a secret underground nuclear fallout shelter underneath your house
13. Change all your locks to electronic locks
14. All your doors should be made with re-inforced steel. Put little traps behind them so you can check to see if anyone visited you while you where gone getting supplies
15. Security Cameras...EVERYWHERE

Hope that helps

i think thats an awesome niche / ebook / membership site idea
People who think that the government doesn't care about what you're doing, should tune into "Conspiracy Theory" with Jesse Ventura.

Government surveillance of the American public is far more advanced than anyone is prepared to believe.
I've thought a lot about what the general corrosion of privacy could potentially mean. The first things that rise to mind are dystopian futures such as 1984 or Brave New World, where every move a person makes is documented and stored for later use.

It's frightening to know the amount of transparency The Internet can have, and the willful ignorance of millions of people who use it daily, punching in their personal data with glee - data that will inevitably be stored and logged.

Gladly, though, there is a semblance of anonymity, and it has to be guarded zealously by the individual user.
I've thought a lot about what the general corrosion of privacy could potentially mean. The first things that rise to mind are dystopian futures such as 1984 or Brave New World, where every move a person makes is documented and stored for later use.
My dorm room:

If we continue on the path we're going now this will happen. There is a huge economic incentive for these things to be tracked, and not enough people care for a difference to be made. The change will be (and has been) gradual enough that most people are (and will be) completely unaware as their level of privacy is going down at a very fast rate.