The Google Keyword Tool Has Changed

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THIS IS HUGE. Won't this make other keyword tools like wordtracker and wordez somewhat obsolete?
Wait..just to be clear, these aren't relative numbers? These are 100% actual search statistics?

@ Turbo, that's what I was wondering. Probably.

Does anyone know if these #s are accurate? I'm sure SEOmoz will make a post about it soon since Rand is always talking about how he knows the actual search volume for a lot of keywords and that most keyword tools are off #s wise.

I know the searches / day for some keywords and they seem to be exact. But these are pretty low volume keywords.
look how accurate the related terms to site is...say goodbye to shitty keyword density scripts , this babys straight from the source!

(stupid move by google IMO)
look how accurate the related terms to site is...say goodbye to shitty keyword density scripts , this babys straight from the source!

(stupid move by google IMO)

Care to elaborate on why it's a stupid move?
I know. It's just too good to be true. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up tmrw and it's going to be gone.:uhoh2:
Care to elaborate on why it's a stupid move?

on second thought it may actually be a good move...webmasters will be able to get more targetted sites into the index....and also more targetted spam sites (thats me!)
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