The Google Keyword Tool Has Changed

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New member
Mar 12, 2007
Did anyone notice that the Google keyword tool no longer shows a green bar for the average search volume anymore? It shows an actual estimated number of monthly searches now. I have no idea how accurate it is, but at least it gives you a better way to see the relative difference in search demand compared to the bars.

Just thought I'd point it out to everyone because I just noticed it.

Hmmm that's weird. I just went back to use the Google keyword tool real quick and it has the green bars again.
If you download the keywords and import it to excel you can actually get a number .... and it corresponds fairly well with the green bar.
they had the numbers on yesterday, like 100, 5000 or 20.000 searches per month but they're gone today :(
That would be the ultimate if google would finally come out with those precious numbers.
Yes - they did.

It was a total overhaul of the keyword tool, almost a keyword tool worth using.
Yes - they did.

It was a total overhaul of the keyword tool, almost a keyword tool worth using.

Yes they did what? Show actual search numbers? cause I'm not seeing it...

edit: and another question, when exporting to excel you see the percentage...what is that a percentage of exactly?
maybe they are testing releasing that feature? That would make the keyword tool SOOOO much better
Heh. Now I can't get onto the google keyword site. I wonder if word spread that fast and we have all crashed the server.
i was on before but for some reason it kept crashing my firefox, although when i was on i did not yet see the numbers.
Did anyone notice that the Google keyword tool no longer shows a green bar for the average search volume anymore? It shows an actual estimated number of monthly searches now. I have no idea how accurate it is, but at least it gives you a better way to see the relative difference in search demand compared to the bars.

Just thought I'd point it out to everyone because I just noticed it.

Man i almost got an errection when i read that. Those numbers would be amazing. However i still cant see them, anyone else?

I'm still seeing the green bars.

Dman that would be awesome if they released the numbers though.
Interesting, the keyword tool nor the ad preview tool is working for me at the moment, maybe a screwy update.
:error: It was my FF that messed up, just had to clear the cache, doh!
I still see green bars.
Interesting, the keyword tool nor the ad preview tool is working for me at the moment, maybe a screwy update.

Weird, I was just using it a few mins ago and it was working fine but now I get this:

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are unable to process your request at this time. Our engineers have been notified of this problem and will work to resolve it. Please note that using your browser's back button in AdWords can increase the likelihood of errors.

Btw, I also saw the estimated number of searches feature yesterday but it has since gone back to the green bar.
No, the OP is not crazy, I saw it too. I actually used it that night to buy some domains. Apparently, something bugged and they had to reset it. I really hope they keep the numbers, cause the google stats are the most accurate thing you can find online...
Well, it's official. I just logged into my Adwords account and it had a message about the keyword tool now having the numerical search statistics.
Well, it's official. I just logged into my Adwords account and it had a message about the keyword tool now having the numerical search statistics.

I can verify that and I can also verify that the keyword tool is working for me and the search numbers are being displayed.

I wish I cought this yesterday when I bought up a bunch of domains lol could have done a bit more research.

Oh well I've been waiting for this feature for a long time now, lets hope its fairly accurate but it should be since well its Google and all.

Wow the keyword Free gets approx 338,000,000 searches in June, I wish I was #1 for that one.
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