The Free Software Thread

This is great..Everyone in this forum sharing very informative knowledge and good idea.
Thanks buddy.Happy that I belong..

Great List

Thanks for the list of freebies. A buddy put me on to this site. I'm so far over my head right now, I'm not sure where to start. I could use some definitions of the many industry specific terms and abbreviations. Thanks in advance.
I landed on this post on this, my 1st, forum visit.
Wow! Thanks for the resources...will definitly come bak to it again.
Traffic Travis 3: Free SEO Software | The Best PPC & SEO Management Tool -Traffic Travis
See OnPage SEO for top 10 or top 20 entries on Google

Cherry Picker: CherryPicker - The World's Best Market Selection Software
Mainly for seeing the 'title tags' for top listings on Google

Get Article: Get Article Pro - Lite Version
Free article scraper that can be used to obtain information/background on the specified keyword entered. Free version scrapes ezinearticles/goarticles/articlebase/articlealley/amazines.

I use these almost daily to help not only how easy/hard it will be to rank a given site/blog in the SERPS, but also to help create content for those sites as well!
wow! great list of many useful softwares. Thanks everyone!

I tried google insights for the first time after reading the thread! didnt know about it before!
"Not running into the streets of Google and getting tired of downloading SEO related softwares"

papajohn56 has done great job in creating this thread to download more valuable softwares for free.
What's my IP, why not moan it!!

I know there has already been people posting a way to find your internet facing IP address. For those that don't know ipconfig /all in CMD try

Oh so fun way to learn your IP address. Make sure to turn up your sound.
This is a very valuable thread with great quantitties of resources that suits the needs of many. I would like to give it a rating of three thumbs up and express my gratitude to the persons who have brought the act of contribution into such thread.

Hello everyone. I know you can find these by looking around the forum, and there's a treasure trove thread, but nothing that was strictly Tools, and free ones at that. So, here's some of the best tools that affiliate marketing newbies should use, and they're at no cost. I know a lot of us started on a tight budget too.

CMS, Websites, and E-Commerce Software

WordPress › Blog Tool and Publishing Platform - Wordpress. Blog software that's expanded into one powerful CMS. Easy to use, easy to edit and change, tons of free themes.

Joomla! - Joomla. Powerful CMS, very extendable, and some well-supported plugins (many moreso than Wordpress). A little more complex, and maybe not as many free themes available. | Community plumbing - Drupal. Another CMS option. Harder to use, but many people prefer it to the others. Not as many free templates and plugins available, but ripe for developers.

ecommerce shopping cart software by Zen Cart ecommerce solution - Zen-Cart. Free shopping cart software, based on OSCommerce. Lots of plugins, tons of free themes.

osCommerce, Open Source Online Shop E-Commerce Solutions - OSCommerce. Free shopping cart software. Again, lots of plugins and free themes. For many people, OSCommerce vs Zen Cart is like Wordpress vs Joomla. Lots of personal preference

Magento - Home - eCommerce Software for Growth - Magento. More up and coming free cart software, very "web 2.0". Not many free themes available yet, lots of good paid ones at TemplateMonster.



Prosper202 Self Hosted Apps - Prosper202. The standard for tracking clicks in affiliate marketing. Powerful tools, self hosted, and free.

ClickHeat | Clicks heatmap - Clickheat. Lets you see where people are clicking on your sites with heat maps. I use it on all of my LPs so I can improve CTRs.


Keywords and Traffic - Google Keyword Tool. Shows search volume, advertiser competition, and even suggests other keywords for you.

Compete | Compete - Compete. Free version lets you see a decent amount of site statistics.

Google Trends - Google Trends. Lets you see trends of what's being searched for.

Site Explorer - Yahoo! Site Explorer - Yahoo! Site Explorer. Check backlinks to your site.

Seo Book Keyword Suggestion Tool - SEOBook Keyword Suggestor. Just like it sounds, recommends keywords. Requires a free account.



Open Source | SugarCRM - Commercial Open Source CRM - SugarCRM Open Source edition. Free customer relations management software.

GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program - GIMP. Can't pay for Photoshop but need to do photo editing and basic graphics? Here you go. - The Free and Open Productivity Suite - Open Office (or Google Docs) for spreadsheet software and light data analysis.

Offhand that's what I can think of. Have any more? Go ahead and post them, this was a spur of the moment thread to help people on a budget.
Thanks for your sharing sincerely. I have learn something important ways to protect computer from your sharing. Moreover, there is an outstanding registry cleaner for Windows PC. Install, and run this program regularly, the computer will work properly for us.
Hey guys I've purchased a bunch of Data and I need unique IPs generated to match the data. You guys know a program that will generated unique IPs for specific location [state - township etc.]? Preferably open source, but if there's a great paid version it could be worth my time.

I want these IPs to be as unique as possible, instead of re-used Proxies that are well known red flags.
Hello everyone. I am new in this forum and landed in this thread because I'm looking for SEO free softwares that I could use. I don't know much of the tools for link building and article. Elsewhere on Google I couldn't find one. Is there any site you would recommend to me to download any software like TheBestSpinner, SEnuke or IBP? TIA