The Free FB Uploader

LeFluffy, why are you acting like you're not the guy behind this thing? Makes me kind of suspicious..
you know what I'd like to see... anonymous proxy support, now that would be kickass

I could run that thing on multiple accounts from the same location at the same time... I wouldn't have to swtich VPNs and have to wait for one to finish before switching to another, that would be just awesome!
you know what I'd like to see... anonymous proxy support, now that would be kickass

I could run that thing on multiple accounts from the same location at the same time... I wouldn't have to swtich VPNs and have to wait for one to finish before switching to another, that would be just awesome!

and you wonder why facebook hates affiliates.
I've used it, and it works pretty good. Has some minor bugs, e.g. some images don't seem to get fully submitted before the order has been placed which causes an error.. That's at least what I think is happening, not sure tbh. Anyhow, people who've paid for similar scripts and hate n00bs can start flaming now :D


I think he should keep it simple.
I screwed with this thing for 2 hours and couldn't get it to work.

I have made an uploader that I want to release free to everyone, what is the best way to do this without drawing the eye of facebook?

1. Make a new username
2. Post a download link
3. Claim you're not the man behind it
I screwed with this thing for 2 hours and couldn't get it to work.

maybe I can help, I assume you're running a fairly new version of windows, if not, make sure you have at least IE 7 installed... also you need to install Download details: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 to get it to work

that would be your standard phone-support type of script, so if it still ain't working, let me know what exactly you're getting stuck on
maybe I can help, I assume you're running a fairly new version of windows, if not, make sure you have at least IE 7 installed... also you need to install Download details: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 to get it to work

that would be your standard phone-support type of script, so if it still ain't working, let me know what exactly you're getting stuck on

Yeah, I'm running parallels. I'll install that and let you know how it goes.
Hm.. other ubot apps works. Could it be that the other ones aren't needing what you referenced?
I've never used this tool, but if the uploader isn't already doing this, it should randomly spoof the user agent with one from a regularly updated list of the latest versions of the most popular user agents (IE, FF, Chrome, etc). I'd also make it wait a random amount of time between X and Y seconds (user defined) before sending the next request to FB in order to stay under the radar.