The Federal Reserve Bank is about to get knocked on it's ASS maybe there is hope.


New member
Jun 3, 2007
Go Ron Paul & his boys!

Ron Paul is putting forward a bill to have the Fed Reserve audited, trust me you WANT to watch this: (not conspiracy crap, RAW HARD TRUTH)

[ame=""]YouTube - The Fed Under Fire[/ame]

LOL - If an audit happens, the economy is fucked even more than it already is.
Obama is coming to my "town hall meeting" tomorrow. Should I bring this up? (I won tickets)

Yeah, set yourself up in a high inconspicuous area, do you need any contacts? I know some dudes with some awesome sniper rifles dude...
Yeah, set yourself up in a high inconspicuous area, do you need any contacts? I know some dudes with some awesome sniper rifles dude...

LOL. Well, there will be 1,999 other people in the Auditorium at the High School, and from what I have seen and heard.... Protesters EVERYWHERE. Including when he lands on his plane... and drives right by my house... (I live maybe... a half mile from the runway, and they open a back gate (closed since the Military base closed in 1990?) for every president who lands... )
Yep, if things have to get worse before they get better, so be it.

Did you even watch it?

Ron Paul doesn't know anything - why would he watch it? It's not like he's been talking about our future problems *that are happening now* for years and years or anything.
Dennis Kucinich got very little face time on that video but has been up the FEDs ass for years. Much props to that democrat.

BTW guys: I got a call from CONNECTME (202-730-9944), which is actually the Campaign for Liberty, the other day because of my involvement with RP's campaign last year. They're sending out packets about this bill right now and informing us on how we can help. Get your ass in gear and do something. Call them if they've not called you!
Ron Paul doesn't know anything - why would he watch it? It's not like he's been talking about our future problems *that are happening now* for years and years or anything.

I'd be willing to bet Ron Paul knows a little bit more than you bro.
Here's a cool app I came across a while back:


They Rule aims to provide a glimpse of some of the relationships of the US ruling class. It takes as its focus the boards of some of the most powerful U.S. companies, which share many of the same directors. Some individuals sit on 5, 6 or 7 of the top 500 companies. It allows users to browse through these interlocking directories and run searches on the boards and companies. A user can save a map of connections complete with their annotations and email links to these maps to others. They Rule is a starting point for research about these powerful individuals and corporations.
Note: you will need Adobe SVG Viewer (IE) or the latest Firefox version (native SVG support) to view the site.
Fuck, I would LOVE tickets to a BO town hall.


I hate the fed just as much as the next guy, but I'm going to be livid if this audit fucks my money's value up more.