The End of an Era

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
I figured posting this note on WickedFire would be the appropriate place. The place where I started the second part of my career, and now, the place where I'm going to be ending it.

I've decided to finally do what's in my best interest for my personal, social, and business life, and let everyone know that I am leaving the affiliate marketing industry.

This is something I've spent a long time mulling over. When times were good, I would stuff it away or shrug it off. When times were bad, it would resurface it's ugly face.

Most of all, I am just tired.
Tired of the drama.
Tired of the rumors.
Tired of the fake people.
Tired of the lies.
Tired of being the only one fighting.
Just tired of all the bullshit and bad stuff.

There is a quote from the movie "American History X" in which the main character was asked a simple yet life changing question during a time when he was feeling hurt and confused for the first time in his life about something he was taught and told was the right way to go. After focusing on it, he realized fairly quickly that the answer really was just that simple. And he changed his ways and everyone lived happily ever after... Well sorta. But without being overdramatic, that question is something I thought long and hard about, and the answer was right there in front of me.

"Has anything you've done, made your life better?" -- My answer is no.

Sure, its been one hell of an experience. I've learned SO much about people and politics over the last two years. I've seen friends come and go. I feel as if I've made both a positive and negative impact on an industry I have been involved with for fourteen long years now. But at the end of the day... has any of this truly made MY life better? Not at all. If anything, it made it more complicated. I'm now more paranoid and cautious than ever. I have more stress in my life than ever before. I stopped focusing on what I had spent years being so good at doing, and started to do this thing called "caring for others" in which as strange as it sounds, I'm not cut out for!

So with this letter to everyone. I bid you all farewell.

Its still likely that I will show up for these last two conferences (Denver and Boston) to sort of say my goodbyes. I'm forgiving everyone right now.

All I ask is that in return, that none of you question my decision, but respect it. No advice, no "what do you think of.." questions. No phone calls, IM's or emails of any sort.

I love WickedFire, and its people and what it stands for, so by leaving it in the hands of a very few bunch of trusted and loyal friends, I think it will truly be destined for the greatness it deserves. I hope that they continue to run it with the same goals and plans that I had evinisioned for it two years ago, and stayed true to it's cause.

And with that.. I say farewell my friends. Its been an honor and a pleasure to have spent this time meeting and getting to know all of you, and I will cherish it forever..

-- In true Jon spirit...
Have a great fucking time, and don't take shit from anyone! :D

I totally respect your decision. But are you really sure you don't just need a good long vacation?
Sorry to hear that you're leaving the industry.

Does this mean that you're going to leave WF, too? I know you said you were going to leave WF in the hands of some trusted people, but are you going to post here anymore?
I think you made a bigger, better impact than you give yourself credit for, Jon. Hell, look at this place! Thanks for everything. Do what's right for yourself and good luck.
Whatever you need to do, you gotta do.

So what are you going to be doing now?
All the best man, gotta do what you gotta do. Thanks for a great forum and everything else you've done for the industry.
I can't say I know you or anyone on this board very well, but I do appreciate this board a hell of a lot. Thanks for what you've done here and best wishes.
Whatever you need to do, you gotta do.

So what are you going to be doing now?

I agreed to finish my consulting gig to a gov agency and a security contractor firm.

I'm absolutely fascinated by the power of psychology on a large scale. I'm even more drawn in by harnessing those powers and applying them through unchartered channels on the internet.

The overall result is that I want to apply my more radical theories of longterm and larger scale "thinking/idea branding" via the internet.

I'm staying with the internet because its what I know best and the stuff I'm working on for it has never been done by anyone before. The challenge of being able to accomplish something on such a broad spectrum before anyone else has been a real dream of mine since. It just took a while to realize WHAT I wanted to do with myself that would make ME happy.

This industry is a polar opposite of what I'd like to do in the next chapter of my career. All of the internet marketing that everyone here focuses on is too short lived. Its more "quick flip/short sale" friendly. There's far too much "footprinting and in-depth tracking" going on. Sometimes trying to track everything and keep score on every cent spent and earned will do more harm in the longrun than good. I'd like to be the one to prove that with my ideas and plans. :)
I agreed to finish my consulting gig to a gov agency and a security contractor firm.

I'm absolutely fascinated by the power of psychology on a large scale. I'm even more drawn in by harnessing those powers and applying them through unchartered channels on the internet.

The overall result is that I want to apply my more radical theories of longterm and larger scale "thinking/idea branding" via the internet.

I'm staying with the internet because its what I know best and the stuff I'm working on for it has never been done by anyone before. The challenge of being able to accomplish something on such a broad spectrum before anyone else has been a real dream of mine since. It just took a while to realize WHAT I wanted to do with myself that would make ME happy.

This industry is a polar opposite of what I'd like to do in the next chapter of my career. All of the internet marketing that everyone here focuses on is too short lived. Its more "quick flip/short sale" friendly. There's far too much "footprinting and in-depth tracking" going on. Sometimes trying to track everything and keep score on every cent spent and earned will do more harm in the longrun than good. I'd like to be the one to prove that with my ideas and plans. :)

You do it man.
Didn't you already quit Affiliate Marketing early last year ?

Basically sounds like you want to build proper websites/services like Shoemoney rather than chase affiliate marketing scraps.
What happens to

I took one of my younger brothers on as a partner and he's going to be running everything for me. For that domain, and for all of my portfolios that I'll be selling off at some point soon. He's a business school grad and does loads better in management and follow-thru than I ever could have. Plus I trust him.
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