The .COM vs the .NET

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New member
Jun 26, 2006
.COM is mainly for commercial purposes, like business etc. But more and more we are seeing it used for pretty much anything.

.NET is generally supposed to be used for say pages that belong to a network of sites or as portals. Even as pages that have no commercial value like personal web sites etc.

What value do you place on .COM over a .NET? Usually I just get both domain names at the same time... but what if this issue is presented..

You have a really good idea for a site... but the .COM is taken.. and some mung bean has is signed up for another few years. Their domain is either parked or sitting on some totally useless content page from the 90's.

So the .NET is free.. do you bother? Can you make it work? Its a commercial venture.. say to generate revenue from advertising but also providing some great content...

Is it worth getting the .NET or back to the whiteboard?

Yeah, I would say that .net is a domain name which I won't register unless it's a REALLY good domain name or dictionary word.

Personally I agree with the fact that potential loyal visitors can be lost to the .com extension of your .net domain name...
I asked this question over at SP some time back

They said there is no difference in SEPRS weather its .com or .net

Sure .com is more mainstream and widely adopted but I wouldnt decide against visiting a site because it uses the .net extension

Its so frustrating every term your search for the .com is taken and 60% of the time the domain is parked on some Enom site
wanted a .de badly one time, just for a personal page. The company that PARKED it wanted a huge amount of $$ for it... so I got the - available - .net extension.

As far as SEs go, there is no difference, but people will remember .com more easily meaning it is normally the first thing they try.

Yeah, .info's have a bad rep now, I think .net's are fine now, no diff in SERPs, perhaps a few lost type-ins because people type your site with the .com.

.net along with .org and all seem to have good rep's now while being behind .com. I think those are all the popular TLD's?
bluebobbo said:
There is no difference in .net, .com. It's just the popularity of .com domains that is selling you the ".com's are better" story.
Or the fact that if you tell any normal person your website address as ""... they'll go home and type in "". If it's a site solely based on SE or PPC traffic, then .net, .info, .yourmom... doesn't matter. But if you're trying to brand your domain and get any type-in traffic... .com is 20938409328409234 times better.
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