The Cholesterol Conundrum


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the USA and the World.

The lipid hypothesis is flawed, and if you want to find out how to possibly reduce your or your loved ones risk of stroke/heart disease, it would be worthwhile to watch this video:

[ame=""]The Cholesterol Conundrum - and Root Cause Solution - YouTube[/ame]

Try not to get put off by his Irish accent and the 2 hour length. It will help you understand what Cholesterol is, what the risk factors are and how to interpret the results when you go for a blood test, as well as decide on how you may go about lower your chances of the disease.
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Just had a blood test done and was a bit high on cholesterol and I'm not even a fatass. Should be an interesting watch as my doc said it's nothing out of the ordinary to be a bit off
Can't be bothered watching a 2 hour video so I'll just swallow some garlic pieces for a few months if mine is high next time and eat less fat.
Can't be bothered watching a 2 hour video so I'll just swallow some garlic pieces for a few months if mine is high next time and eat less fat.

actually there are more and more studies and researches showing that fat is actually good for you. I started Paleo 3 months ago and really do feel great and better than before, but I haven't had a blood test since so can't be sure about it just yet.
Thanks for sharing, hellova interesting, confirmed a few suspicions.


Inflammation is what causes arteries to become "clogged'.

Cholesterol is there to heal.

I did paleo for almost two years and loved it. Its just a shit load of work eatng meat for every meal.
Good stuff. I'll have to go through that and the follow up about reading/understanding your test results and numbers:

[ame=""]Cholesterol Conundrum - Know Your Metrics - YouTube[/ame]
Can't be bothered watching a 2 hour video so I'll just swallow some garlic pieces for a few months if mine is high next time and eat less fat.

This is why you need to watch the 2 hour video.

Inflammation is what causes arteries to become "clogged'.

Cholesterol is there to heal.

I did paleo for almost two years and loved it. Its just a shit load of work eatng meat for every meal.

To reap the benefits you don't need to eat meat for every meal. I do a low carb high fat lifestyle so I prefer fat over everything else. I eat meat once a day and that is the evening meal. Fat does not spike the glucose or insulin levels, while too much meat gets converted to glucose via gluconeogenesis.

I've been eating like this for the past 3 months. Here's what I found:

1. I don't need to snack
2. I don't get hungry and so I've started having 2 meals a day recentlly
3. I don't have energy dips, and mentally alert throughout the day. In the past I would feel like sleeping by afternoon but I don't have the urge anymore.
4. Lost 0.5-1kg. Not a lot but I was already at ideal weight anyway.
Thanks for the share, really interesting. A bit counter intuitive, but it makes sense. Going to give it a try, because I need to lose a couple of kilo's and want to improve my running speed.
Thanks for the share, really interesting. A bit counter intuitive, but it makes sense. Going to give it a try, because I need to lose a couple of kilo's and want to improve my running speed.

I don't know if it would help with your running speed, but it has helped with my endurance. Since I no longer depend on glucose, I have access to fat that will last me a much longer time. You'll probably be able to maintain speed better than before.

One thing though, if you reduce your glucose/carbohydrates, you'll require around 3 weeks to a month to adapt. That means during that time you may get some side effects such as such as headaches, brain fog, and tiredness. That is because the brain which has been burning glucose all this time needs time to adjust to burning ketones converted from fat. If we down our glucose and not increase our fat intake, we are starving ourselves, so fat intake must increase in conjunction.

Good fats: saturated fat, monosaturated fats, omega 3 fats
Bad fats: omega 6 fats (predominantly found in 'vegetable' oils which are actually seed oils)

Here's some introductory info on low carb high fat:

LCHF for Beginners |
Questions and answers about LCHF |
Here's a case study some of you might enjoy reading...

Why I Didn't Get Fat From Eating 5,000 Calories A Day Of A High Fat Diet | Smash The Fat Fitness & Fat Loss Boot Camps

In a nutshell, Feltham consumed 5,000 calories a day over a 3-week period, following a high-fat, low-carb diet. He barely gained weight. (He works out, but he's no Dean Karnazes.)

@ SeoReborn - I'm guessing you've already read it. :)

Here's a follow-up post...

Introduction: The 21 Day 5,000 Calorie CARB Challenge | Smash The Fat Fitness & Fat Loss Boot Camps
Here's a case study some of you might enjoy reading...

Why I Didn't Get Fat From Eating 5,000 Calories A Day Of A High Fat Diet | Smash The Fat Fitness & Fat Loss Boot Camps

In a nutshell, Feltham consumed 5,000 calories a day over a 3-week period, following a high-fat, low-carb diet. He barely gained weight. (He works out, but he's no Dean Karnazes.)

@ SeoReborn - I'm guessing you've already read it. :)

Here's a follow-up post...

Introduction: The 21 Day 5,000 Calorie CARB Challenge | Smash The Fat Fitness & Fat Loss Boot Camps

I read about that before, but the page you linked contains more detail. What's interesting about that self experiment is that even with the excessive food he was consuming on a low carb high fat diet, his waist actually got smaller.

Low carbohydrate diets are a viable option in reversing diabetes mellitus, heart disease, and the epidemic of obesity

This review examined and compared the safety and the effectiveness of a low carbohydrate diet as an alternative to a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet, which is the current standard for weight loss and/or chronic disease prevention.

The review found:
(a) In short-term and long-term comparison studies, low carbohydrate diets performed as well as or better than comparable low fat diets with regard to weight loss, cholesterol levels, glucose and insulin response, blood pressure, and other important cardiovascular risk markers in both normal subjects and those with metabolic and other health-related disorders.
(b) The metabolic, hormonal, and appetite signaling effects of carbohydrate reduction suggest an underlying scientific basis for considering it as an alternative approach to the low fat, high-carbohydrate recommendations in addressing overweight/obesity and chronic disease.

Hite concludes: It is time to embrace low carbohydrate diets diets as a viable option to aid in reversing diabetes mellitus, risk factors for heart disease, and the epidemic of obesity.


ust look at these 23 studies of low carb high fat vs high carb low fat diets. Low carb high fat triumphs over high carb low fat everytime in both weight loss and better health markers.

23 Studies on Low-Carb and Low-Fat Diets - Time to Retire The Fad
Thanks for sharing, hellova interesting, confirmed a few suspicions.


I cut out all sugars in my diet thanks after viewing this thread and some continued research.

Felt quite shitty for a few days but by Day 7 I was over the hump. Now on day 11 I have a tiny appetite and little carving for sugary foods. Although I had worries of "brain fog," I'm glad to say that my productivity and attention span have increased if anything. The only problem I've noticed is that Gym performance goes down a wee bit, but I'm happy to live with that.

Thanks for for posting this thread, I owe you one.
Lost 15 pounds after reading "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes.

Yeah, eat lots of meat and green vegetables and avoid sugar like the plague. Also avoid eating bread.

I eat as much damn eggs and bacon in the morning as I want.