That is the way to go - $0.5 Billion seized!

Fascist idiots.

Interesting comment. Yesterday I watched the movie American Gangster. Apparently it's based on a true story about a black drug dealer called Frank Lucas. He was supplying the best heroin at half the market rate and doing incredibly well financially. But success draws haters and he made a couple of mistakes and the house of cards came tumbling down.

I admired this character because of his approach but then I thought about the misery left in his wake: death, crime, untold unhappiness, orphans.

In the UK approximately 40% of crime is drug related. I had my house turned-over while I was on holiday by a drug addict. It wasn't pleasant.

I would be interested therefore to hear why you think the police in the above story are fascist idiots.
Interesting comment. Yesterday I watched the movie American Gangster. Apparently it's based on a true story about a black drug dealer called Frank Lucas. He was supplying the best heroin at half the market rate and doing incredibly well financially. But success draws haters and he made a couple of mistakes and the house of cards came tumbling down.

I admired this character because of his approach but then I thought about the misery left in his wake: death, crime, untold unhappiness, orphans.

In the UK approximately 40% of crime is drug related. I had my house turned-over while I was on holiday by a drug addict. It wasn't pleasant.

I would be interested therefore to hear why you think the police in the above story are fascist idiots.
Remove the fascist idiots from the equations and you get legitimate entrepreneurs instead of violent criminals. You get people openly seeking treatment instead of robbing homes to fund their next fix. You remove a large portion of the financial incentives that get criminals involved in the first place.

I'm too lazy to explain, but I'm sure guerilla is already working on a more elaborate response.
Interesting comment. Yesterday I watched the movie American Gangster. Apparently it's based on a true story about a black drug dealer called Frank Lucas. He was supplying the best heroin at half the market rate and doing incredibly well financially. But success draws haters and he made a couple of mistakes and the house of cards came tumbling down.

I admired this character because of his approach but then I thought about the misery left in his wake: death, crime, untold unhappiness, orphans.

In the UK approximately 40% of crime is drug related. I had my house turned-over while I was on holiday by a drug addict. It wasn't pleasant.

I would be interested therefore to hear why you think the police in the above story are fascist idiots.

So fascist idiots make drugs illegal, thereby causing the crime, and then they are heroes for fighting against the very crime they create by making something illegal that, when responsibly used, has no negative effect on others?

I realize the drug addict breaking into your house might still happen with legal drugs, but the vast majority of crime would go away.
I would be interested therefore to hear why you think the police in the above story are fascist idiots.
Prohibition has never worked, has always created black markets, violence and misery.

Why is drug prohibition any different?
the majority of drugs are there in US - sold by terrorists ,dangerous criminals and america's most wanted persons like dawood ibrahim.It is impossible to catch them just like osama.the drug origin comes from arab and african countries
Interesting comment. Yesterday I watched the movie American Gangster. Apparently it's based on a true story about a black drug dealer called Frank Lucas. He was supplying the best heroin at half the market rate and doing incredibly well financially. But success draws haters and he made a couple of mistakes and the house of cards came tumbling down.

I admired this character because of his approach but then I thought about the misery left in his wake: death, crime, untold unhappiness, orphans.

In the UK approximately 40% of crime is drug related. I had my house turned-over while I was on holiday by a drug addict. It wasn't pleasant.

I would be interested therefore to hear why you think the police in the above story are fascist idiots.

Your house wouldn't have been ransacked by a drug addict if drugs were legal. They'd be able to get their fix without robbing places / would have rehabilitation rather than face prosecution etc. Most drug related crime comes from the operation of the black market.

I don't understand why drugs are illegal. We have an epic case study proving it's effectiveness that was done decades ago - the prohibition of alcohol.
Prohibition has never worked, has always created black markets, violence and misery.

Not true, not true. When alcohol was banned long ago, people simply stopped drinking. It was as if demand dried up completely overnight. There was no black market. Nor was there even a modicum of violence and misery.

It was a great success for the state.
Who's going to buy alcohol and cigarettes if better drugs can compete? It's not about public safety, it's about controlling the market.


You educate instead of criminalising it.

Cigarettes are perhaps one of the worst drugs out there, every cigarette you smoke takes an average of 11 minutes off your life. If you smoke 50 a day, that's a day off your life every 2 and a bit days. Now why the fuck is that better than taking MDMA?


Alcohol is also much worse than most illegal drugs.


Heck, only several other drugs are more addictive than it.

People aren't going to suddenly start injecting heroin overnight.

Ten Years After Decriminalization, Drug Abuse Down by Half in Portugal - Forbes
^ yeah, was kind of my point. I was getting at the fact that cigarette and alcohol companies (along with pharmaceutical companies) spend mega bucks lobbying to keep drug laws intact, because criminal drug policy helps control the market and increase their profits.
^ yeah, was kind of my point. I was getting at the fact that cigarette and alcohol companies (along with pharmaceutical companies) spend mega bucks lobbying to keep drug laws intact, because they help control the market and increase their profits.

Ah my bad, totally misinterpreted what you said.

They don't have as much power these days, the government (especially over here in the UK) has done a hell of a lot to stop the promotion of alcohol/smoking recently - the smoking ban inside in public places, for example. The main thing against it is public opinion, due to generations of people being brainwashed into a generic "illegal drugs are bad and people that take them should be in prison" attitude - whilst they rather hypocritically get shit faced on alcohol.
My god, the state helping drug addicts! on the taxpayers dollar! Guerilla won't be happy about this one.
I am not happy about it. Before the state got into the welfare game, the private sector handled this sort of thing, and will eventually again.
the majority of drugs are there in US - sold by terrorists ,dangerous criminals and america's most wanted persons like dawood ibrahim.It is impossible to catch them just like osama.the drug origin comes from arab and african countries

You had better do your "seo working"