Thanks WF - So Happy I found You


New member
Feb 19, 2011
I am relatively new to seo (internet marketing) (1 year) having gotten into it when I launched my general contracting company. I frequently visit this forum for knowledge, but I think its time I start contributing. Although I still have a lot to learn, I hope that starting threads like this will allow me to contribute while gaining valuable knowledge from experts on this forum.

My marketing strategy is pretty simple, niche urls while building content. Most will probably laugh at the statement. But let me break it down.

I have all the following domains pointing to my money site

Money site = "city"

Because I have been able to target most of the niches in my industry, I have been able to saturate all search results with my domains on the first page. We receive about 2-3 leads a day, and in construction that's huge. Remember that these are 2-3 people wanting to spend 10k-250k so one of them could be a big project. Our marketing strategy have given us the ability to start a million dollar company (revenue) in a new city with no established network in months. We did a million in sales in 10 months, remember that this is a brick and mortar business, so its not as easy as selling something online.

My group owns "city+construction keyword" domains for all across Canada example, ect, but have not really found a way to monetize it. We own about 200 or so domains for Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg.

I am interested to talk to anyone who sees value in what we are doing or has questions or comments. I am also willing to put my sites to any tests, not looking for free services, just looking to gain more knowledge really.

Shout out to my main guys who have provided me with amazing service, and with a life time of valuable knowledge of online marketing. Bluesteele and Montye. If you guys want results, talk to them.
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I am relatively new to seo (internet marketing) (1 year) having gotten into it when I launched my general contracting company. I frequently visit this forum for knowledge, but I think its time I start contributing. Although I still have a lot to learn, I hope that starting threads like this will allow me to contribute while gaining valuable knowledge from experts on this forum.

My marketing strategy is pretty simple, niche urls while building content. Most will probably laugh at the statement. But let me break it down.

I have all the following domains pointing to my money site

Money site = "city"

Because I have been able to target most of the niches in my industry, I have been able to saturate all search results with my domains on the first page. We receive about 2-3 leads a day, and in construction that's huge. Remember that these are 2-3 people wanting to spend 10k-250k so one of them could be a big project. Our marketing strategy have given us the ability to start a million dollar company (revenue) in a new city with no established network in months. We did a million in sales in 10 months, remember that this is a brick and mortar business, so its not as easy as selling something online.

My group owns "city+construction keyword" domains for all across Canada example, ect, but have not really found a way to monetize it. We own about 200 or so domains for Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg.

I am interested to talk to anyone who sees value in what we are doing or has questions or comments. I am also willing to put my sites to any tests, not looking for free services, just looking to gain more knowledge really.

Shout out to my main guys who have provided me with amazing service, and with a life time of valuable knowledge of online marketing. Bluesteele and Montye. If you guys want results, talk to them.

The construction niche is fairly soft, you can probably make some good progress with minimal SEO experience.

A little over 10 years ago I started SEO with my first job and I ranked top 5 on Google for:

  • cabinets
  • custom cabinets
  • wall units
  • custom wall units
  • kitchen cabinets

It wasn't too hard. Needless to say about a year ago I slipped in ranking to bottom of page 1 and page two. Then when they did the recent "ads above the fold" algo update, that put the nail in the coffin. And since the site is static HTML I don't have the time to go pull the ads from the top of the site and it only made $400 or so a month anyway so it's not even worth my time to fuck with because that is the only site that I was making money with adsense. Now that it's gone, I have no adsense revenue. Fuck adsense anyway.

Just read and read and read about SEO. And when you think you've read enough, read some more. Read white hat, read black hat, read everything. Then start testing shit and see what works and what doesn't work. It's not hard to SEO, just takes time and patience.

Good luck bros.

I am relatively new to seo (internet marketing) (1 year) having gotten into it when I launched my general contracting company. I frequently visit this forum for knowledge, but I think its time I start contributing. Although I still have a lot to learn, I hope that starting threads like this will allow me to contribute while gaining valuable knowledge from experts on this forum.

My marketing strategy is pretty simple, niche urls while building content. Most will probably laugh at the statement. But let me break it down.

I have all the following domains pointing to my money site

Money site = "city"

Because I have been able to target most of the niches in my industry, I have been able to saturate all search results with my domains on the first page. We receive about 2-3 leads a day, and in construction that's huge. Remember that these are 2-3 people wanting to spend 10k-250k so one of them could be a big project. Our marketing strategy have given us the ability to start a million dollar company (revenue) in a new city with no established network in months. We did a million in sales in 10 months, remember that this is a brick and mortar business, so its not as easy as selling something online.

My group owns "city+construction keyword" domains for all across Canada example, ect, but have not really found a way to monetize it. We own about 200 or so domains for Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg.

I am interested to talk to anyone who sees value in what we are doing or has questions or comments. I am also willing to put my sites to any tests, not looking for free services, just looking to gain more knowledge really.

Shout out to my main guys who have provided me with amazing service, and with a life time of valuable knowledge of online marketing. Bluesteele and Montye. If you guys want results, talk to them.

Personally, and I think I speak for many WF members; I don't give a fuck about you and your just walked in the door ass. I care even less about your websites and your fucking GC business.

Pay your fucking dues and post up some tits in this here thread or GTFO. Contribute that bitch.
Random question, did you get a random skype call from a guy that was acting like a dick asking if you charged $800 a month to accept the leads per city like.. 7-10 days ago?

If so, I really apologize for helping them find your phone number in the skype room :x

And if not, hey! Welcome to WF! :)
Personally, and I think I speak for many WF members; I don't give a fuck about you and your just walked in the door ass. I care even less about your websites and your fucking GC business.

Pay your fucking dues and post up some tits in this here thread or GTFO. Contribute that bitch.

Oh right, what was I thinking! Where did my manners go?



A proper WF welcome.
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Dude exactly, remember the days when you ended your user name, umm, differently? Shit you were almost banned for that and you fucking know stuff!
Personally, and I think I speak for many WF members; I don't give a fuck about you and your just walked in the door ass. I care even less about your websites and your fucking GC business.

Pay your fucking dues and post up some tits in this here thread or GTFO. Contribute that bitch.

that wonderful WF spirit! this gets me coming back for more every morning, its a great place to be (and the tits/ass rock as well)
I think I stumbled across your site before. I was checking back link profiles to a bunch of contractor sites and holy jesus did this site have about 100 .com's like kitch, batch, electrical, plumbing,

I was like, wtf is this ass hole on crack?

I also am a contractor and good luck to anyone who makes their phone ring in this economy.
My group owns "city+construction keyword" domains for all across Canada example, ect, but have not really found a way to monetize it. We own about 200 or so domains for Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg.

Sell the leads. You're in a unique position to know the value of the leads so selling them shouldn't be a problem. If you don't want to sell them yourself get a sales guy to sell them on commission. That'll be $67 plz.