Thank you to all the girls that like to take photos of themselves

Nice :D


This one gets a +1 for original thinking, standing on the mirror not in front of it.

Wow, they've started doing this in Groups now... I understand why one girl does it to send to a BF or something but pairs of girls doing it? WTF is the motive?

To send to me.

Whay the fuck are people psycho analysing this girls? just enjoy and fap if you need to.

Good stuff

Usually, whenever pictures of hot chicks are posted on the internet and comments are allowed, you will find guys who are frustrated so badly by how unattainable they perceive the girls to be that they lash out with some sort of retarded rationalization.
Speaking hypothetically, it depends on your definition of "have"...

If you can afford airfare and $1000+, you could get a super hottie for at least a weekend in some countries. Much longer in countries where minimum wage is $5 per day. As far as that goes, $1000+ can get you a hottie for at least a couple hours most anywhere. :)

And with sufficient income, you could get one long term too (gf or wife) - bartering your (relative) wealth for their youth and looks.. millionaire: you can get it everywhere. Steady 1st world level income: can still get one in many countries.

Just depends on how bad a person wants it. :)

Orrrrr, you could stop wearing jean shorts and get some confidence and game and snag one with 0 dollhairs.
Call me.. whatever you want to call me, but most of those girls are butterfaces - I can't feel what all the fuss is about.

Oh and inb4