Tesla crushed earnings // +$38k payday for me?

I don't mean to be a dick and certainly don't mean any disrespect, but honestly, haven't your last two trading threads been like 25k in losses combined? you had that other oil or something like that deal go south for like 20K and now this what like 5-6K?

Who are you paying these losses to? aren't you becoming like the type of fish hedge funds take hard earned money from?


Looks like another PBR aka... another Pretty Bad Read

I came here to celebrate then I saw someone tagged "ban suddenly ass." Now I'm furious. Please come forward, coward.
Not sure why he's getting the heat. I mean if you really believed that he had a successful trading "system" or "formula" and fell for it (by replicating his trades) then you either think losing some is part of the game, or that he got unlucky; but in either case - you deserve what you get.

Don't forget that 99.99% of traders fail to make money. A lot of them lose their shirts. The worst thing about trading is the illusion that you've got it all figured out. The only ones who get rich are the brokers, market makers, etc who count on a steady supply on mGrunins to enrich them with trading commissions, service fees and margin interest.

The US stock market has been on a steady rise since the 2009 bottom and along with it has propelled nearly every stock there is. It's not hard to make money with a "momentum" strategy when hot stocks like facebook, tesla, netflix, etc go up 100-1000%. Try doing it in a flat or a bear market when everyone's scared shitless.

The only way slow (but sure) way to building true, long-lasting riches is to invest in productive companies companies with excellent economics and hold them long-term. This isn't quick or easy by any means - it takes a long time to build a knowledge about a specific sector/company and one must be patient to wait for an opportunity to occur, but it's very rewarding in the long run.

BTW this isn't to critique mGrunin in any way. Everyone hits maturity at difference points in life and for all we know, mGrunin might just be the 0.01% of traders that consistently make a killing year in and year out. I just hope he doesn't bet his hard-earned money/life-savings into options trading and only bets what he can afford to lose.
kid posts his P/L on instagram and stocktwits, but never when any losses. uh

though tsla earnigns a month ago that was opex week and you shouldve been able to notice likelihood of the pin based on OI and other factors. poor form
I wanted to necro this thread for four! reasons:

1) He shorted a condor and managed to ratio it for maximum fuckage. Literally, 209.99 was worst-case and he had a greater chance of winning the powerball than to see a worst close for TSLA (hyperbole).

2) You can replicate this ownage for 1/3 the comms by simply going wider on the verticals (10-wide). Massive commission savings. Nobody would go 2.5 wide. It's full-retard.

3) He would've made $25K if he'd simply gone narrow on the condor, or a fly.

4!) I want the Feds and plaintiff's attorneys to never, ever forget that Martin Grunin is still trading FB monies in his thinkorswim account.
I wanted to necro this thread for four! reasons:

1) He shorted a condor and managed to ratio it for maximum fuckage. Literally, 209.99 was worst-case and he had a greater chance of winning the powerball than to see a worst close for TSLA (hyperbole).

2) You can replicate this ownage for 1/3 the comms by simply going wider on the verticals (10-wide). Massive commission savings. Nobody would go 2.5 wide. It's full-retard.

3) He would've made $25K if he'd simply gone narrow on the condor, or a fly.

4!) I want the Feds and plaintiff's attorneys to never, ever forget that Martin Grunin is still trading FB monies in his thinkorswim account.

I have no idea what this means, but I liked it because you said "narrow on the condor".