Tabnabbing: A New Type of Phishing Attack

I got to thinking about how this could be used in AM. Though, it's pretty sure to get you arrested any way you go.

  1. Visitor hits your LP
  2. Visitor wants to leave
  3. They click the back button
  4. Your script grabs their previous page's code from their cache
  5. You load that up on top of your lander
  6. They click a link
  7. You have script not visit it and instead try to load a large file or something to make the page take forever to go
  8. Visitor visits another tab while waiting
  9. You load up some page like Gmail in that demonstration
  10. They input their data
  11. You again make it take forever to load the page
  12. They visit another tab while waiting
  13. You direct them to the actual page they were trying to visit originally in step 3
  14. Later, you start sending their E-mail offers until they buy something because ya'll aren't out to steal their personal info by storing their password

That's not very creative. move beyond just jacking their email and think how this can be made to look whitehat. i'd love to spill the beans but fuck that.

This is completely evil. Its perfect to get easy optins but im not sure how effective that would be
Since i dont know .js, i will paypal someone a whole 5 bucks if you can insert notes on the source code so that I will be able to modify it.
private me