Syrian citizens butchered by their own army

So now that they have a way to get back at Syria with the help of NATO, that shields them personally from the Arab retaliation. Their endgame is to get a friendlier regime in Syria so overall Iran will be weaker when it and NATO attack it.

Why fight all the Arabs everywhere when you only really want to take out Iran, who really isn't even arab to begin with?

You're right about the fact that if Israel goes into an Arab country it will probably cause an all out Arab-Israeli war, this is why they did not respond to missile attacks back in the first gulf war, however (still) they really do not have a motive to make Syria bleed, and even more so make the minority bleed - if at all Israel would target the ruling tribe because it holds practically everything (army and the little finance Syria has).

Iran and Syria do attack Israel but do that via their proxy in Lebanon (Hizballa) and have fun doing so, however now much of that force is in Syria fighting the uprising and the country is torn apart as it is - I see no reason for Israel to do anything, I also doubt they enjoy watching how Assad's people massacre non combatants every day for weeks.

Of course Israel fears Iran, with years of warmongering it has a solid base for worries, however this current dance does not need to end in war, because Israel is not a prime target for the Iranians, the Saudis are - and they are the ones making sure that there is a lot of noise on the Iran topic.
I was trying to point out this news in a similar way to Shaz07 post

However I must admit that right after posting it I thought it ill mannered from my part to refer to this (tragic) topic as half joke, as well as mock Shaz07 thread (which also did not really get into the tragic topic but the question "who is a terrorist?"), Shaz07 thread, even if not directed at (what i think is) the right subject of then news, was a good post, and I did not need to copy the opening from him.

I think everyone sees our topics as tragic, my intention wasn't to start that topic to raise hell and have everyone be on the defense. I read things here and there in WF and was surprised that the post I made wasn't posted because I think it's an important and very tragic event that took place. Normally our members are very up to date that they beat me to the punch.

I did want to know the response of WF members to my question because a lot of the people around me feel that when it's an American committing a crime such as the Afghan one, they are not labeled a Terrorist. I thought this would be the best place to post it since everyone has such unique and different views. I don't know why anyone would get offended at my question or the other questions I asked. The topic was also started to discuss the situation that happened and get everyone's thoughts. The thread has started some good discussion that I have learned from already, although some posts in there are useless and I don't understand why anyone posts things that are insulting to someones religion, faith, country, etc. Especially when people are having an intellectual discussion and both sides are contributing important findings/thoughts. I'm sure I could have worded things and explained myself a little better though, so I'll definitely keep that in mind next time.

It would be nice to have a political/current event thread that isn't full of personal attacks, and just full of informative posts that get people thinking. This forum is one of the more political savvy and intellectual forums I'm apart of and many people here have interesting views.

I don't care if you mocked me or not, I "liked" your post as soon as I saw it because I didn't know that it happened and I wanted to hear what other members thought. I literally do not take anything to heart, so great job of this post and I hope there are more to come that inform us about other big events around the world :drinkup:
The thread has started some good discussion that I have learned from already, although some posts in there are useless and I don't understand why anyone posts things that are insulting to someones religion, faith, country, etc. Especially when people are having an intellectual discussion and both sides are contributing important findings/thoughts. I'm sure I could have worded things and explained myself a little better though, so I'll definitely keep that in mind next time.

It would be nice to have a political/current event thread that isn't full of personal attacks, and just full of informative posts that get people thinking. This forum is one of the more political savvy and intellectual forums I'm apart of and many people here have interesting views.

I don't care if you mocked me or not, I "liked" your post as soon as I saw it because I didn't know that it happened and I wanted to hear what other members thought. I literally do not take anything to heart, so great job of this post and I hope there are more to come that inform us about other big events around the world :drinkup:

First - if it seemed like I was mocking your thread I apologize.

In any discussion you better get ready to be offended (not on a personal basis), you stand an even bigger chance of that if you are a Muslim (because, for example, it is stated that Mohammed engaged in sexual relations with an 8 year old which makes him a pedophile). You have the right to be offended just as much anyone else has the right to express his opinion.

As for the "terrorist" question, it is not by the act of one insane person, as disgusting as it may be, that you can brand a whole army (or nation) "terrorists" - especially when 99% of the people of that nation (as of other nations) condemn this action in every way. However when a real terrorist goes out for his holy mission of murdering kids and babies, a plan that was planned for months, he is praised by many and dubbed a martyr.
First - if it seemed like I was mocking your thread I apologize.

In any discussion you better get ready to be offended (not on a personal basis), you stand an even bigger chance of that if you are a Muslim (because, for example, it is stated that Mohammed engaged in sexual relations with an 8 year old which makes him a pedophile). You have the right to be offended just as much anyone else has the right to express his opinion.

As for the "terrorist" question, it is not by the act of one insane person, as disgusting as it may be, that you can brand a whole army (or nation) "terrorists" - especially when 99% of the people of that nation (as of other nations) condemn this action in every way. However when a real terrorist goes out for his holy mission of murdering kids and babies, a plan that was planned for months, he is praised by many and dubbed a martyr.

No problem, thank you.

I know I'll get offended by some of the responses, but I try to keep in mind that many people are misinformed and are swayed by the media, which is why I hold back any anger or judgement on my part. I think having a better understanding of the religion helps in understanding the history and certain things that happened. Now I have learned a lot about Islam, but I am far from being an expert on it, which is why I hold back from saying anything because I don't want to say something that I am not a 100% sure about. I don't want to sway anyone if my information is not 100% accurate. As I get the time to research more I will make sure to try and back any claims I make in the future. There is a lot of background information that goes into the history of Islam and the teachings in the Quran, and unless you know that background information you will have a very strong bias against it. I'm not saying you are right or wrong, I just think your comments are misinformed or misinterpreted, which I hope you don't take as an attack because I'm also misinformed as well and so are many others.

As for the martyr comment, unless you are in the country and can understand the people, I don't think you will understand where they are coming from, as as they don't understand where we come from. I don't think that the people from these countries want innocent people to die regardless of their country or race, I don't think they praise someone who kills innocent people. What I do think is that they are also misinformed about the US and the world (education isn't as great in those countries obviously), that they want the US to stop forcing themselves into their countries (which is why a few might be happy with terrorist attacks on the US occur - which I am not justifying or saying it's right on their part to feel this way), and that the people you see on TV acting up and raising signs do not represent the entire views of the population.

I regret that I can't counter your claims as of this moment although I do have some thoughts in my head about them from what I have learned in the past. Once I get some time I will research more and try to present a good counter argument. I'm not trying to sway your views or anything, but it's always good to know both sides and agree to disagree instead of insulting each other.

Off to SXSW to showcase though so I probably will forget about this until next week.