Syrian citizens butchered by their own army

I saw a video of them open up on protestors with a Shilka.

If you don't know what a Shilka is , it's 4 23mm anti aircraft cannons mounted on a tank chassis. Each cannon is capable of 1000 rounds per minute and each would go through the engine of car like it wasn't there.
How to Read Corporate News - A Practical Example

Step 1: Interpreting

A massacre has claimed the lives of dozens of civilians in the central Syrian city of Homs, the Syrian government and opposition activists said Monday.
Super important, very, very well selected words and order. This is the crux of the whole piece. Key phrases in order: massacre, claimed, lives, civilians, Syrian government, opposition activists.

Sets the tone for what I'm supposed to remember reading the piece, and it doesn't really matter what the story actually says. As long as the rest of it keeps the spin going it will serve its intended purpose.

Each side blamed the other for the latest episode of carnage from the beleaguered town.
Probably means nato intelligence did it. If the assad regime did it they wouldn't readily confirm and publicize it and if nato did it they certainly would blame assad for their crimes. And there's also that little fact that nato is publicly trying to overthrow assad at the moment.

Opposition advocates said security services killed as many as 53 people, all but six of them women and children.
Security forces.. is that a misleading name for the Syrian Army? In any case last time I checked the assad government wasn't too well known for randomly killing women and children. And the nato backed death squads run by belhadj definitely do kill women and children.

Dissident groups said most of the dead were from the Homs neighborhood of Karm al-Zeitoun,
Oh ok your source is the dissident groups. As in nato intelligence and the nato backed death squads who have been sniping people randomly from the rooftops in homs for like six months.

a frequent site of clashes between security forces and armed rebels seeking to overthrow the government of President Bashar Assad.
Right. Armed rebels firing US and Isaeli weapons trying to create carnage for you press whores to spin.

The official Syrian Arab News Agency in turn reported that “terrorist armed groups” in Homs had kidnapped and killed “scores of civilians,” mutilated their bodies and filmed them in a bid to circulate the images worldwide and discredit the government.
yeah that sounds about right. so basically you're starting this story with your nato death squad sources reporting whatever darth vader wants to go out on the wires, then you drop this nugget that the official statement of the very government that nato is actively trying to overthrow is that they are being framed by terrorists. And I'm guessing you won't mention this again.

And what you didn't report is that the syrian press has repeatedly said they are 'foreign terrorists', not just terrorists. Nevermind that though, small detail.

Gruesome images purporting to show the victims lying in a blood-drenched room were published on the Internet and aired on Syrian state television. Syrian TV also aired video of apparent execution victims lying face-down on the rubble-strewn streets of Homs, all with their hands tied behind their backs.
Now why would state television televise their own killings all over the place if they were the ones running around blasting their own people? hmm.

Opposition activists have alleged that government troops and paramilitary units have regularly committed revenge killings in Homs, a center of the rebellion against Assad.
Revenge.. against nato backed death squads running around randomly sniping people? I think that would be called 'doing their job'.

The government has blamed “terrorists” for killings in Homs and elsewhere in Syria during the almost year-long rebellion, which has left at least 7,500 dead, according to the United Nations.
OK that's the second time you've put terrorists in quotes. And from what I know of you press whores that's probably a senior editor, not the journalist, and it's generally a signal that you're lying to me, usually a lie of omission. And in this case I'm thinking the correct phrase would be 'cia sponsored terrorists'.

The official news agency quoted several Homs residents identifying the latest dead as persons who had been kidnapped, in one case more than three months ago. Syrian television aired what it presented as interviews with Homs residents complaining that “armed groups” had terrorized their neighborhoods for months before being driven out by Syrian security forces.
Well you did indeed bring it up again. So basically what you're saying is that the people who actually live in Homs and have experienced all this first hand are telling you exactly what I was thinking above. But don't listen to them. They only live there. Listen to nato intelligence. They know best.

Both sides in the conflict have been kidnapping civilians, often holding victims hostage to exchange them for prisoners held by opposing forces, human rights groups say.
Well if that's true then it's no good on either side. But at least if assad's nabbing people it's because he's trying to get rid of nato terrorists, not just ransom people for money or drugs like the death squads.

oh and who are these human rights groups? maybe you'll tell me. i doubt it though.

Word Monday of the latest massacre comes a day after a special peace envoy, former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, left Damascus without securing a cease-fire or entry for humanitarian aid. Annan nonetheless said he was “optimistic” some progress had been made in a bid to end the violence.
Kofi Annan should be contemplating the rest of his shortass life in a cell in Nuremberg. Fuck Kofi Annan.

U.N. Security Council members were scheduled to meet Monday in New York to discuss the Arab revolts of the past year, with a likely focus on Syria.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov were expected to be at the U.N. session. Russia and China last month vetoed a U.S.-backed Security Council resolution that called on Assad to relinquish power. Russia is backing a new peace initiative that rules out foreign intervention in Syria and does not require that Assad cede power.
And now that Putin's back they'll likely succeed.

Step 2: Regurgitating

Nato backed death squads are killing people in Homs, and this article pretty much admits that minus the nato/westen intelligence bit. But it leads with scary language and doesn't come right out and say what it's really saying, so 90+% of people including the unfortunate OP read it and think that the Syrian government is running around mindlessly slaughtering its own people. This is great, because it will help the war effort and drum up support for further destabilization and soft war until the big bang pops off.

And most likely nato's losing their grip on the syria destabilization and they may be having a hard time keeping their terrorism up if they're writing pieces like this and pumping them all over the wires. Which may mean they'll try a different approach soon, like a false flag event or propaganda from a different angle. And they might be rushed on this now that Putin's back and the friends of syria conference was a flop.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming
^^^ so IT IS American soldiers killing Syrian civilians!

Of course the west is highly interested in Syria (because it got no oil, no natural resources, no highly educated people, no real economy) and that is why so many plots and political games are focused around this country.

Or maybe its just because Iran supports the Assad regime (who is Shi'a like Iran, compared to the vast majority of the population of Syria that is Soni Arab).

Either way, they be dead, so why care.
But it leads with scary language and doesn't come right out and say what it's really saying, so 90+% of people including the unfortunate OP read it and think that the Syrian government is running around mindlessly slaughtering its own people.

Same old song and dance. Instigate/fake some protesting, shoot the motherfuckers, blame the government. ezpz.
^^^ so IT IS American soldiers killing Syrian civilians!

Of course the west is highly interested in Syria (because it got no oil, no natural resources, no highly educated people, no real economy) and that is why so many plots and political games are focused around this country.

Or maybe its just because Iran supports the Assad regime (who is Shi'a like Iran, compared to the vast majority of the population of Syria that is Soni Arab).

Either way, they be dead, so why care.

Looking at it rationally, Syria is a very important piece of the middle east strategy. It's a big, relatively prosperous country who is also a staunch opponent of Israel and has close ties to Iran. In the case of an Israeli attakt on Iran you don't want Syria launching an all out attack on Israel. This is all about the Neocon plan for taking over the middle east. It was all outlined by PNAC in the late 90s. I remember reading about it online back then on their own crude website. Funny how things came around just like they wanted. You know, PNAC was the people with the unfortunate quote 'the need for a new Pearl Harbor' and the people from PNAC all became Bush admin.
Come on, Syria is worthless to anyone, if it was someone would have stopped the killing (that has been going on for months now, with thousands dead), just like they did with Egypt.

The unrest in this country goes back 20-30 years, mainly because Syria (like many other Arab countries) is ruled by a minority (in this case Alawite) who oppresses the majority, Assad's father butchered many in uprisings in the past, and back then even the murderers were honest enough to take responsibility on their actions (not like now where everything is somehow blamed on the west in one form or another).
Syria is in no way useless to the strategic goals of Israel. That has to be apparent. They want to go to war with Iran and Syria is an ally of Iran.
But Israel has no interest in taking over Syria, it had a couple of opportunities to do that in the past and did not take them. I see it the other way around, Iran is an ally of Syria (as part of the Iranian expansion in the middle east - see Lebanon) and uses this country as a proxy to attack Israel (current and future).
^Jeez you're blind. Your own sentences there give you all know need to know: had a couple of opportunities to do that in the past and did not take them...

If you understand that doing so would have caused an all-arab-war against Israel immediately, you can see how they didn't really have opportunities to take Syria. Those would have been suicide.

Iran is an ally of Syria (as part of the Iranian expansion in the middle east - see Lebanon) and uses this country as a proxy to attack Israel (current and future).

This part reminds you that Syria is giving Israel all the reason in the world to want to kick it's ass. You just stated motive here, as if a motive wasn't already obvious.

Given the former statement, the latter statement would seem to mean that Israel has been stuck up shit creek without a paddle for a while now... Until NATO had a reason to stick it's foot in the game. reported a month or so back that the army of mercenaries left over from Libya all went to Syria about the time the big conflicts started happening. They had testimony and videos of caravans, the whole works.

Hmm. Can you think of any reason that mercs would find a job in Syria at that time? Can you think of any large, multinational organizations who might want to hire them so that they can start up shit with Syria that relieves Israel of their shit creek problem?

We've got the bodies, we've established motive, opportunity, and discredited the alibi. What else do you need man? It's plain as day. Your planet is wholly evil and sucks shit; get used to it.
lukep - some of your notes i do agree with, however -

i did not state a motive rather lack of it - Israel had been on the road to Damascus in 2 wars, the road was wide open and Israel did not go forward to occupy Syria (but went into a cease fire and afterwards withdraw of its forces). Israel did keep the strategic part of Syria that the Syrians used to attack Israeli farmers from (close to the old boarder).

Syria, apart from its support for terror organizations, is giving Israel no reason to kick it or attack it, Syria did not have any direct conflict with Israel in the past year. Even more, some people think that Israel is actually supporting Assad right now because they fear ->

Libya - the outpour of weapons and warriors to Syria did happen - you are correct, but not in any sophisticated NATO plot, the Al-Queda forces who helped take Libya (with the kind help of the west, that does not care about a thing except the free flow of oil and gas to its countries) moved to Syria to get the Shi'a Assad out of the picture and establish a hold on a Soni majority country. Al-Queda and Iran are bitter enemies, and much of the activity of Al-Queda was direct against Iran.
A lot of postings on WF are starting to sound similar. I think I know why:

I'm really surprised no one has posted or talked about this in here yet. I wonder how fast it would have been posted if it was {American soldiers|NATO peacekeepers|US backed mercenaries|Kony|angry birds|} shooting {Syrian Civilians|Muslim clerics|black children|baby kittens}.
Libya - the outpour of weapons and warriors to Syria did happen - you are correct, but not in any sophisticated NATO plot, the Al-Queda forces who helped take Libya (with the kind help of the west, that does not care about a thing except the free flow of oil and gas to its countries) moved to Syria to get the Shi'a Assad out of the picture and establish a hold on a Soni majority country. Al-Queda and Iran are bitter enemies, and much of the activity of Al-Queda was direct against Iran.

The terrorists who helped take Libya aren't some unified religious group fighting for their own righteous cause. They don't care about Assad or the Shi'a as a whole. They don't really care about anything as a whole except maybe money drugs and combat. Sure some of them are religious nuts but it's not a banner they all raise together. al qaeda and the various western-sponsored middle east terrorist circles are more or less paid killers. Have been for a long time. They're made up of a random assortment of mercenaries, fanatics, dupes, double agents, druggies, misfits, etc. They're the dregs that the intelligence community can scrape together and compel to do their dirty work. They go wherever they're told to go and kill whomever they're told to kill.

You can't really recognize that the west publicly supported al qaeda in Libya and then think nato had nothing to do with them magically showing up in Syria. Anne Maria Slaughter has pretty much said this in so many words.
A lot of postings on WF are starting to sound similar. I think I know why:

I'm really surprised no one has posted or talked about this in here yet. I wonder how fast it would have been posted if it was {American soldiers|NATO peacekeepers|US backed mercenaries|Kony|angry birds|} shooting {Syrian Civilians|Muslim clerics|black children|baby kittens}.

I was trying to point out this news in a similar way to Shaz07 post

However I must admit that right after posting it I thought it ill mannered from my part to refer to this (tragic) topic as half joke, as well as mock Shaz07 thread (which also did not really get into the tragic topic but the question "who is a terrorist?"), Shaz07 thread, even if not directed at (what i think is) the right subject of then news, was a good post, and I did not need to copy the opening from him.
You can't really recognize that the west publicly supported al qaeda in Libya and then think nato had nothing to do with them magically showing up in Syria. Anne Maria Slaughter has pretty much said this in so many words.

Could be a mistake on my part to not make my opinion clear, I think that Europe (NATO) and the US just wanted to "solve" the Libya "problem" and get oil and gas pumping again, it was a fine example at how much the West (both Europe and the USA) will lower standards for money (it is all about the money). I think that if they could they would have resurrected dead Carthaginian warriors to take down Gaddafi, just to get the oil back on track.
i did not state a motive rather lack of it - Israel had been on the road to Damascus in 2 wars, the road was wide open and Israel did not go forward to occupy Syria (but went into a cease fire and afterwards withdraw of its forces).
Then let me state Motive for you:

Syria often facilitates Iran's attacks on Israel.

It only APPEARS that Israel is ok with this, but would you be? Should they be?

Hell no. They just get off the road to Damascus each time because they know that will lead to an all-out war with all arab states. They're not suicidal.

So now that they have a way to get back at Syria with the help of NATO, that shields them personally from the Arab retaliation. Their endgame is to get a friendlier regime in Syria so overall Iran will be weaker when it and NATO attack it.

Why fight all the Arabs everywhere when you only really want to take out Iran, who really isn't even arab to begin with?
The terrorists who helped take Libya aren't some unified religious group fighting for their own righteous cause. They don't care about Assad or the Shi'a as a whole. They don't really care about anything as a whole except maybe money drugs and combat. Sure some of them are religious nuts but it's not a banner they all raise together. al qaeda and the various western-sponsored middle east terrorist circles are more or less paid killers. Have been for a long time. They're made up of a random assortment of mercenaries, fanatics, dupes, double agents, druggies, misfits, etc. They're the dregs that the intelligence community can scrape together and compel to do their dirty work. They go wherever they're told to go and kill whomever they're told to kill.

You can't really recognize that the west publicly supported al qaeda in Libya and then think nato had nothing to do with them magically showing up in Syria. Anne Maria Slaughter has pretty much said this in so many words.

You better be careful putting shit like this on the interwebs - Obama might drone your ass.
