Swine Flu Shot is Not Safe To Take

I'm a serious skeptic and this shit just looks so damn fake. Sorry to all you who have a heart but I don't and she looks like she's seriously faking that shit. Why not just run everywhere since it seems to completely fix her, even her speech. Do your interviews on a treadmill?

I'm a serious skeptic and this shit just looks so damn fake. Sorry to all you who have a heart but I don't and she looks like she's seriously faking that shit. Why not just run everywhere since it seems to completely fix her, even her speech. Do your interviews on a treadmill?

Tell me you're not serious..
I'm a serious skeptic and this shit just looks so damn fake. Sorry to all you who have a heart but I don't and she looks like she's seriously faking that shit. Why not just run everywhere since it seems to completely fix her, even her speech. Do your interviews on a treadmill?

Ahh and yes all those Autistic kids must be incredible actors at an early age (there are those like yourself who believe stuff like autism/dystopia and other neurological issues etc is fake).
Best line:

Reporter: "And now you can talk!"

Her: "Yeah, it's weird, it fixes as soon as I start running"

Reporter: "I mean you sound, you sound.."

Her: "I know it's great isn't it!?"
now walk it out... ur soft bro.

nah trust me not soft at all... in fact im a bastard... but im not gonna make a sympathy post on WF but just know someone close to me is dying right now from complications from one of these stupid fucking flu shots... seriously stay away from them
nah trust me not soft at all... in fact im a bastard... but im not gonna make a sympathy post on WF but just know someone close to me is dying right now from complications from one of these stupid fucking flu shots... seriously stay away from them

If that's the case then I'm truly sorry bud.

Make your story known, it may help someone else.
but just know someone close to me is dying right now from complications from one of these stupid fucking flu shots... seriously stay away from them

I'm very sorry to hear this. Has the press been involved at all, they seem to be on the hunt for stories like this to scare the public, which may not be a bad thing.
Nah.. no media involved.. it's my grandfather actually.. he got pneumonia pretty bad (edit: 2 days after the shot) and they're blaming it on the flu shot... the bad part is that he only has one lung so he's in pretty bad shape right now.
It's just so fucking nuts today. If you think IM'ers spin a mean funnel, try the FDA.
We see how aggressive they are, online & off. Mass Manipulation at it's finest.
Sorry to hear all the sad stories, but the truth is - we're on our own. Don't listen to doctors, go organic, fuck GMO, your water sucks - learn about superfoods and going allergen free over time: then you and your family will have a chance.

Good luck all
You people who fell for this are the reason people are so retarded when it comes to vaccines...

News Break: The bitch faked it and is now magically "cured".