Subliminal Advertising - Guard Your Mind...

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The Advertised Mind - Erik Du Plesis... ftw

Powerful powerful stuff.

Emotion drives all human behaviour on the most basic to the most advanced level.

Anyone read it?

This better be good, it's more expensive than 3 other books in my basket combined :p

riddarhusetgal - I see Cialdini's got another one that came out last summer, adding that to my cart: Yes!: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive

adding it now....I really need to get off of the amazon wish list book crack tho'

these books betta help me make more monies online!! :p
Haha...since you're already on a buying spree here take a look at these also, both have been mentioned around here in threads a few times, I picked these up along with the Cialdini one and mediastar's recommendation, should have some good reading material for a while:

Blink: The Power Of Thinking Without Thinking
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
@ m0rtal - all this talk of neuroscience and commercial psychology. If I didn't know you guys better I would think someone was trying to seduce me!!!
You Have to see the Stanford Prison Experiment

Which reminds me. Have you guys heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment? If that doesn't show you how easily people's minds can be twisted through conformity principles, boredom, etc. I don't know what will!

I mean it's chilling. This is the kind of stuff the sheeple write off however as just academic mumbo jumbo that they have no clue affects them right down to the last micro-penny they spend.

To be honest, WE ALL are affected by it. I guess however if you are aware that it exists your mind will try to guard against it.

Definitely check out the Stanford Prison Experiment.
[ame=""]YouTube - Zimbardo's Prison Experiment[/ame]
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OMFG - you guys really need to check out the link Infinite Keith sent down. You can seriously take this and make some cash. I'm going to find out the "ringing bells" related to some offers that I run and work it in. Will report back.....
This info honestly shouldn't be discussed "in public" :p

Neurons gaming FTW!
That prisoner experiment rings a bell, I think it may have been covered in my cults or psychology class when I was in school. Damn that was an awesome class...actually a great way to see how some of these persuasion techniques are put to use when you break down the process of how some cults work to recruit new members and "brainwash" them.

Infinite Keith - thanks for the link, "How We Decide" should be another great read :)
OMFG - you guys really need to check out the link Infinite Keith sent down. You can seriously take this and make some cash. I'm going to find out the "ringing bells" related to some offers that I run and work it in. Will report back.....
This info honestly shouldn't be discussed "in public" :p

Neurons gaming FTW!

I'm glad to see you appreciate it, and yea, I thought the same about the potential to make monies.

Infinite Keith - thanks for the link, "How We Decide" should be another great read :)

Not a problem.
He is a magician, performing tricks, just check out his other countless videos online if you don't believe this bit. Taking this in to account, why do you believe anything he says in this performance? The entire thing is a piece of showmanship, a trick. He has used his own slant on the tricks he performs to get people talking about him, and guess what, it works, people do talk about it.

There are magic forums online where they talk about the techniques he uses, I looked in to this ages ago when this series was shown in the UK, as it is very entertaining and I wondered how it was done.

Also just think of the number of ways this trick could have gone wrong if it was done in the way he says.

It really is just a trick, don't worry about it, it's his job to misdirect and confuse people ;)

exactly. I've seen a number of his shows as well. This isn't a very convincing video at all.
Ridderhurstgal: When it comes to consumer psych, I'm a big fan of anything by Douglas Rushkoff, although I think you won't find his fiction as useful as his non-fiction... Although his fiction is entertaining. He's one of those amazingly rare academics that can actually write in an engaging way.

Josh Meywrowitz (sp?) also has some intersting stuff about the way that people interact with each other and with known brands in online environments, although probably out of date now.
I call bullshit on that video. Subliminal messages and advertising don't *magically* effect the subconscious. It's all superstition. Most of the time, subliminal messages (when seen) are not even noticed or remembered as significant at all, as the mind has a tendency to completely ignore unimportant details. There is no such thing as 'minuscule secret messages that get into your head and effect your behavior'. It's all complete crap.
I call bullshit on that video. Subliminal messages and advertising don't *magically* effect the subconscious. It's all superstition. Most of the time, subliminal messages (when seen) are not even noticed or remembered as significant at all, as the mind has a tendency to completely ignore unimportant details. There is no such thing as 'minuscule secret messages that get into your head and effect your behavior'. It's all complete crap.

Ok. I think that's why large corporations have spent millions of dollars on research projects both privately and at major American and European universities - because they like waste money. And they are silly to think the sheeple would actually believe any of this. AND the prefrontal cortex CAN process mass amounts of information that you are always aware of (sarcasm).

As I said - ok.....
Ok. I think that's why large corporations have spent millions of dollars on research projects both privately and at major American and European universities - because they like waste money.
Global warming is also fake and there have been loads of studies on it. Your point..? Not everything backed by mainstream scientists is sound.
And they are silly to think the sheeple would actually believe any of this.
If it's subconscious it's not about believing it.
AND the prefrontal cortex CAN process mass amounts of information that you are always aware of (sarcasm). As I said - ok.....
Sure your brain is like a powerful computer, and it's processing capabilities are huge.. but that doesn't mean it doesn't constantly filter out trivial details, because it does.
While we are at it. One of my favorite reads over the last few months has been: Jonah Lehrer: Passions Of The Brain

He was on NPR a few weeks ago, and it was pretty fascinating.

You can hear it here for free: Jonah Lehrer: Passions Of The Brain : NPR

I remember that from my psychology classes years ago. Pretty amazing how you fall into these rolls so easily.

Thanks a ton for that link ! Geek alert though: I checked out his blog The Frontal Cortex. Turns out he's a Columbia and Oxford (Rhodes Scholar) grad who basically writes about science in a manner that's very engaging in a pop science kind of way. I listened to it twice!

I also snorted a few lines of Wish List coke and will pick up his book! Amazon is way too addictive :p
I call bullshit on that video. Subliminal messages and advertising don't *magically* effect the subconscious. It's all superstition. Most of the time, subliminal messages (when seen) are not even noticed or remembered as significant at all, as the mind has a tendency to completely ignore unimportant details. There is no such thing as 'minuscule secret messages that get into your head and effect your behavior'. It's all complete crap.

Pretty much spot on. Does anyone believe Uri Geller when he says he bends spoons with his mind? Didn't think so.
Thanks a ton for that link ! Geek alert though: I checked out his blog The Frontal Cortex. Turns out he's a Columbia and Oxford (Rhodes Scholar) grad who basically writes about science in a manner that's very engaging in a pop science kind of way. I listened to it twice!

I also snorted a few lines of Wish List coke and will pick up his book! Amazon is way too addictive :p

Yea, I love Pop Science (Sci-pop?) too. I'm a huge fan of both Brian Greene and Michio Kaku.

I'm sure glad you enjoyed the listen as much as I. He really has a way of putting things into perspective, and gave me a million ideas to try in campaigns.
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