Subliminal Advertising - Guard Your Mind...

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
[ame=""]YouTube - Derren Brown - Subliminal Advertising[/ame]

If you have ever doubted how your subconscious mind can unknowingly be passed suggestions without your knowledge, watch this. This is a controlled experiment involving a very blue chip advertising company...

That's why I always try to fast forward commercials. And the technology is only getting more advanced...

@RudedoDg. Thanks for doing that

If people have kids or friends that watch TV I really think people need to see that. Like the dude from Usual Suspects said "the greatest trick the devil ever had was convincing the world he didn't exist". Well in this case the "devil" is the idea that subtle influencing isn't happening to us all on a regular basis...
That actually gave me the chills. I have always loved the psychology of marketing, and this was such an awesome display of the power of suggestion.

Thank you for posting this!
This video does not support iPhone -- WTF ??

Now I'm going to have to wait until I get home to see what you're all going on about.
Less about subliminal than it is about memes.
Memetic ideas are basically how all good advertising works.

Christmas is the best example.
Everyone instantly thinks "snow" and "santa" and "pine trees"... Except that unless you're living in the Northern hemisphere, above the tropical zones, you're not going to get snow or pine trees (naturally) for Xmas.
Loved it. I dated a guy in high school whose entire family would mute the TV and look away when a commercial came on. I thought they were insane. Four years of marketing/ad classes later, I understood. Especially now, though, there's really no dodging marketing attempts - they're everywhere.
Couldn't watch the video, even from YouTube for some reason... If it's the one I think it is though they do an advert with a bear in it and stuff they have seen earlier in the day?

This is a controlled experiment involving a very blue chip advertising company...

Don't know where you got that from! Derren Brown is a magician, nothing more, this is a trick, not an experiment. That trick is done in the same way as all magic tricks are and has nothing to do with subliminal advertising. Derren Brown just throws that in for something to get people talking, he does things like that in a lot of his tricks. Just check out some magic forums, they talk about how he does a lot of his stuff, and it's just normal magic tricks, his twist is he pretends to use psychology / subliminal stuff etc...
Couldn't watch the video, even from YouTube for some reason... If it's the one I think it is though they do an advert with a bear in it and stuff they have seen earlier in the day?

Don't know where you got that from! Derren Brown is a magician, nothing more, this is a trick, not an experiment. That trick is done in the same way as all magic tricks are and has nothing to do with subliminal advertising. Derren Brown just throws that in for something to get people talking, he does things like that in a lot of his tricks. Just check out some magic forums, they talk about how he does a lot of his stuff, and it's just normal magic tricks, his twist is he pretends to use psychology / subliminal stuff etc...

He is a magician, performing tricks, just check out his other countless videos online if you don't believe this bit. Taking this in to account, why do you believe anything he says in this performance? The entire thing is a piece of showmanship, a trick. He has used his own slant on the tricks he performs to get people talking about him, and guess what, it works, people do talk about it.

There are magic forums online where they talk about the techniques he uses, I looked in to this ages ago when this series was shown in the UK, as it is very entertaining and I wondered how it was done.

Also just think of the number of ways this trick could have gone wrong if it was done in the way he says.

It really is just a trick, don't worry about it, it's his job to misdirect and confuse people ;)
He is a magician, performing tricks, just check out his other countless videos online if you don't believe this bit. Taking this in to account, why do you believe anything he says in this performance? The entire thing is a piece of showmanship, a trick. He has used his own slant on the tricks he performs to get people talking about him, and guess what, it works, people do talk about it.

There are magic forums online where they talk about the techniques he uses, I looked in to this ages ago when this series was shown in the UK, as it is very entertaining and I wondered how it was done.

Also just think of the number of ways this trick could have gone wrong if it was done in the way he says.

It really is just a trick, don't worry about it, it's his job to misdirect and confuse people ;)

Not exactly on the same subject but deals with psychological influences and is a great read: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini.

Thanks for the title - read the book and implemented some of the best practices in pages 57-114 on one of my sites a couple of months ago. There was a material and noticeable impact on conversions. The book has definitely paid for itself over and over again!

A true classic.....
Thanks for the title - read the book and implemented some of the best practices in pages 57-114 on one of my sites a couple of months ago. There was a material and noticeable impact on conversions. The book has definitely paid for itself over and over again!

A true classic.....

I can't help but feel you are using what you learned in the book on me here. It might be working.
The Advertised Mind - Erik Du Plesis... ftw

Powerful powerful stuff.

Emotion drives all human behaviour on the most basic to the most advanced level.

Anyone read it?
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The Advertised Mind - Erik Du Plesis... ftw

Powerful powerful stuff.

Emotion drives all human behaviour on the most basic to the most advanced level.

Anyone read it?

send down an amazon aff link and you can get paid for dropping some good knowledge!
I would but im not an amazon aff :) worth buyig aff link or no aff link straight up neuro science.
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