Stupid sorority girl

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Buy her a new camera. Take a picture of your wang, leave it on the camera. Drop off the camera. Call her half an hour later and just say, "So, you down for that?"

Stupid is as stupid does

How so? Apples and apples. If a person hands you something and asks you to do something with it and you happen to break it accidentally, are you not financially responsible for at least some of it?

I do not think you should have to buy a brand new camera at full retail, but to think you shouldn't at least give her some compensation is rediculous.

Yes, she asked you to take the picture knowing that you were drunk. She did not know you were too drunk to hold a camera. It was your responsibility to know whether or not you should attempt to take the picture. Just as it would be your responsibility to determine whether or not you should drive her car or use her laptop.

You people are friggin' hilarious. Take advantage of the girl who didn't even make a huge deal about it. She wasn't demanding full compensation, just asking if he could help her pay for a new one. If she responds saying he owes her a brand new camera, then yeah, she is being a little absurd... but again, she is entitled to it.

You broke the camera, you should pay. It's that simple. Somebody please explain how it isn't that simple.


Over here, not even the insurance (personal liability insurance?) will cover it. Basically, SHE asked him to take the picture SHE has the responsibility, as SHE took the risk.

But as the case stands, get it cheap from ebay and get that bitch off your back.

It's one thing to offer to pay for something you broke, it's another for someone to say "You broke it and WE ALL SAW YOU" and gouge the person by saying it costs waaaaaay more than a replacement. If this was claimed on insurance they sure as fuck wouldn't pay out the full amount, they would take into account depriciation. Throw a few bucks her way and just chalk it up to experience.
Ok guys....lets rephrase the it is:

I was hanging out with a bunch of smelly ugly guys the other night and they all asked me to take a picture of them with their cameras. Well, we were all drunk and I dropped one of their cameras on accident and here was the facebook message waiting for me the next day.

"I hate to put a damper on the wonderful events of this past weekend, but I gotta tell you that when you dropped my camera on Saturday night, you really broke it. I took it to a camera shop to see if they could tell me exactly what was wrong with it, and they said the lense is completely broken and would be very difficult to fix. It is a Canon PowerShot 600 ELPH 6 Mexapixel, and is going for $599.64 on Amazon right now (where I bought it). If you could help me with the cost of the camera, I'd really appreciate it. I know it's a lot of money to ask and everyone was drunk and clumsy that night, but me and the rest of the gay crew saw you drop it face-down with the lense open on the glass coffee table and it immediately became blurry and then stopped working after that. I didn't want to bring this up while we were in LA because I didn't want to ruin Rick's birthday. But please help me out with the cost of the camera, anyone who knows me knows that my camera is my life and I saved up for it for months. Once again I hate to ask this of you, but I know I'd do the same for someone if I'd dropped their camera.

The link for the camera is attached."

Too bad HIS camera is worth about $90 on eBay
Now ask yourself this, will you pay this stupid Di*k part of his replacement? You don't even know him apart from that night. If your answer is no to this one, then it should also be No to that girl.
How up and pay for a similar camera (either you get it ultra-cheap or not doesn't matter)

How up and pay for a similar camera (either you get it ultra-cheap or not doesn't matter)


I think this reply from mudger is appropriate:

Let me guess, you're the guy buying girls drinks at bars and clubs who then turn around and give them to me. Thanks!
This is actually what I used to do in clubs/bars. I just get my girlfriends to get drinks from "nice" guys and give them to me. Sounds to me you're one of these guys.
me too. If she is worth for $1200 then buy her two. If she is worth for $600 buy her one. If she priceless, forget about her you will not get her anyways:D

is that how ya get woman, the hotter they are you throw more money at em?! man, buying a drink for a chick at a club straight away makes you look weak, make *them* buy you one
Dude, this is fucking sad.

You broke her camera and now you don't want to replace it? Sorry, but fuck that. I don't give a shit if she asked you to take a picture for her, the fact is that it's her camera and you fucking broke it. Maybe next time you'll hold on to the damn thing instead of dropping it like a jackass anyway.

You know straight up that if this shit happened to you instead of her that you'd want the camera replaced by the fucker that broke it (in this case, you). Stop being a whiny little bitch and replace the camera. If you're on this forum you're probably making decent cash in AM, and what's a few hundred bucks anyway? I could see if she like tackled you or some shit (causing you to drop the camera), but from what you've described your clumbsy ass just flat out drpped it.

Sorry bud, you fucked up. You should fix it.
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I am sorry, but if I willingly give something to a drunk person (be it a camera to shoot, car to drive, or even kids to babysit) whatever happens from that point IS MY FAULT 100%. She is in a sorority, of course she knows what to expect from a drunk person. Since she had the guts to ask you to pay for her stupidity, we can assume that she is used to everything coming her way, and when she asked you to pay for just part of it, I bet she was expecting you would offer to pay for everything.
By not giving her a cent you will teach her the priceless lesson of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. And all she had to pay for that lesson was a camera. Not a bad deal, one day she will be thanking you for it.
And if she tries to take you to small court, PLEASE try to take her to Judge Judy, so we can all watch her get bitched at by JJ for being fucktarded.
boy this is an interesting one. I actually brought the situation to a few friends of mine to talk about. I definitely agree that you're not liable for the camera. You don't just hand over your property to a stranger, ask him to do you a favor with it, and not accept the responsibility for any accidents that may happen. On a moral level though I think you should kick down something to her to help her replace it (not just cus she's a female or to get laid or anything). I definitely think you should not replace it even with a used one. Maybe like $50 or something?

Another factor that can't be ignored, and forgive me here I used to sell digital cameras, is consumer responsibility. A partying college kid has no business buying a shitty over priced easily light impact busted cannon. There's a lot better, cheaper, and more durable cameras. My Fujifilm Finepix Z 7mp would of busted the glass table before it broke the camera. It takes better pictures and has better features and is available at walmart/fred myers for less than $200. That aside its more suitable for her uses. She can buy whatever camera she wants but has no right to bitch if accidents happen and she finds out exactly what she paid for. To pay for her to straight up replace a stupid purchase is dumb. She'll just bust it again.

Lastly, make sure the camera is actually busted and doesn't just do that. My little sister is in college and pulls similar scams for quick cash. Tell her you'll trade her broken camera for $50 then if you "magically" fix it than kick ass. If not than she had no use for a broken camera anyway.
Let me guess, you're the guy buying girls drinks at bars and clubs who then turn around and give them to me. Thanks!


Show her your pimp status and smash one after you buy it.

1000% agreed.

No force on Earth or heaven could get me to pay for that girl's camera if I were in your situation. Like someone else said earlier, if she were a friend, it would be a different story, and that would be out of courtesy. If I asked a stranger or mere acquaintance to use my camera and they then busted it, the idea of holding them accountable would never even occur to me. I'd salvage the memory card and keep on drinking. Tell your girlfriend to write her back and tell her to stop harassing her man. I don't know what sort of warped sense of entitlement someone has to have to feel like they are owed some sort of compensation in that situation, but it doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.
i wouldn't give that bitch shit. In fact, I'd send her a bill for my photographic services.
These responses were money and made me laugh. I sent her a message to call me so we could discuss it, but yet to get that phone call. Maybe she thought I was dumb enough to roll over and buy her one for $600
These responses were money and made me laugh. I sent her a message to call me so we could discuss it, but yet to get that phone call. Maybe she thought I was dumb enough to roll over and buy her one for $600

Most likely her dad or boyfriend or some outside influence convinced her it would be a good idea to pull that. Hopefully she has since come to her senses.
Well if it was me and I dropped it, I would have offered to fix it or have it replaced right after I did it. I wouldn't hand her $600 cash I would have taken the camera to a repair shop and then either had it fixed or replaced.

But hey you're not being American if you take 100% accountability for your own fuck ups.

Ah who am I kidding, tell her you will replace it as long as you can use it to take pics of her while you have her bent over.
Fuck her. Her choice - her responsibility.

If she paid that much for it, why didn't she insure it?
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