Stupid sorority girl

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New member
Mar 29, 2007
I was hanging out with a bunch of Sorority girls the other night and they all asked me to take a picture of them with their cameras. Well, we were all drunk and I dropped one of their cameras on accident and here was the facebook message waiting for me the next day.

"I hate to put a damper on the wonderful events of this past weekend, but I gotta tell you that when you dropped my camera on Saturday night, you really broke it. I took it to a camera shop to see if they could tell me exactly what was wrong with it, and they said the lense is completely broken and would be very difficult to fix. It is a Canon PowerShot 600 ELPH 6 Mexapixel, and is going for $599.64 on Amazon right now (where I bought it). If you could help me with the cost of the camera, I'd really appreciate it. I know it's a lot of money to ask and everyone was drunk and clumsy that night, but me and the rest of the girls saw you drop it face-down with the lense open on the glass coffee table and it immediately became blurry and then stopped working after that. I didn't want to bring this up while we were in LA because I didn't want to ruin Rika's birthday. But please help me out with the cost of the camera, anyone who knows me knows that my camera is my life and I saved up for it for months. Once again I hate to ask this of you, but I know I'd do the same for someone if I'd dropped their camera.

The link for the camera is attached."

Too bad her camera is worth about $90 on eBay

Unfortunately, she already knows all that stuff. Maybe I'll throw here 40 bucks for her trouble, or maybe not.

Or perhaps you should buy the damn camera on ebay and fill it up with a bunch of choice pictures before sending it. $90 is much cheaper than what she's asking for and this might end up as something that gets you blacklisted from the sorority (therefore no more pussy).
Uh, it's going for $160 on Amazon in the marketplace. Tell her to take her $600 and shove it
Tell her to claim it on her fucking insurance. You didn't do it on purpose so fuck her. Oh wait, she doesn't have insurance? Well that's just too bad.
An idea from the dickhead factory:

  • Tell her you will cover half of it ($300)
  • Tell her you'd like to hand deliver it so you can also apologize, and collect her half ($300) for the price
  • Buy the camera for the $100 or $200 or whatever and bring it to her
  • Turn the negative experience into a positive profit!
I'm usually not the asshole but she "friended" me just to send me this stupid message. I already have a girlfriend so I can care less about disease ridden sorority Punani... I might just make her eat this one.
Just tell her you'll buy her a new one with higher MP, and ship it to her. Won't cost more than $200, and you did break it :|

If she bitches and says she wants the same one, refuse to pay for it and don't talk to her. Let her take you to small claims court over $600
Just tell her you'll buy her a new one with higher MP, and ship it to her. Won't cost more than $100, and you did break it :|

I would gladly buy her a new camera if I said, "Hey, can I use your camera." But she said, "Can you use my camera."

This is on her.
So only 2 people think he should actually pay for the shit he broke ?! Interesting.
This shit always happens when people are drunk. Both sides have a good point, but the end result is the person whom had their shit broken wants it replace because YOU broke it when your all shitfaced.

As she sure as hell wont admit - well its sort of my fault for handing it to someone whom has been drinking.

Something like this happened recently to two of my friends, when they where way drunk and chasing each other with a camera = broken $300 camera. They settled on half/half.

If you can honestly find it for around $90 reply back that you'll throw her $50 and direct her to where she can get it for that price and tell her to get out of your hair.
If she did plan on paying for half ($300) then just redirect where she can get it less than that (ebay for like 170) and don't pay anything. Problem Solved. I bet shes counting on you being stupid so she can make some money out of the deal, or on the other hand shes just a fckn retard.
No effing WAY!

I'm usually not the asshole but she "friended" me just to send me this stupid message. I already have a girlfriend so I can care less about disease ridden sorority Punani... I might just make her eat this one.

No WAY bro. So you weren't even friends with her before this? If I were you, I'd send her a LINK to the item on Amazon marketplace and then say, "You're welcome!"

Some people are stupid. :error:
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