Student gets tasered

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The kid who was pulled over for doing absolutely NOTHING and then being threatened by a policemen with being arrested... and falsely imprisoning him... THAT story outrages me 43543543543534 times more than this ever could.

Authorities were TRYING to act WITHIN the limit of the law in this case. Poor judgement? Probably. But comparing the two is like night and day.

You guys think this was misconduct?

Try some emerging country like India or China where the cops will slap your face and hit you with their baton for looking at them the wrong way or giving them attitude (or not giving them a bribe)
That kid was a fucking douche that deserved a lot more then what he got.

1) He asked questions that weren't allowed, and don't give me any free speech bullshit, the speaker came to the college to have a talk with students on the condition that they didn't ask certain questions, which this douche decided to ignore.

2) Security asked him to sit down, he refused.

3) Security asked him to leave, he refused (he doesn't have a right to be in the building, its a privlidge).

4) Security calmly tried to remove him fom the building, the douche resisted.

5) Security told him if he keeps resisting they would taser him, the douche kept resisting.

Put yourself in the security guards shoes... I don't know how they held so much restraint, if I were one of the security guards and he was acting like that I would have put him in the sleeper then delivered a mean Hulk Hogan style leg drop to his throat.
He asked questions that weren't allowed, and don't give me any free speech bullshit, the speaker came to the college to have a talk with students on the condition that they didn't ask certain questions, which this douche decided to ignore.
What the hell? We have questions that aren't allowed to be asked? Dude, your American constitution guarantees freedom of speech, that means you get to say whatever the fuck you wanna say. There are no right or wrong, allowed or disallowed questions. And he was asking PERFECTLY VALID questions - he was pissed, and rightly so.

Was he annoying? Yeah, he was a bit of a whiny bitch, but who gives a fuck? The police had no right to intervene in the first place. These sort of questions and interrogations NEED to be asked, we need to get politicians to start sweating and being held to account. They WORK for US, NOT the other way round. If this sounds like liberal bullshit to you, it isn't. It's real democracy.
What the hell? We have questions that aren't allowed to be asked? Dude, your American constitution guarantees freedom of speech, that means you get to say whatever the fuck you wanna say. There are no right or wrong, allowed or disallowed questions. And he was asking PERFECTLY VALID questions - he was pissed, and rightly so.

Was he annoying? Yeah, he was a bit of a whiny bitch, but who gives a fuck? The police had no right to intervene in the first place. These sort of questions and interrogations NEED to be asked, we need to get politicians to start sweating and being held to account. They WORK for US, NOT the other way round. If this sounds like liberal bullshit to you, it isn't. It's real democracy.

Heres the thing, that guy doesn't work for you, he wants to work for you. He's not president, he is running for president, if you don't like his question answering policies (or lack there of) then don't vote for him, it's that simple.

And he had an agreement with the college that he wouldn't talk about x,y,z and wouldn't take questions about x,y,z. Those were the stipulations of him giving the Q&A to the college, if they didn't like his terms they shouldn't of allowed him to give the lecture or whatever the fuck it was.
5 cops. FIVE freaking cops. On top of one not-so-giant-of-a-dude. I understand that he put up resistance, but why did they wait to tase him when they already had him on the ground? He wasn't going anywhere fast.

If they needed to tase him before they got him under control, it would have been a little different. But they decided to tase him when he was already PINNED by 5 cops. That should raise a big WTF right there. They might as well have kicked him in the balls for no reason at all.
This reminds me of the kid who got tasered for not showing his ID at the library.
EDIT:: more info on this video's incident: UCLA Taser incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I really wanted to say that cops suck even before I saw the video, but after watching it, I have to agree with the taser - up to 1:44 before the end of the video, he was annoying. After that, he started asking for it. And even while on the ground, he kicked around and still resisted being handcuffed.
5 cops. FIVE freaking cops. On top of one not-so-giant-of-a-dude. I understand that he put up resistance, but why did they wait to tase him when they already had him on the ground? He wasn't going anywhere fast.

If they needed to tase him before they got him under control, it would have been a little different. But they decided to tase him when he was already PINNED by 5 cops. That should raise a big WTF right there. They might as well have kicked him in the balls for no reason at all.

There were 5 cops there but do you know how hard it is to put someone that is resisting arrest in handcuffs without breaking their arm? The whole idea was to escort him out of the lecture hall without hurting him, and that isn't an easy thing to do if someone is resisting. A tazer doesn't hurt and it doesn't do any damage to the person.
And the other, UCLA taser video - I only watched it for a minute or so, and it was enough for me.

Let's be serious here - pay attention from 5.26:

Cops: "Stand up. Stand up. Stand up."
Dude: "Fuck off!"

And then there are 15 "stand up" & "get up" and 2 taser threats in the next 20 seconds and he STILL won't stand up.
They don't hurt that much, I've been tazed with a 50,000 volt one and a 100,000 volt one and the pain is nothing compared to a broken arm (which could have been the result if the tazer had not been used).

Oh, and that is 70 deaths according to CBS btw

Today, by the count of CBS News, 70 people have died after being TASERed, including 10 in August alone, Andrews observes. And while the company asserts every one of these victims died of something else, many critics believe the company has not done enough research to know that with certainty, Andrews adds.

According to TASER:

TASER Intenational is adamant the weapon simply lacks the power to kill or injure, Andrews says. CEO Smith said TASER tested dogs and pigs and determined the TASER's shock can not injure the heart: "If we knew there was a problem, we would certainly want to disclose that. We've researched it and have not found it."

Technically, stresses Andrews, when the company says the TASER has never caused a death, it is right.

Thats according to the article that you posted...
okay guys, the sad part here is that nobody does anything. in my world this is not even possibile because we dont have police at the universities here and our police dont have tasers. if they would pull this here they would get suspended and publicly discredited. very harsh.

oh and i would so totaly jump into this bunch of brown idiots and rip their heads of BEFORE they even pulled the taser. i cant believe that a room full of young guys didnt do anything...

last question: is this america? is this your country? i mean in china its okay, its their culture... but in america?
Ya but with tasers and mace the pussy cops are just itching to use them.

Before the cops had to talk a situation down, now they just let it go and mace and taze people.

This story is all over the news. Go look at They have both the story and how popular this is as two seperate stories. Maybe people start to get sick of this crap, and being only able to ask questions on your blog not in public.

Warning Attempted Thread Highjack:

Do you think this would happen at a Ron Paul speech? Vote Ron Paul.
You guys think this was misconduct?

Try some emerging country like India or China where the cops will slap your face and hit you with their baton for looking at them the wrong way or giving them attitude (or not giving them a bribe)

O Rly? Living in India for 22 years, that is news to me. :eek:
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