Student gets tasered

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New member
Mar 21, 2007
All politics aside, do you think this dude deserved to be pulled away from the podium in the first place? Yeah he may be douchish, but with 3 or 4 cops on you, a taser was really unnecessary. 50 says this cop is suspended within a week.

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I agree it was probably unnecessary, but the cop did warn the guy... He said something like "If you continue to refuse to cooperate I will tase you".

Although with like 6 cops they probably could have handled it.
I don't see the problem. His tone was overly aggressive while he was on the microphone and they chose to cut off his mic. He was going to get kicked out but then he threw a complete fit. It got to the point of disturbing the peace and he was warned several times. They even warned him that they WOULD taze him and he said please don't taze me but CONTINUED to resist arrest.

Sure there were 5 cops there but he wasn't only resisting arrest... he was flailing his arms and body violently. Cops always have to plan for the worst case scenario... nobody knows what kind of loony this guy could have been. What if he was carrying a knife or some other weapon?

It's the same reason why if I'm ever pulled over by the cops at night I will immediately turn on my dome light and keep my hands on the steering wheel... so they can SEE that I am obviously cooperating. This guy was on the complete other side of that behavior spectrum and you can't take anything for granted.

Sure... he was already on the ground when they tazed him. A little bit excessive? Perhaps but in the heat of the moment, the cop has to do what they feel is right... and I respect that. Had this idiot kept been only YELLING on his way out and not resisting the officers he merely would have been kicked out of the facility.

He's an idiot and he deserves everything he got.
They tased him while he was already pinned on the ground and apprehended. If that's not excessive, I don't know what is.

The fact the dude was kind of a douche is beside the point. He did not deserve to be fucking tased when he was already down on the ground. I didn;t notice, but wasn't he already in handcuffs too?
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He was still resisting while he was on the ground. And it looked like they only had 1 handcuff on him. So they tazed his ass to get the second one on. If he wouldn't have resisted at all, he never would have gotten the tazer. Pretty funny
I can't comprehend why people in this thread and at that venue don't see how fucked up this is. He clearly broke no laws and at best broke a guideline set for questioning. If I warn you I'm going to taze you it doesn't make it ok to taze you. In regards to him yelling, he should yell he was being oppressed. Stop pissing on our own rights until they are all gone.

lemme get on my flame retardant gear.
I didn;t notice, but wasn't he already in handcuffs too?

You can't tell from the vid, but a comment on digg by someone who was supposedly there said that he only had one cuff on at the time of the tase. So I guess he still could've swung an elbow while pinned on his stomach, which is a very real threat. A few billy club wacks should also have been used for good measure.
Was the guy being an ass? Yes
Did he deserve being treated like he was? NO
Did the need to tase him when he was being held down by several cops? NO
WTF is this country coming to?...

True justice would have been if the students there had started throwing things at him till he stfu lol
Umm in case you police apologists are not noticing..

The militarily-dressed oppressive drones are protecting the politicians blindly.

The politician is as usual a white, old, rich, ivy league asshole who likes to belong to secret societies who dont give a rats ass about you.

And again a college student is getting his ass kicked for asking a question.

This video has hit the front page of CNN, at least there will be some attention to this.

The second video at least shows people getting angry. I think I probably would have gotten arrested too if I was there.
I wrote out a response that was much too long so I deleted it but...

If you want to be "heard" there is a way of going about it. He was rude and aggressive from the getgo and his "message" was lost in his apparent anger. The theme of what he had to say was, "I am angry. I am mad. I sound like I might get violent because I am so bitter and pissed off..."

He wasn't being stubborn... he was being violent. You have a right to free speech but not at the expense of peace. If he had something to say he should have SAID it instead of angrily yelling at a controversial presidential candidate from a stone's throw away.

I maintain my position. While I personally don't think he should have been tazed for what he did... I can understand why officers may have felt it necessary.
I think they could have escorted him from the building easier. This is being plastered on talk radio right now.
He disrupted a public event and resisted arrest. He had it comming to him. A rule I always live by is to follow whatever orders the police give to me. If you don't you are asking for a world of shit.

Be it right or wrong you gota follow the rules or thier will be consequences.
He disrupted a public event and resisted arrest. He had it comming to him. A rule I always live by is to follow whatever orders the police give to me. If you don't you are asking for a world of shit.

Be it right or wrong you gota follow the rules or thier will be consequences.

That mindset leads to totalitarianism.
That mindset leads to totalitarianism.

If you take it to the most extreme level possible... maybe. But put it in perspective... the police made a REALISTIC request that wasn't violating his rights.

The freedom of speech doesn't give you a right to do anything you want whenever you want and then blame the government as an invader of rights when you act like a total fuck head. Laws, and fear of punishment from breaking them, are what keep a civilization CIVIL.

Sorry 'bout it but sometimes that means you gotta take an ass beating when you have it coming to ya. This kid planned and provoked his own ass whooping. If he really had a point to prove there were a million other ways he could have made a statement without being escorted out of the auditorium.

Have some taste.
Have some class.
Or get tazered.
That video makes me angry. There was no reason to tazer that guy.

These "the cop tazers the college kid for no reason" stories piss me off. You guys remember the one with the kid just being in the library?
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