Steve Jobs Blow Jobbers

When people joke about the Church of Apple or the Cult of Apple, there's a reason for that.

I have tons of respect for the guy being an innovator.

I can now buy music for $0.99 a song thanks to Steve. I can also surf the Internet while I shit because of the iPad.

People comparing him to Thomas Edison is a stretch. Edison invented the incandescent light bulb. We now have LIGHT because of Edison. Jobs was genius, the American Dream personified, and has a great life story... But he's no Thomas Edison.

Okay, Edison did not invent the lightbulb. Did Thomas Edison really invent the light bulb?

Regardless of that, for basically all his inventions, Edison had a team of people who he oversaw and helped him implement his basic ideas. Pretty much exactly, the same thing as Jobs. The truth is, what Edison had on his side was an extremely in depth knowledge of how patents worked (as you will see in the article). A weapon I believe Jobs had in his arsenal. Also, what Jobs and Edison share in common is they were both assholes. Jobs, to those who knew him as a guy rather than a CEO, was an insipid, complaining bitch who denied paternity of his own daughter. He is a roller coaster of emotion who is prone to exploding in anger when he doesn't get his way... a petulant child.

Frankly, I think everyone gets the whole Jobs thing wrong. HE DIDN'T INVENT THE IPHONE. He hired smart people, worked with a team, and together a group of people put together what I'm guessing was a very simple, yet extremely abstract vision. What he should be known for is his ability to make people work at their top gear. He was able to squeeze the creativity out of people like you wouldn't believe.

But when it comes down to it, he was really just a giant dickfart.

If he had died between 1977 and 1987, he would have been missed. If he had died between 1987 and 2001, he would have been forgotten. But he had a good last 10 years. I guess it proves that dying on the upswing is the way to go.

That said, don't get all mad at me. I still think the world is a better place because Steve Jobs decided to dedicate his life to innovating icons.

Ok, I don't mean to be insensitive, but can everyone everywhere stop talking about Steve Jobs as Einstein or Edison. He was definitely an innovative guy, but he isn't the only one. The difference between him and people like Eric Schmidt is that Jobs happened to be the face of an innovative company.

Stop with the vigils. You'd think he was Jesus or something.

You are comparing Eric Schmidt to Steve Jobs?? Oh, you might as well do the same with Lamb of God and Simple plan (Lamb of God isnt the only band right?), Morgan Freeman and Zac Efron (Morgan Freeman isnt the only actor right?). :|
Come on. This guy`s innovations helped define my generation more than any religious or political leader ever could. I don`t know anything about his personal life so it`s not about him as an individual, but it`s like "Damn, if this guy had never lived the world would be a different place today".

The computer I used to use in elementary school:


Apple II series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice that Wozniak's name is mentioned 15 times, while Jobs is only mentioned twice, and that is in the section about advertising, marketing, and packaging.

Wozniak, like Edison, is in the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Jobs is not.

You are comparing Eric Schmidt to Steve Jobs?? Oh, you might as well do the same with Lamb of God and Simple plan

Haha, I know of both bands, but are they really big in India or something? Neither of them are to music what Schmidt and Jobs are/were to their industries.
You are comparing Eric Schmidt to Steve Jobs?? Oh, you might as well do the same with Lamb of God and Simple plan (Lamb of God isnt the only band right?), Morgan Freeman and Zac Efron (Morgan Freeman isnt the only actor right?). :|

Hmm, two CEOs of two of the biggest tech companies with the strongest brands? Two companies that drive all sorts of innovation? The leaders of two companies that are growing at breakneck speeds? Two companies where innovation among employees are both encouraged and often achieved? Seems like a pretty apt comparison.

Also, the idea that a person can't have an opinion about something before accomplishing what the person they are opining about has accomplished is the stupidest non sequitor one could ever utter (or type in this case).
He was a great re-inventor and even better marketer. Taught me a lot and I definitely would not have the same mindset as I have now without him. Who cares what people are doing because of his death, the man deserves it, so let it be. Next week this will all die down and everyone will have moved on, but no one will forget his face when Apple is mentioned.

Wonder how it'll be when Bill Gates passes...
Maybe someone is planning to create religion worshiping Steve... He was a great man indeed and I salute to his great contributions...

Wonder how it'll be when Bill Gates passes...

All Windows-operated computers will shut down for a day to pay some respect. Just kidding...
Wonder how it'll be when Bill Gates passes...

It would be a lot different.

There is a whole sect of people that love to despire apple products but love Steve Jobs & his amazing marketing skills at the same time.

Whereas, though most of the world uses Windows (by choice or by force) and there are plenty of people who program on .NET, the Bill Gates' aura itself has quickly worn off. Earlier, students read about him being the richest man in the world & thought about growing up and becoming the next Bill Gates. But with the advent of the internet and the readily available information about other hard working m(b)illionaires, people now adore the likes of Steve Jobs & Mark Zuckerberg, more than Bill Gates himself.

Bill Gates also has ceased from making any public appearances and has failed to impress the more technically literate crowds with any of his products.

All said & done, I pray that Bill Gates leads and full & healthy life away from illness or health issues of any form.
It would be a lot different.

There is a whole sect of people that love to despire apple products but love Steve Jobs & his amazing marketing skills at the same time.

Whereas, though most of the world uses Windows (by choice or by force) and there are plenty of people who program on .NET, the Bill Gates' aura itself has quickly worn off. Earlier, students read about him being the richest man in the world & thought about growing up and becoming the next Bill Gates. But with the advent of the internet and the readily available information about other hard working m(b)illionaires, people now adore the likes of Steve Jobs & Mark Zuckerberg, more than Bill Gates himself.

Bill Gates also has ceased from making any public appearances and has failed to impress the more technically literate crowds with any of his products.

All said & done, I pray that Bill Gates leads and full & healthy life away from illness or health issues of any form.

Steve ended Apple's charity programs when he took over, and never revived any of them — in spite of the billions piling up on the balance sheet.

Gates is busy giving away his fortune, and is now a Microsoft elder statesman/philanthropist. I am not a fan of Gates or Microsoft, but he wins this round. :bowdown:
Bill Gates also has ceased from making any public appearances and has failed to impress the more technically literate crowds with any of his products.

Gates actually makes more public appearances now, a lot of them with his charity work, which has only helped his reputation. Overall I would guess that Microsoft products are the most popular that they have ever been, especially if you count the Xbox.
Ok, I don't mean to be insensitive, but can everyone everywhere stop talking about Steve Jobs as Einstein or Edison. He was definitely an innovative guy, but he isn't the only one. The difference between him and people like Eric Schmidt is that Jobs happened to be the face of an innovative company.

Stop with the vigils. You'd think he was Jesus or something.

Didn't even bother reading the other responses in this thread; the only one I read was your childish, ignorant post.

Get over your fucking self bro.

He was the man behind one of the most successful companies in the world--what the fuck have you done lately?

Pay respect bitch.
He was the man behind one of the most successful companies in the world--what the fuck have you done lately?.

[ame=]Eddie Murphy - RAW - What have you done for me lately - YouTube[/ame]

Okay, Edison did not invent the lightbulb.

Edison did not invent the light bulb. Joseph Swan was installing them in homes and landmarks in England years before Edison got his light bulb patented and working. Edison was buying out other people’s patents and when Swan eventually sued Edison and won, Edison had to take him in as a partner in Edison’s British company.

Steve was innovator and a great marketer, all the respect to him for that. And, he didn't just have one success story, so when it happens twice or many times, it's super respectful!
Jobs was a guy who knew what he wanted and went after it. He was a very strong headed guy and didn't comply with norms. I just wish he wasn't so damn fond of locking his technology up. He had genuine reservations and legitimately so about sharing the OS platform, but if he had shared it to PC machines he probably would have been bigger than Microsoft with the OS. It is not about the OS on local computers any more, but 20 years ago...