Steve Jobs Blow Jobbers


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Deerfield Beach, FL
Ok, I don't mean to be insensitive, but can everyone everywhere stop talking about Steve Jobs as Einstein or Edison. He was definitely an innovative guy, but he isn't the only one. The difference between him and people like Eric Schmidt is that Jobs happened to be the face of an innovative company.

Stop with the vigils. You'd think he was Jesus or something.

Ok, I don't mean to be insensitive, but can everyone everywhere stop talking about Steve Jobs as Einstein or Edison. He was definitely an innovative guy, but he isn't the only one. The difference between him and people like Eric Schmidt is that Jobs happened to be the face of an innovative company.

Stop with the vigils. You'd think he was Jesus or something.

Eric Schmidt? A more accurate comparison would be Larry or Sergei.

No, Jobs isnt the only innovated guy, so when others die, we will pay respect to them too.
Ok, I don't mean to be insensitive, but can everyone everywhere stop talking about Steve Jobs as Einstein or Edison. He was definitely an innovative guy, but he isn't the only one. The difference between him and people like Eric Schmidt is that Jobs happened to be the face of an innovative company.

Stop with the vigils. You'd think he was Jesus or something.

F U, Steve Jobs was the man. MINUS rep.
Come on. This guy`s innovations helped define my generation more than any religious or political leader ever could. I don`t know anything about his personal life so it`s not about him as an individual, but it`s like "Damn, if this guy had never lived the world would be a different place today".

The computer I used to use in elementary school:

Ok, I don't mean to be insensitive, but can everyone everywhere stop talking about Steve Jobs as Einstein or Edison. He was definitely an innovative guy, but he isn't the only one. The difference between him and people like Eric Schmidt is that Jobs happened to be the face of an innovative company.

Stop with the vigils. You'd think he was Jesus or something.

He just "happened" to be the face of an innovative company? Are you really dumb or just trolling? He MADE that company what it is today.
Aside from those who were directly connected to him (like his family & friends), I don't think there's a reason to be upset that he died at 56.

The way I look at it is this: He may have only been alive for 56 years compared to most people's 80-odd, but Steve Jobs achieved more than most people on the planet would in 500 years. That makes it a life worth celebrating.

Whatever you think of Apple products (I don't personally like them), the guy was a total marketing & business genius. Apple's success as a company points to that.

Anyone who calls themselves a marketer or an entrepreneur should be thankful that he's been around as a role model.

As he said in his (fucking amazing) Stanford address, he stood in front of the mirror every day and asked himself "If I knew today was my last day on earth, would I do what I'm about to do today?".

Everyone's life is a story. Steve's is now complete. Just because his book had a few less pages than most people, doesn't mean his story is any less awesome.
[ame=]Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address - YouTube[/ame]
Ok, I don't mean to be insensitive, but can everyone everywhere stop talking about Steve Jobs as Einstein or Edison. He was definitely an innovative guy, but he isn't the only one. The difference between him and people like Eric Schmidt is that Jobs happened to be the face of an innovative company.

Stop with the vigils. You'd think he was Jesus or something.

Einstein's theory of relativity is being disputed. Steve Jobs was the man. Respect for him
I was joking last night that Apple stores would dim the big apple and fanboys everywhere would hold candlelight vigils outside of the stores... and wouldn't you know, it actually happened. And today I've seen multiple people talking about a "pilgrimage to Cupertino".

It really is an entirely new level of douche.

Steve Jobs did change the world. He was a master of "good artists copy, great artists steal". He saw good ideas that never took off, dumbed them down to the lowest common denominator and released them to his following. He understood that the general public is retarded and needs to be hand-fed. He's responsible for pushing cell phone development up to the point where it should have been ten years ago and making touchscreens popular, but that's where it ends with me. Besides that, he made laptops and PCs... nothing special.

In short, I have nothing against Steve Jobs, but the hero-worshiping is a bit insane and feels kind of like a giant parody that everyone is in on but me.
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I was joking last night that Apple stores would dim the big apple and fanboys everywhere would hold candlelight vigils outside of the stores... and wouldn't you know, it actually happened. And today I've seen multiple people talking about a "pilgrimage to Cupertino".

It really is an entirely new level of douche.

Steve Jobs did change the world. He was a master of "good artists copy, great artists steal". He saw good ideas that never took off, dumbed them down to the lowest common denominator and released them to his following. He understood that the general public is retarded and needs to be hand-fed. He's responsible for pushing cell phone development up to the point where it should have been ten years ago and making touchscreens popular, but that's where it ends with me. Besides that, he made laptops and PCs... nothing special.

In short, I have nothing against Steve Jobs, but the hero-worshiping is a bit insane and feels kind of like a giant parody that everyone is in on but me.

When people joke about the Church of Apple or the Cult of Apple, there's a reason for that.

I have tons of respect for the guy being an innovator.

I can now buy music for $0.99 a song thanks to Steve. I can also surf the Internet while I shit because of the iPad.

People comparing him to Thomas Edison is a stretch. Edison invented the incandescent light bulb. We now have LIGHT because of Edison. Jobs was genius, the American Dream personified, and has a great life story... But he's no Thomas Edison.

Worse than the worshipping is the initial boom of the "I heard it first" crap. People care more about being the ones in the know rather than the death itself.

That's it really.

When people joke about the Church of Apple or the Cult of Apple, there's a reason for that.

I have tons of respect for the guy being an innovator.

I can now buy music for $0.99 a song thanks to Steve. I can also surf the Internet while I shit because of the iPad.

People comparing him to Thomas Edison is a stretch. Edison invented the incandescent light bulb. We now have LIGHT because of Edison. Jobs was genius, the American Dream personified, and has a great life story... But he's no Thomas Edison.
