Staying awake. Staying smart.

havent tried much stuff other then caffeine to keep me focused and alert, I have always just relied on a good diet and short naps plus routine exercise.
Its not the most productive because I find myself slacking off and not getting much done anyway but the natural way is my choice.

If any of you have a problem with getting sick alot when the seasons change or you went to bed with your hair wet, you might want to try chlorella and spirulina tablets. google it to learn about it.

I been taking those two vitamins for 3 months now because I work graveyard and most people that work that kind of schedule develop health issues, a strong immune system is key to consistently working a graveyard schedule.

I can really feel my immune system getting stronger. no I dont feel like superman or have the energy of a tazmanian devil but I can honestly say that I feel healthy and stonger on the inside.

In the past I was easily susceptible to catching colds when the weather got cold out, but now I feel like i couldnt catch a cold even if i wanted to.

I have never gotten close to getting a cold in the past 3 months and the only problem I had was about 2 weeks ago when I ate my lunch with a fork that was covered with krazy glue, (didnt know it at the time cause the clue had dried invisible), but after an hour of eating that meal I started to feel nausious and had the runs, I got a fever for 3 hours while the food poisoning worked its way thru my body - I thought I was going to die and be out for atleast 2 days with this food poisoning but low and behold that same night I went to bed feeling good and woke up the next day as if nothing happened. less then 20 hrs for my body to fight off the food poisoning.

spirulina + chlorella, look it up
I'm a new member to these message boards. It seems like I'm not alone with ADHD here...

20mg Focalin XR keeps me on track. I think many of us are alike because we're too creative for our own good and the thrill of converting efforts in cash is exciting. The hours that go by "testing" stuff online are like black holes where time doesn't exist because of being able to hyper focus.

Without meds, focusing on anything else other than whatever consumes you at the moment was my downfall.

Anyone else in the same boat?


You in the states? Where do you get that? I've been interested in trying some for a while, but never wanted to shell out for a full case @ biogenesis upfront, without knowing anyone who's ever successfully tried it.

Nah UK I'm afraid.

It's worth the effort getting it though, the productivity gain is beyond exaggeration.


Have you got a recommended site in the UK you order from?

Wouldn't mind trying some.
I'm a new member to these message boards. It seems like I'm not alone with ADHD here...

20mg Focalin XR keeps me on track. I think many of us are alike because we're too creative for our own good and the thrill of converting efforts in cash is exciting. The hours that go by "testing" stuff online are like black holes where time doesn't exist because of being able to hyper focus.

Without meds, focusing on anything else other than whatever consumes you at the moment was my downfall.

Anyone else in the same boat?
<- Same, takin 20mg Focalin XR . Also feel those black holes. Wake up in the morning work non-stop for 8hrs on a project and feels like nothing at all...
Exercise 30 mins a day.

Eat healthy.


The end. No need for any stimulants...

I'm sure these threads pop up all the time.

Other than Jack3D (not against it, just don't have any), share your tricks for staying alert and brain-functional.


  • Going for a run or doing some sort of exercise.
  • Caffeine and a snack.
  • Actually sleeping.
Exercise 30 mins a day.

Eat healthy.


The end. No need for any stimulants...

I agree. You can function like a perfectly good human being like this.

What I occasionally like stimulants for is when I need to function better than a human being for extended periods of time.

Almost anything is fine in moderation (excluding stupid stuff like genocide, a hole in the head etc)
Took provigil for a while. Would take again. Spendy though.

Frankly, my well being and happiness is permanently and directly attached to the amount of work I can do, so that all kinda makes sense.

I would have though I had wrote that sentence. Mine gets to the point of obsession though, so I have to becareful.
I have no problem staying awake. I just can't go to sleep on a normal time, and sometimes waking up is a problem.
Addies are the shit.

Never, ever try Strattera though. That stuff makes you nauseous and somewhat depressed. I want to through up very badly every single time I take it, which makes it just not worth it.
I just took 200mg caffeine pill, and a 25mg 1,3 dimethylamylamine (germanium extract - one of the synergistic ingredients in Jack3d, but much cheaper if you're not gonna work out this early).

30 minutes later, gonna eat

I'm nearing the end of my caffeine cycle... gonna cycle off for a few weeks so that it hits me hard when I come back. As a supplement user, I cycle off everything except creatine, protein, multivitamins, and fish oil. Those you don't need to cycle (but people still cycle off of creatine too just in case).
I use to abuse the shit out of Adderall. I quit cold turkey though a couple months ago for a few reasons.

- If you have a girlfriend, adderall (or any powerful stimulant) is out of the question if you plan on getting laid. lol

- I would make some VERY stupid decisions and it took me a while to realize it because when your fucked on them you just like to think every single idea is going be a home run. Once it would totally wear off, I would be like WTF was I thinking.

- I would make horrible personal finance decisions. I'm not a materialistic person at all, but on addies I just wanted to feel like a baller for some reason and would just blow money on stupid shit I didn't actually need or even want.

- Soooooo unhealthy. Having to piss every 20 minutes. (If you stay hydrated, that's what happens. lol) I'm sure sure the fact that my heart was beating at about twice the speed as normal isn't a good thing. I live in a colder climate, and it cuts circulation so I was always freezing and would probably eventually lead to a clogged artery or something. lol Cotton mouth sucks too. And there's way more side effects too, I just can't think of them at the moment.

Since I've quit, I've stopped going on 2-3 day benders and now I'm back on a normal sleep schedule. If you have the "lack of energy" problem, you'd be amazed at how much energy you get just from keeping a consistent, healthy sleeping pattern.

Moral of the story... It's not worth it.

And stop trying to pull all-nighters. Sleep is so important. Just get to bed at a reasonable hour, wake up early, have your coffee, stop bitching and get to work!
Also, some of you will probably say "oh you didn't have ADD, that's why it didn't work" or "you abused it hardcore that's why" and neither is true. I answered every question at the doctors 100% honestly and the doctor said I had about 98% of ADD symptoms. And I use to only take 1 20mg a day and once in a while I would take 2-3 if I had a lot of stuff to do, but by no means was I a "hardcore addict".

Reality is ADD is BULLSHIT. It's a way to legally sell speed so pharm companies can make a fuckload of money (I have no problem with them getting rich) and then the government can bank on there tax monies.

Seriously... You have trouble focusing? Lack of motivation? Remembering things? Staying alert? Give me a fucking break, so does everyone else in the world. Stop making excuses. If you seriously can't get work done without meds, than you obviously don't actually enjoy this business and you should quit right now, and find something your passionate about.
Seriously... You have trouble focusing? Lack of motivation? Remembering things? Staying alert? Give me a fucking break, so does everyone else in the world. Stop making excuses. If you seriously can't get work done without meds, than you obviously don't actually enjoy this business and you should quit right now, and find something your passionate about.

I don't have any of these problems and I'm interested in these medications (specifically Provigil).

My issue is not that I feel like I'm lacking anything (I'm smarter and more motivated/focused than nearly everyone I know). I just want more. More money, more intelligence, more ingenuity, more creative thinking, more everything. And I don't think I'll ever reach a point where I won't want more.

Pretty soon we'll all be taking brain enhancers. If you don't, you'll be left behind.
Reality is ADD is BULLSHIT. It's a way to legally sell speed so pharm companies can make a fuckload of money (I have no problem with them getting rich) and then the government can bank on there tax monies.

Seriously... You have trouble focusing? Lack of motivation? Remembering things? Staying alert? Give me a fucking break, so does everyone else in the world. Stop making excuses. If you seriously can't get work done without meds, than you obviously don't actually enjoy this business and you should quit right now, and find something your passionate about.

this is so much fucking bullshit. it's like telling someone with depression to just "cheer up and be happy" or telling someone with poor eyesight to squint harder. You do believe that depression and nearsightedness are real right?

The fact is everyone is different and everyone has different brain chemistry. ADD/ADHD is definitely real and while its certainly easier (for everyone) to focus on something they are passionate about, there are a lot detrimental effects from that disorder on a person's life outside of just their overall motivation. Imagine having a tremendously hard time saying in a conversation with someone when you wanted to, or finding it very difficult to do one uninteresting thing for more than 15 minutes (with uninteresting things still making up a significant portion of the shit we all do everyday in our lives no matter how much we love our job).

I know it seems like bullshit so drug companies can make more money, but if you knew someone who's life was greatly improved from ADHD treatment (medicinal and otherwise), you might think differently.