Staying awake. Staying smart.


PHP |㋛
Jul 27, 2009
I'm sure these threads pop up all the time.

Other than Jack3D (not against it, just don't have any), share your tricks for staying alert and brain-functional.


  • Going for a run or doing some sort of exercise.
  • Caffeine and a snack.
  • Actually sleeping.


You in the states? Where do you get that? I've been interested in trying some for a while, but never wanted to shell out for a full case @ biogenesis upfront, without knowing anyone who's ever successfully tried it.
You in the states? Where do you get that? I've been interested in trying some for a while, but never wanted to shell out for a full case @ biogenesis upfront, without knowing anyone who's ever successfully tried it.

Nah UK I'm afraid.

It's worth the effort getting it though, the productivity gain is beyond exaggeration.
Try 10 -15 minute naps. Lie on your back on the floor (not a bed, couch, chair, etc.). Get into a deep sleep. Set an alarm for 10 - 15 min and you're good to go.

For caffeine - green tea. Let it steep for at least 5 min. You can even drink before the nap -- it takes ~15 min for caffeine to kick in.
bust a nut, it makes you sleepy afterwards

Try 10 -15 minute naps. Lie on your back on the floor (not a bed, couch, chair, etc.). Get into a deep sleep. Set an alarm for 10 - 15 min and you're good to go.

For caffeine - green tea. Let it steep for at least 5 min. You can even drink before the nap -- it takes ~15 min for caffeine to kick in.

Adderall, but make sure you eat good and take in a lot of fluids.

Any tips on getting this without a legit prescription. Since there are no generics yet for it... hard to get.

If I could just get a prescription for Adderall and Ambien CR... I would be set.
It's incredible how easy it is to forget both of those things when on addies

Really? I find the drymouth takes care of the drinking liquids and my appetite increases (although funny enough when taking adderall eating is annoying to me so I still manage to not eat)
Really? I find the drymouth takes care of the drinking liquids and my appetite increases (although funny enough when taking adderall eating is annoying to me so I still manage to not eat)

What I've found is that my ability to eat doesn't disappear, it's just my ability to recognize that I'm hungry that gets messed up. I'll sit and work for hours then stand up and be weak and need to eat immediately.

It's one of those little things where I just am not consciously paying attention to some simple stuff that pays off in the end lol. I usually just keep a protein bar nearby if something weird goes on and then just make myself separate from work and eat each meal.

Oh, and I owe you a return PM...I'll send it over tonight :)

In regards to trying to get a scrip for at least addies, I've never been officially diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or anything like that, but I got my scrip because I was constantly tired. Obviously, addies fix that. Psychiatrist didn't bat an eyelash.
Dude find an energy drink called Tweak Extreme.

The bottle has like 15 warnings on it like "Only consume 1 serving per day" "Not intended for Minors"

Dude this energy drink is like adderal but better.

I would equate it to around 50mg adderal if you chug the 12oz bottle but twice the euphoria.

anyway go grab one at your gas station for $3
but I got my scrip because I was constantly tired. Obviously, addies fix that. Psychiatrist didn't bat an eyelash.

For me I was all over the place and scattered and then I would feel overwhelmed because of it. I told the doctor about it and it was a toss up between adderall and wellbutrin. The key was that I didn't start with depression but ended with it when I couldn't control the the focus and the tidal wave of work because of it. He said depression and ADD often get the wires crossed in diagnoses and that we should try the adderall first. So now because it helps me focus I don't feel like I've wasted my whole day being scattered which makes me feel good (no feelings of being overwhelmed which leads to depression). It's still new so we'll see how it progresses.
For me I was all over the place and scattered and then I would feel overwhelmed because of it. I told the doctor about it and it was a toss up between adderall and wellbutrin. The key was that I didn't start with depression but ended with it when I couldn't control the the focus and the tidal wave of work because of it. He said depression and ADD often get the wires crossed in diagnoses and that we should try the adderall first. So now because it helps me focus I don't feel like I've wasted my whole day being scattered which makes me feel good (no feelings of being overwhelmed which leads to depression). It's still new so we'll see how it progresses.

Bingo. The longer the day rolls on without having gotten the stuff I need to do done, the more frantic I become. Usually, before addies, I couldn't get myself to do most anything but browse around the interenet aimlessly. Mix that with a long todo list and by the end of the day I was a fucking mess. Now I'm able to hit the ground running first thing in the morning and feel a lot less stressed by the end of the day.

Plus from what I've read, adderall does give you somewhat of a confidence boost and a minimal sense of well being, so that probably plays a lot into it as well. Frankly, my well being and happiness is permanently and directly attached to the amount of work I can do, so that all kinda makes sense.
Took Adderall for a year, but really didn't like being on speed. Even at first, where it seemed like I was focusing harder and working more, I'd miss obvious solutions to problems and instead spend 4 days in a meth-induced craze over-engineering the problem in my boxer shorts.

I quit about 8 months ago, and pretty much just smoke weed now, which I personally feel helps the ADD by attacking it in the opposite way -- instead of being super focused on whatever one task I started on at the beginning of my pill, I'm constantly forgetting what I was doing, and rethinking it. As a programmer, I've found that's actually an awesome trait to have. I'm way too high to concentrate on a bunch of shit at once, so I clear off my desk, close my AIM, and zone out to some Pink Floyd while thinking about the problem at hand. Usually, if I was planning on writing 500 lines of PHP today, by the end of the day (and a couple of bowls), I'll have solved the same problem with 30 lines of Python. Plus, I was high the whole time, which is awesome.

It took a lot of discipline to learn how to work when stoned, and sometimes I still wish I had motivation-in-a-pill (instead of smoking away all my motivation and having to find the will to work anyway), but I'm much happier with this than being on "amphetamine salts" and feeling my heart beating out of my chest and forgetting to eat. Shit, these days, I never miss a meal, my coworkers know I've always got the munchies :p

EDIT -- which brings me back to my original point, I'd really like to try Modafanil/Provigil or Adrefanil (metabolizes into Modafanil). These are drugs for narcoleptics that supposedly give you the always-alert feeling of Adderall without turning your thought processes into a Muslim extremist that's hijacking your thought processes and flying them into brick walls. According to the testimonials I've read, you stay awake all day, sleep 3-4 hours per night, feel calm, clear and refreshed and never "speedy" or "shakey" or "forget to eat today". Anyone in SoCal wanna try a box with me? I still can't find Modafanil, but Adrefanil starts at like $130 over at Biogenesis, and they ship to states.