State confiscates children because of their names.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Adolf Hitler's Parents Shouldn't Get Kids Back: Court | NBC Philadelphia

Adolf Hitler's Parents Shouldn't Get Kids Back: Court
Court claims that abuse or neglect -- not the childrens' Nazi names -- led to the decision.

A New Jersey state appeals court has determined that a couple who gave their children Nazi-inspired names should not regain custody of them.
Heath and Deborah Campbell's three small children were removed from their Holland Township home by the state in January 2009 after they asked a grocery store in Greenwich, N.J. to write “Adolf Hitler” on their son’s birthday cake.

While a local Wal-Mart honored the birthday cake request, Adolf Hitler Campbell and siblings JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell have been in foster care ever since.

Keep giving government bureaucrats more power and things like this are only going to get worse.

Once you create laws and bureaucracies, those in power will always find a way to use their power and fight to keep their power.

And hell... lets be honest here...

Naming your kid Adolf Hitler is abuse.
"Adolf Hitler Campbell and siblings JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell"

Must've been a quiet night on Stormfront when they come up with those names.
if the feds "legally kidnap" every weird named kids... it's going to be preeeetty lonely... and remember you're paying for all this shit... are you getting your monies worth ?!?!?!?
yes, please don't intervene, let those kids grow up in a productive and loving, nurturing environment so that they can end up like this before the govt. steps in


But yeah, I know, they're gonna take away your internets too. BUY GUNS, BUY GOLD, <buy a brain?>
yes, please don't intervene, let those kids grow up in a productive and loving, nurturing environment so that they can end up like this before the govt. steps in

But yeah, I know, they're gonna take away your internets too. BUY GUNS, BUY GOLD, <buy a brain?>

I'm glad you're so comfortable with random government bureaucrats deciding what's OK to believe and teach your children and whether or not THEY will decide to steal your child.

Part of cherishing Liberty is accepting the fact that some people will live their lives in ways you don't agree.
LuLz, the Nazis wouldn't have wasted a second exterminating an abomination like that.

that's why I laugh at the Neo-Nazi, if presented to the S.S. they'd be easily cataloged and shipped off. Also the parents using Aryan Nation, as a middle name, they're probably part of that neo-nazi fuckup group, or just liked the idea of providing society.
I'm glad you're so comfortable with random government bureaucrats deciding what's OK to believe and teach your children and whether or not THEY will decide to steal your child.

Part of cherishing Liberty is accepting the fact that some people will live their lives in ways you don't agree.

So those who are intolerent now need our tolerance for their bullshit?!

Lol ok
[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

The irony is that Hitler is known as the evil personification of a Totalitarian state.

And by taken kids away from parents for naming them Hitler, the so called 'democratic state' takes a turn for the totalitarian side.
This is why I believe in some sort of IQ test before being eligible to have a child.

Should they maybe weigh it to a total score of 200, like an average 100/100 parent, or if it tips one way or the other with the idea that maybe it'll balance out (besides most higher IQ people don't have much tolerance for lower IQ let alone raise a family with them)
All the peeps in here thinking this type of big brother intervention is okay aren't going to have a leg to stand on when some judge who hates <insrt any number of fucktard religion / culture here> takes away their kids. Don't think it's gonna happen? Give it a few more years.

I'm not supporting the Nazis, but the ignorant love of the gov't and hatred for all beliefs that aren't your own in here surprises me. Let natural selection take care of these dipshits, not the gov.
All the peeps in here thinking this type of big brother intervention is okay aren't going to have a leg to stand on when some judge who hates <insrt any number of fucktard religion / culture here> takes away their kids. Don't think it's gonna happen? Give it a few more years.

I'm not supporting the Nazis, but the ignorant love of the gov't and hatred for all beliefs that aren't your own in here surprises me. Let natural selection take care of these dipshits, not the gov.

I see, because that was the SOLE reason they were taken huh? My wife worked as a psychologist for the county for years directly with at risk kids who SHOULD be taken away from their parents (often were). However other kids who showed up with black eyes weren't taken yet, her reaction was that there wasn't a chance in hell it was simply due to their names.

And where is this coming from? Not the sensationalist US news media trying to desperately sell adspace so that a 'reporter' can tell me the merits of the Acai Berry and how I can try it for only shipping?

When you find me something that states THIS is the only reason the state stepped in (when it waits WAYYYYYYYY too long in most all other cases with kids) we can have a apples to apples debate about the issues you address.