Starting a hotel-booking or airline-booking website, anyone tried?


New member
May 4, 2012
anybody here attempted to start an airline or hotel booking site? Seems to me that the commission potential is awesome and it's all an SEO game for the most part since most people now book online for hotels and flights.

what are the main challenges? I'm thinking that setting up the website itself shouldn't be that hard. There's probably tons of apps and plugins already made for this.. maybe even WordPress themes and plugins.

what do you guys think? Worth jumping into? Too much hassle? Discuss.

I figure that initially you'll need to hire sales people in a lot of countries to negotiate deals with the hotels. Then you can start doing SEO/PPC. It's a capital intensive business.
Looks like this time to beat the competition you will have to go for premium WP theme and get 2000 words instead of usual 1000 on the front page as this is a competitive niche.
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I think you have an awesome idea. I have hotels on Boardwalk and Park Place, plus I own 2 railroads. Getting them booked has been tough- it's literally a dice roll whether or not I will have a good day.
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Having been to the Orbitz headquarters in Chicago I know how silly it is to even suggest this.

You might as well say you're going to start a food cart to take on Wendy's.
But the commission potential is better with Payday, Raspberry ketone, Insurance, loans?

Here is a serious answer though. Start a niche travel site first. Go super niche.. Target a place in say, asia, which have decent volume but low competition. Create tons of content, good content..

And then put flight and hotel affiliate offers. That is your only bet.

But the commission potential is better with Payday, Raspberry ketone, Insurance, loans?

Here is a serious answer though. Start a niche travel site first. Go super niche.. Target a place in say, asia, which have decent volume but low competition. Create tons of content, good content..

And then put flight and hotel affiliate offers. That is your only bet.

Raspberry ketone is dead. Nothing to see there.
Raspberry ketone is dead. Nothing to see there.

this is 100% true.

Fortunately, my niche, the raspberry keytar niche, is doing just fine these days.

You're out of your mind if you think Asia has low competition in this niche.

Here is a serious answer though. Start a niche travel site first. Go super niche.. Target a place in say, asia, which have decent volume but low competition. Create tons of content, good content..
anybody here attempted to start an airline or hotel booking site? Seems to me that the commission potential is awesome and it's all an SEO game for the most part since most people now book online for hotels and flights.

what are the main challenges? I'm thinking that setting up the website itself shouldn't be that hard. There's probably tons of apps and plugins already made for this.. maybe even WordPress themes and plugins.

what do you guys think? Worth jumping into? Too much hassle? Discuss.

Last I checked you got fucked hard by the Penguin update and were seriously considering a day job. Now you feel confident enough to not only start an airline/hotel booking site, but also do SEO for it?

This is a terrible idea btw. You should stick to being a failing keyboard jock instead.
There are tons of small travel comparison websites that do just fine with affiliate programs from kayak,, expedia, etc. most of those are probably operated out of living rooms by faggots, without any huge orbitz office.
some even go more direct, some seem to have direct affiliate programs with airlines, they just redirect you to the booking page of the airline or hotel (pre-popped) instead of doing the whole transaction like expedia.
Why waste your time with super saturated markets, bro? Why not build a new search engine, you only have 3 competitors. You could get someone to code the shit out of your WP theme search function and become a multibillionaire.
Good luck, bro!