Starting a dating website, need advice.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
So I wanna start a dating website in a specific niche. Being a non-technical noob I want to know what good dating softwares are out there. Something that is highly customizable, easy to set up etc. Any ideas?

So you want an out-the-box setup for your site? Is this what you want OP? If so, you need to start thinking about outsourcing the job and having it built for you from the ground up. That is going to cost you...If you want to build it your self, try DreamWeaver. Good luck!
Well there are a few dating site softwares out there. I might need some minor work done with some of them but looking for something good to build upon.
Do you mean a script that clones the most popular dating sites? Try with, they have all kind of scripts, but some are paid.
So you want an out-the-box setup for your site? Is this what you want OP? If so, you need to start thinking about outsourcing the job and having it built for you from the ground up. That is going to cost you...If you want to build it your self, try DreamWeaver. Good luck!
You're a moron.

I second the Hotscripts suggestion.
Are you sure you want to go down that road ? 99% of all new dating sites fail. Remember competition is very tough and you need tens of thousands of dollars to make it work.
If you have the budget go right ahead but make sure you come up with something great that people will love.
try to get cloned scripts from
good luck for your new dating site.
Thanks guys, appreciate it. Will look into hotscripts

Stf: it's a niche matrimonial site, not much competition.
Try whitelabeldating dot com. They are a top company, you can niche your sites as you like