Start of WWIII?

wwwiii will start once some polarity takes place to clash in a fight, so far we live in a unipolar world where there's only one aggressor, ughh, peacemaker.
still not gonna happen as nuclear weapons protect big powers against each other and will restrain them for awhile.

I am in love with her and stare at this gif for at least a minute every time it's posted.

I would do incredible, terrible things to her.

Not sure if serious? Are you implying that they just decided to form a communist government and then we invaded? Also what do you mean by "they"?

How dare they hold a different ideology than us would have been more appropriate.

1910 - 45: During its occupation, Japan built up Korea's infrastructure, especially the street and railroad systems. However, the Japanese ruled with an iron fist and attempted to root out all elements of Korean culture from society. People were forced to adopt Japanese names, convert to the Shinto (native Japanese) religion, and were forbidden to use Korean language in schools and business. The Independence Movement on March 1, 1919, was brutally repressed, resulting in the killing of thousands, the maiming and imprisoning of tens of thousands, and destroying of hundreds of churches, temples, schools, and private homes. During World War II, Japan siphoned off more and more of Korea's resources, including its people, to feed its Imperial war machine. Many of the forced laborers were never repatriated to Korea.

1945 - 60: The Japanese surrender on August 15, 1945, cause the peninsula to came under divided rule: the USSR occupied Korea north of the 38th parallel, while the U.S. occupied the southern section. Under UN auspices, a democratic government established the Republic of Korea (South Korea) in 1948 with its capital in Seoul. The Communists established the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) with its capital in P'yongyang. On June 25, 1950, the North Korean Army invaded the South, starting the Korean War. UN forces helped the South while Communist Chinese volunteers sided with the North, resulting in a three year war which left millions dead on both sides. (The Korean War section gives greater detail about this period, including a day-by-day calendar with historical events, diary entries from people who were there, and period photographs.) Student protests against the corrupt government caused Syngman Rhee to step down as president in 1960.

1961 - 79: On May 16, 1961, General Park, Chung Hee organized a military coup and toppled the civilian government. He then established martial law and later had himself elected president. Though his leadership was oppressive, President Park instigated many economic and social changes which helped elevate Korea into and industrializing nation. Major infrastructure enhancements, including the Seoul-Pusan expressway and the Seoul subway system, began under his regime. The Korean CIA chief assassinated President Park on October 26, 1979.

1980 - 87: In the power vacuum left by President Park's death, General Chun, Doo Hwan staged a military coup and seized power on May 17, 1980. After re-establishing martial law, he had himself elected President and banned several hundred former politicians from campaigning. A military crackdown against student protests in the southern city of Kwangju resulted in hundreds of deaths and injuries. Although his rule was more lenient than General Park's, and he adopted many reforms, the Korean people became tired of military rule. Violent student demonstrations in 1987 forced President Chun to implement more social reforms and hold presidential elections in 1988.

1988 - 92: General Noh, Tae-woo, Chun's chosen political successor, won the presidential election. The opposition party failed to field a single candidate, splitting the opposition vote and giving Noh a comfortable win. During his term, President Noh's government established diplomatic relations with many non-capitalist countries, including the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union, both long-term allies of communist North Korea. The successful hosting of the 1988 Olympic Games brought Korea to the center stage of world recognition.

1992 - 1996: The election of President Kim, Young-sam ushered in a new era of civilian rule. Since taking office he worked hard to reform the widely criticized regulatory system through his "New Economy" and "Globalization" programs. The implementation of the real-name financial transaction act put an end to the easy hiding of hot money. Another 2,000 rules and regulations were abolished or amended during Presdient Kim's term. Despite the many contibutions he made, Kim, Young-sam will probably be remembered most for the dismal economic situation the country was in when he left office.

1997 - present: The election of President Kim, Dae-jung marked the first time an opposition leader has been elected as president in Korea. After failing in four other attempts to win the popular vote, his party joined with the party of Kim, Jong-pil, and riding the population's growing resentment towards the ruling party, gained the narrow majority needed to gain the presidency. His term immediately got off to the rocky start when the former ruling party boycotted the National Assembly session which was to have confirmed President Kim's choice of cabinet and prime minister candidates.
How dare they hold a different ideology than us would have been more appropriate.


On June 25, 1950, the North Korean Army invaded the South, starting the Korean War.

From your own quote above (1945 - 1960)

You keep ignoring this. It's ok, I don't blame you. It's pretty damaging to your point.
It's funny how if something does happen that people will see NK as the aggressor.

Yet we've imposed sanctions on them for over 40 years (that really just fuck over the civillians, their elites do just fine).

We've had a standing army at the DMZ since the Korean war.

We've just announced that we're setting up even more "defensive" missiles targeting them.

We run monthly military exercises at their front door.

How would we react to provocation like that?

I'm not defending NK's government. Just pointing out the irony that people say they're the aggressors and we're just reacting in a defensive posture.

"Blow them off the map!" seems to be a popular sentiment. I'm sure plenty of people say the same thing about the U.S. and other Western countries.

No worries. There will be plenty of killing people and blowing shit up left to see in our lifetime.

Oh ya its our fault. We have an open invitation for them to come to the table and not be fucking morons.
I'm not defending NK's government...

Weird, because that's exactly what it sounds like you're doing.

You and those of your ilk would defend murderers, communists, terrorists, and any manner of scum as long as it wasn't the United States.

So NK uses their media as a propaganda tool...
Sounds familiar.

From your own quote above (1945 - 1960)

You keep ignoring this. It's ok, I don't blame you. It's pretty damaging to your point.

Oh a country at civil war. This perfectly justifies US intervention. Any such intervention is purely for 'defense' and not for imperialistic power plays. It also makes perfect sense that capitalists should balk at the warmongering of communist. It makes perfect sense since capitalism NEVER started ANY wars. Especially of aggression. Those evil bad guys (the alien other) are the ones that hurt the good guys (me and mine).

You are the good guys. You are on the side of captain america. The world is white and black and you guys are white and he is black. You are a brilliant man for recognizing this amazing reality. I hope more people will bow to reality their corporate overlords dictate for them.

P.S. It is cute in a way that you are just as brainwashed as the North Koreans.
Oh a country at civil war. This perfectly justifies US intervention. Any such intervention is purely for 'defense' and not for imperialistic power plays. It also makes perfect sense that capitalists should balk at the warmongering of communist. It makes perfect sense since capitalism NEVER started ANY wars. Especially of aggression. Those evil bad guys (the alien other) are the ones that hurt the good guys (me and mine).

You are the good guys. You are on the side of captain america. The world is white and black and you guys are white and he is black. You are a brilliant man for recognizing this amazing reality. I hope more people will bow to reality their corporate overlords dictate for them.

P.S. It is cute in a way that you are just as brainwashed as the North Koreans.

Huh? So if someone stands across the street from your house, shoots into the air while screaming they're going to break in and kill you -- then gets some of their buddies to stand across the street with him, you're going to think it's no big deal?

If Pyongyang gets decimated out of this, it's their own fault.