Star Citizen


Sep 4, 2007
I need this game like a fat kid needs cake...

Finally took the plunge and bought myself a ship so I could get in on the alpha before all the slots are sold out.

I feel kind of stupid for paying for a game, when all I can do right now is stare at the ship model in the hanger. They are beautiful models though, lol. Got myself a 325a.


The way I figure it, if they only deliver on half of their promises, this will be the best space sim ever made.

Some of their marketing material is pretty impressive. Selling starships like cars. The commercials and brochures they put out impressed me, especially for a game, they're slick.

[ame=]The 300 Series: The Next Generation is Now - YouTube[/ame]

They also update their site daily, feeding bread crumbs of concept art and whatnot to the players to keep them on the hook. From a marketing perspective it's interesting to watch how they operate.

Just the hanger module that's out is fairly intensive to run. My GTX 660 Ti strains a little running it on high. I'm thinking I'm going to have to upgrade my GPU when dogfighting gets released.

Anybody else backed SC and waiting for it?

no one even knows what this is

Well, for those of you who are google impaired or have been living under a rock, it's a game that's in development. It's also the largest crowd-funded project ever. Originally Chris Roberts set out to raise about 2 million and is up to near 40 million now. People just keep throwing money at him. If you're interested in crowd funding, this game/project will probably be a case study for many years to come.

Here's the trailer for the single-player part of the game:
[ame=]Squadron 42 - Full Cinematic Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

I like that it was rendered all in-engine. Not a bullshit animated cut scene that you'll never play.

This vid explains what I think is a lot of the players/fans motivation for throwing countless millions at this game:
[ame=]Star Citizen - A promise - YouTube[/ame]

And below are some of the other commercials. Great production quality on these things.

Hornet commercial:
[ame=]Star Citizen: Official Anvil Aerospace Hornet Commercial - YouTube[/ame]

Aurora commercial:
[ame=]Introducing the 2944 Aurora - YouTube[/ame]

Extended version of the 300i commercial:
[ame=]300 Series Commercial - Director's Cut - YouTube[/ame]

The 325a that I got:
[ame=]Origin 300 Series . 325a Interdictor - YouTube[/ame]
I fear this game is total vaporware. The goals they have set and the things they say they will build into the game will make it the largest mmo in history. They are claiming that if we keep giving them money they will add more content. I will believe it when I see it. Until then all this preorder stuff is bullshit since we have seen 0 gameplay other than the promotional videos.

This guy is selling promises and everyone is buying them.
this guy is a genius and will likely make billions from this game. *if it's released.
I fear this game is total vaporware. The goals they have set and the things they say they will build into the game will make it the largest mmo in history. They are claiming that if we keep giving them money they will add more content. I will believe it when I see it. Until then all this preorder stuff is bullshit since we have seen 0 gameplay other than the promotional videos.

This guy is selling promises and everyone is buying them.

I had a lot of the same concerns, which is why I didn't buy in last year.

From what I understand they could have released dogfighting back in December, but they would have had to use the shitty netcode in cryengine. Instead they delayed it so they could write their own custom netcode from scratch which they would have had to do eventually anyway.

The goals are massive I agree, but I think at this point they've got enough funding to pull it off. I mainly bought in just for access to the dogfighting module. I figure anything more will be a bonus. The full game probably won't be out until around late 2015 or 2016 anyway.

If I wasn't on my phone I'd post some vids where they talk about the development.
this guy is a genius and will likely make billions from this game. *if it's released.

I certainly hope so. This got me so excited I picked up an oculus rift dev kit and and have wasted the last couple of evenings getting it to work with freespace 2 and xwing alliance :)

this going to be some lawn mower man lvl shit.
I certainly hope so. This got me so excited I picked up an oculus rift dev kit and and have wasted the last couple of evenings getting it to work with freespace 2 and xwing alliance :)

this going to be some lawn mower man lvl shit.

Nice. Have you tried the oculus with the SC hanger yet? I'm curious how much more of the cockpit you'll be able to see. Also, does it get to feeling heavy when you're wearing it for a while?

I've been thinking about getting one, but wasn't sure if they'd be comfortable enough to wear for hours at a time.
This movie is not in theatres and I cannot find it on Netflix. Maybe I'll just wait for the sequel.
This movie is not in theatres and I cannot find it on Netflix. Maybe I'll just wait for the sequel.

lol. Do you remember the Wing Commander movie from years ago? It's going to be sort of like that, but better and you'll be able to live it.
since we have seen 0 gameplay

Finally got back home so I could hunt down the video. They did do a livestream demo a while back that showed some dogfighting gameplay.

Here's a capture from that part of the livestream:
[ame=""]Star Citizen Dogfighting Module (Livestream capture) - YouTube[/ame]

It shows that they at least have the hornet models and multiplayer dogfighting stuff in-engine and functional to a degree.

I've heard April 16th mentioned as the tentative release date for the dogfighting alpha.
Nice. Have you tried the oculus with the SC hanger yet? I'm curious how much more of the cockpit you'll be able to see. Also, does it get to feeling heavy when you're wearing it for a while?

I've been thinking about getting one, but wasn't sure if they'd be comfortable enough to wear for hours at a time.

Only get one if you have the disposable income to waste. They're comfortable to wear and a great experience but not polished. You'll really notice the 720p resolution which detracts from immersion. The proximity of your eyes from the display results in a tombstoning effect around each pixel.
Only get one if you have the disposable income to waste. They're comfortable to wear and a great experience but not polished. You'll really notice the 720p resolution which detracts from immersion. The proximity of your eyes from the display results in a tombstoning effect around each pixel.

Ah, thanks for the advice. I might pick one up down the road. I've got some extra cash, but I'm thinking I'll just upgrade my graphics card first. Gonna wait to see how my rig handles overclocking when dogfighting comes out before I make a decision on a new card.

Was reading the Star Citizen forum and saw they didn't have Oculus support in yet. The devs were saying they should have it in along with dogfighting, and is on their priority list though.

The past few months I've logged a few hundred hours in War Thunder. I think they've got support for Oculus, so was thinking of getting one just for that.
I'm no astro physicist, but that dogfighting video doesn't seem to have very realistic movements. If there is no gravity, wouldn't there be more inertia in the movements? You wouldn't just be able to turn that abrubtly? Or is it the other way around?
I'm no astro physicist, but that dogfighting video doesn't seem to have very realistic movements. If there is no gravity, wouldn't there be more inertia in the movements? You wouldn't just be able to turn that abrubtly? Or is it the other way around?

All the ships have a complex system of thrusters. It's not just the main engine.

[ame=]Star Citizen - Physics - YouTube[/ame]

I've read some of the comments from the programmers and apparently they do account for inertia. The dogfighting demo was back in December and keep in mind that was still a very early buggy pre-alpha demo. Also, they did some tweaks to the demo like amplifying the damage and stuff so they could show more kills faster.
Are you going to be able to get out of your ships and walk around the surface of a planet or space station? This is one of my biggest problems with Eve; you're basically a ship and these is no interaction outside of that ship.