Standards Overload

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
I just saw the attached image as a footer on a site. This stuff is getting ridiculous. Put all that crap with rss feeds, OPML, delicious, technorati and other tagging sites... and it's a full time job just managing your feeds and making sure you stay up to date with the standards you claim to conform to.

I've been known to display a Valid XHTML symbol or text at the bottom of some of my pages, but I don't like to overdo it. Where do you guys draw the line for your sites?


  • standards.gif
    5 KB · Views: 27

I cant get hung up with standards; If it works then great and I move onto the next project. Perhaps not the besst attitude, but you could spend forever being 100% compliant when you could have designed another site in that time.

If I was paying for desing, though, that might be another matter
Jesus that's a button overload, I hate those.
I'm really an advocate of standards and I teach and follow them for a living, but I have never put up a Valid BLABLA button or even a text.
If people are interest in the markup of my site they'll check the source.
Dave said:
I never put those valid buttons on my sites, they look so ugly :p
Yeah, the ones the w3c provides are ugly as shit. I either make my own or just use text.
One or two buttons are the most id consider, and only then on sites where people would actually care that its w3c or whatever format valid. The vast majority wont care if my site conforms to a standard they probably have never heard of.
I really don't even do it for the user's. Something about having an outbound link to a site as high and mighty as the w3c just makes me feel good.
I like standards... in general I think that movement has brought a lot of normal-ness (i don't think thats a word). What I mean is beause of standards development has gotten easier.

I personally start out with standards and try to keep it pure, but in the end I want the site to work, and I want to spend only a resonable effort to get it to work. My thereshold for that level is inversely proportional to the size of my back log. ;-)
Defiantly an overload there. I've never used those buttons before, if I was going to link to the validation results I would use a text link or a custom made button.
lol that's so lame
why would anyone do that? to impress their web developer buddies? I bet 98% of the people that see it wouldn't care one bit.
kyleirwin said:
I just saw the attached image as a footer on a site. This stuff is getting ridiculous. Put all that crap with rss feeds, OPML, delicious, technorati and other tagging sites... and it's a full time job just managing your feeds and making sure you stay up to date with the standards you claim to conform to.

I've been known to display a Valid XHTML symbol or text at the bottom of some of my pages, but I don't like to overdo it. Where do you guys draw the line for your sites?

Well, maybe that is his first fully compliant site, kinda equivalent of getting laid for the first time; "I got laid, I did it, i did it, WOOooo!"
They're totally redundant. I haven't used them in years, and have NEVER used the ugly-ass buttons those sites give you.
dude march to your own freeking standard. If the dev works, it works. If the target audience can access and accomplish the goal, it works. If a one armed, blind half-ape, half-man can't see the alt text for your photogallery site, he should try music.
Standards are a strange beast.

Just about every tech head out there wants to be standards compliant but the majority of web users out there don't give a cra about standards. All they care about is getting the information or product they were there to find and to be able to move around the site with relative ease.
Nathan said:
Standards are a strange beast.

Just about every tech head out there wants to be standards compliant but the majority of web users out there don't give a cra about standards. All they care about is getting the information or product they were there to find and to be able to move around the site with relative ease.
I disagree, standards are very important for users who don't have 100% functional eye-sight, and that group is not as small as many think.
It's also important for many more things, I don't feel like writing a book now so I'll just throw you a link:
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