spybot cracking down on affiliate cookies

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How is he getting fewer cookies stripped. None of that makes any sense. A cookie is a cookie. Going directly to the affiliate doesn't change that. You still have a cookie, and if the user does not purchase right then, their cookie is just as likely to get stripped as anyone else.

This is something that needs to be dealt with on an industry wide level. With all the trade shows and groups making money off affiliate marketing and internet marketing, it seems like a good idea for one of them to actually do something to help deal with issues like this. It is likely going to take a collective effort to get the spyware software makers to adjust things so such things are not automatically removed.

I am still confused over how going directly to a merchant leads to less cookies being stripped.

Perhaps going directly to the merchant can be done without having to set a cookie?

In any case, it's not just antispyware stuff that can cause this. I've seen a few cases where after installing standalone antivirus products, I keep losing login cookies to my own web sites for no discernable reason.
Yeah but the point of the cookie is to capture sales when they don't occur immediately. The cookie gets put on the computer, so if you come back you still get credit.

Going directly to the merchant and not through the network would not change that.
I haven't used Norton, but from how I've seen Spybot worked, it's IDed cookies (ok, I'm not a cookie expert, so I'll describe it in my own words) via their pattern/structure, identifying it as coming from a certain source (ie as an Azoogle cookie). So maybe it's pattern recognition?

Hence, I would guess, if it's a cookie direct from the merchant, it might not be as widely recognized?

Like this:

orig entry: Spybot post

It's be like saying before Spybot started IDing Azoogle, Clickbank and other cookies and deleting then, you wouldn't have this issue in the first place?
Okay, yeah I forgot about that part, that it was specifically targeting CJ and Azoogle cookies.

My mistake. :)
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