Spamming suppression files

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What's up with some of these useless responses?
If you think the responses "worst idea ever" and "this has to be the worst idea of all time" were useless, think again. At least one other poster elaborated on the details of why that idea reeked of epic fail.

People on this board may be blunt when they're helpful, but they know what they're talking about.

If you're still not convinced, try it out. Grab a supression list or 100 and spam away. See what happens and let us know the results. Just don't say we didn't warn you.
I'm not sure how much professional spammers make these days. Does anybody know of anyone having success doing this? Sounds like a risky venture dude.
If anyone has had credit charge chargeback from a sale - the guys doing this fraud are probably in the same risk reward ratio as this idea is.
This is my first post and I wanted to get some opinions on a rather controversial subject. Has anybody here actually tried emailing to suppression lists? I'm aware of the canspam act, as well as seed addresses etc., but what are the true punishments for getting caught doing something like this? What are the chances of being caught? Finally, how much could you actually make hitting suppression files? I'm not looking to do this myself, but very curious if anybody has had success doing this.

I think my 6 year old sister tried that once. I'll ask her how it went and get back with you.
This is my first post and I wanted to get some opinions on a rather controversial subject. Has anybody here actually tried emailing to suppression lists? I'm aware of the canspam act, as well as seed addresses etc., but what are the true punishments for getting caught doing something like this? What are the chances of being caught? Finally, how much could you actually make hitting suppression files? I'm not looking to do this myself, but very curious if anybody has had success doing this.
There are nasty ass penalties, and yes you will get caught.
And it's not the local authorities that investigate spam nowadays. It's the FBI.
This is one of the dumbest ideas possible. After you do that, you should go over to a bad neighborhood in town, and go door to door calling people racial slangs. Then go to every church, and tell everyone one by one that their is no God and their religion is a waste of time, then run down to the police station and tell each cop that you are a pedophile.


Why are you assuming the bad neighborhood in town are full of minorities? That's pretty jacked up.

Church is not a waste of time, I go to pick up chicks. Plus they give out free bread and water. Paaarrtttayyyyy!

Boo cops. If there is grass on the field, play ball!

.... I'm just kidding around.

You should try it, sounds like a three dollar idea. I would if I was in a backwater 3rd world country and the US Govt. would extradite me overseas. I think prison would still be better than living in some countries.
As an advertiser - you will definitely be banned, commission reversed, and possibly fined

Think about how many people will try to get you:

1) Users that you are spamming
2) Affiliate Network that you are running through
3) Advertisers
4) Lashback & other services like Lashback
5) Government
6) ISP
I have a better idea- try selling luxury coastal real estate to people living on welfare- because the conversion rate will likely be just as good.

And if you're feeling left out not breaking the law offer to sell crack while you're pitching them just for that 'risky - maybe I'll go to pound me in the ass prison' you'll get.

Back to DP & ebooks Mr Brilliant.
I want to join your newsletter, buy your e-book and marry your sister.

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