Spam getting worse here?


New member
Sep 2, 2007
Is it just me or is spam getting worse around here?

Is there something we can do like not let new members start threads until they have 10 posts or until they have been here a week?

There should be some VB plugins or whatever that are easily implementable.

Yeah, earlier today the whole shooting the shit section was full of spam threads
Spammers complaining about spammers hehe


It was rediculous earlier on. Whole page full of Watch 'X' streaming online free threads.

I agree that a simple block on allowing brand new members to create threads until they post 'x' amount of times would solve a lot of the automated spam.
Why is this section of WF even allowed to be indexed? It can only be contributing to the spam.
is was pretty bad today, the whole "shooting the shit" section was full of it.
looks like something personal, it does not make sense to spam the same links over and over again.
Not on the note of spam ... but on the quality of threads. I ve been saying for a long time we need to fuckin ban foreign IP addys ... They can still access it through proxy or VPS but at least make some of these poor quality posters do some work.
I used to report spammers and .Hack used to ban their IP too, though they are not stopping...
Agree they should have some posts restrictions to open a new thread.
I posted this on another section...

Can xRumer and all the other forum posting tools beat out those captcha things where you have to complete the puzzle (Move the little puzzle pieces to depict an image)?
The only captcha suitable suitable for WF is one that makes you dickroll yourself and report the random number of spins that were shown.