Something to get you thinking/motivated

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both videos were cool, i loved the rodney mullen stuff in the second one (the skateboarder) and i think, im not sure but the music in the second one sounded like DJ Mangoo

It's a TRAP!!!!!!!

They are trying to get you to stop downloading music illegally.
Someone is going to have to manage all those Honor Students. Leadership skills aren't learned in a classroom. Plus ideas like Microsoft, Google, and Apple all came from dropouts. Well pretty smart dropouts in America.
In the end does it really matter who makes the hardware; I always thought the money was in the software these days.
There is a lot of information presented in that video, some of it's pretty scary and really makes you think about your future... Where will we be in say 10 years :O
It's a TRAP!!!!!!!

They are trying to get you to stop downloading music illegally.

Haha ya I sensed the shift there too. The video seemed to be a pretty cool, information packed message up until that point.
If it took the internet 4 years to reach a market audience of 50 million , and the video after that said that the internet devices grew from 1000 to 1,000,000 from 84-92.... I don't understand?
If it took the internet 4 years to reach a market audience of 50 million , and the video after that said that the internet devices grew from 1000 to 1,000,000 from 84-92.... I don't understand?

One internet device services more then one person. In the 80's the I mean telenet and usenet was seen pretty much only from university computer labs, not from the home pc.
I mean telenet and usenet was seen pretty much only from university computer labs, not from the home pc.

Damn, you just gave me a flashback from when I was a kid and I'd beg my parents to drop me off at one of the college computer labs in town so I could use the internet. I had totally forgotten about that.
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