Someones pissed...


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
So I made this site, and sold it for $18,000 id say around June of this year. In short, I tend to keep them in my sescout account. All a sudden, someone got fucked. I had these positions in the top 4 for some high end keywords.


Just something to lol about..

If you don't mind sharing, how much was the site bringing in/month that you were able to get 18K for it?

It was a stupid decision on my part, I shouldn't have sold it - but looking at what happened above, I'm glad I did. He did some stupid shit to the site though, so this may also be why. I emailed him and asked if he wanted to sell it back to me, I won't offer him much given the traffic is gone (which by those ranks, it is). I spent the $ on a boat and @ sapphires/craps tables in vegas, but fuck it -- it was worth it, lol.

I own a debt management/debt settlement, and contracted with a few to refer out on some deals I cannot service. So for me, the site was making an easy $10k a month. I should have sold it for 10x = $100k, but didnt. I dont know why I sold it, just did. ...........But from a marketers perspective; I think advertisers get like $20 bux per lead (thats what you get paid, we pay around $30); it was generating about 4 a day. 4x30x20= $2,400/mo for you guys. So if @ 10x $24,000 was its value.
It was a stupid decision on my part, I shouldn't have sold it - but looking at what happened above, I'm glad I did. He did some stupid shit to the site though, so this may also be why. I emailed him and asked if he wanted to sell it back to me, I won't offer him much given the traffic is gone (which by those ranks, it is). I spent the $ on a boat and @ sapphires/craps tables in vegas, but fuck it -- it was worth it, lol.

I own a debt management/debt settlement, and contracted with a few to refer out on some deals I cannot service. So for me, the site was making an easy $10k a month. I should have sold it for 10x = $100k, but didnt. I dont know why I sold it, just did. ...........But from a marketers perspective; I think advertisers get like $20 bux per lead (thats what you get paid, we pay around $30); it was generating about 4 a day. 4x30x20= $2,400/mo for you guys. So if @ 10x $24,000 was its value.

I see. Thanks for the breakdown.
I emailed him and asked if he wanted to sell it back to me, I won't offer him much given the traffic is gone (which by those ranks, it is).

Not a bad idea, depending on how desperate he is to sell it. I'm guessing you could get the majority of the rankings back in under six months.
Not a bad idea, depending on how desperate he is to sell it. I'm guessing you could get the majority of the rankings back in under six months.

Yeah, theres no doubt in my mind... With those ranks, im assuming he's getting extremely little to no traffic. The site is tits though (I designed it); so I would only be buying that back from the guy. I made it up to have about 50 internal pages, all was unique etc. I'd probably offer him 1-3k max though.
He's a hater, so never mind his stupidity.... But in short, yeah I want the site to fall. I want any site thats in my niche (except mine) to fall - I mean who doesn't, right?
@ Berto = No I didn't fuck with any 301 redirects.

@ Yuckystuff = I didn't think about this. I did remove my links (from my homepages, or other authority links) - but I usually do this either immediately or within 30 days of transfer. So I wouldn't think this would have caused his fuck up. I know he has a network of sites, so maybe this helped in getting him from 3 to 1 - but possibly hurt him as well. idk...

He's offshore, so I'm sure he's asleep. But he should reply in a few hours here when he wakes up. If he thinks im giving him over $3k though with no traffic, he's fuckin on drugs...
But what I dont understand is... I don't make low budget, shitty websites with outsourced content. I have employee's and an office, so one day ill say quit your normal job, pay them each $100-$150 for the day to bang out X amount of articles. All sites have custom privacy policy, about us, contact us, etc. - so my assumption, is that this panda nonsense has nothing to do with the internal setup of the site. My assumption is that this panda thing just took peoples backlinks into consideration or gave different values to links that pointed towards the site.

Did anyone run a study or anything to see which links were more effective than the others?

..........A FYI to all, a few days back I implemented a social setup on the bottom of all pages (twitter, facebook, s/u, reddit, wordpress, squidoo, and a few others). These were outbound links, I did see a few ticks up on the positions shortly after. I did this over 4 sites and saw 4 different sets of boosts.
I had a similar incident, I sold a video website for around 10K that was getting a lot of traffic. But the buyer didn't keep it updated, so the traffic died off rather quickly. Later I offered to split the money on the future sale of the website, if he gave it back to me for a few months to gain the traffic back. It worked out great, because everyone wins.
@ Yuckystuff = I didn't think about this. I did remove my links (from my homepages, or other authority links) - but I usually do this either immediately or within 30 days of transfer. So I wouldn't think this would have caused his fuck up.

This probably didn't help... how many total sites/pages of links were removed?