Someone stold my landing page! what to do?

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New member
Feb 8, 2008
Austin, TX
Guys im so pissed of right now and cant beilive that someone stole my LP. each graphic, each word, each piece of code. they didnt even bother on changing anything! What can I do? They are advertising on adwords and running a NeverBlue offer....

I want to take action and do something against this asshole!!!

Please any advice and tips on how to burn this fucker will help.

I'm guessing this actually happened.

If it's a parody of the other thread it doesn't make much sense. Because Zac certainly didn't copy the landing page exactly. Nicky just has his horns on too tight.
no is not a parody!! this is real :(

he copied word by word, graphic by graphic, code by code. the motherfucker even copied my ads from adwords!!

this is crazy!

I have contacted adwords and Neverblue. Im trying to find his hosting company.

I will post more info when avalible.

any ideas on how to burn this thief???
Enjoy your fleshlight, Nacho. Odds are that you're never sticking your microscopic penis in anything female.
off topic nacho! wtf!!
please help...need some advice

Sadley this is part of the game. Not much you can do other than C&D his host and hope they pull him down. Otherwise forget it, it's not worth much else. It's not the first time and not the last.

Maybe try to drive some shitty traffic his way? However that's not much of an idea. :anon.sml:
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