Someone registered

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Just accept this fact?

I'm afraid, probably so.

Unless you have a trademark for the term twisted illustrations, there is probably little you can do. Also, it looks as if it has been regged for two years, so that owner is planning to hang onto it for a while.

If you really want the domain, best advice is to send a nice email to the person and explain the situation, offer mid $xx - to low $xxx for the domain, etc... and see what happens. It can work.
Balls! LOL!... I'll contact and see what they're doing with it and if it's actually being used for a real reason etc etc ...

Updated Date: 09-oct-2006
Creation Date: 02-dec-2005
Expiration Date: 02-dec-2007

Registered it a year ago, I'd just email him and ask if you can purchase it from him.
I seem to have missed the boat ... my own fault ... tho I must say, I have emailed the guy now ...

Just gotta see what happens ...

I've actually been trading now for plenty of time, so I am hoping I don't end up in some stupid wrangle...

Oh well
I registered it. Going to make some type of Illistration site. I registered it a while back one day when I was looking at your site, and I thought to myself, "I wonder how much Twisted would pay me for this?"
Well, the guy who really did register it, registered it before I registered my name ...

so thanks for the joke ... but it's not funny.

I've been trading under this name VERY actively for about a year... and it's quite annoying that someone else is using it :(
If you hold the TM for it, IM me and I'll tell you how to get it back. May cost some lawyer fees to ya, but I'm doing it with my WF related domains. The only reason you have to pay for it though is because the person didn't intentionally do it for malicious purposes like Gary did it to WickedFire, otherwise you'd be able to send the person at fault the bill and just laugh it up in the end.
I dont think there is much you can do man, unless this guy is using the domain to compete against your business and or deface it. Your not an Abobe, Microsoft, eBay, Walmart . . .. .. . . .. .. If you had registered something like twistrations or something off the wall that is totally unique it might be a little easier.

Jon's situation is unique in that some dip shit bought the domains with intent to compete, infringe or cause harm to an established trademark. If it were any different I dont think he'd be getting his domains.

<edit>But I wish you luck, hopefully you can strike a deal with the owner</edit>
Just an update ...

I FINALLY got a reply from the guy! He was holding it for a girl who was going to put some artwork up but they didn't get around to it ... so he offered me the domain for a paltry £35 :D I'm well pleased! I thought he'd try and fuck me over .... but he was a great guy. Domain is being transferred as we speak :)
If you hold the TM for it, IM me and I'll tell you how to get it back. May cost some lawyer fees to ya, but I'm doing it with my WF related domains. The only reason you have to pay for it though is because the person didn't intentionally do it for malicious purposes like Gary did it to WickedFire, otherwise you'd be able to send the person at fault the bill and just laugh it up in the end.

oh yea... did you ever follow through with legal action?
Just an update ...

I FINALLY got a reply from the guy! He was holding it for a girl who was going to put some artwork up but they didn't get around to it ... so he offered me the domain for a paltry £35 :D I'm well pleased! I thought he'd try and fuck me over .... but he was a great guy. Domain is being transferred as we speak :)

It never hurts to simply ask. You never know. Worst off would be if he said no, which was where you were in the beginning. Now you have the domain and for only 35 pounds. He was generous. Good for you.

If you plan to use this domain for your business, I would advise you to trademark it. It cost less than $400 bucks and you could do it yourself online (but make sure you read up on how to do a proper search and best practices). It does take time for the final registeration about 2 years.
This is how it all starts, we will see more of this guy :p First taste of internet money is hard to give up
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