Someone please explain this magic trick to me...

I wzas on both of these guys pretty seriously.
I think they are TOP NOTCH performers both of them.
Absolutely A class (at least on camera).

My thought is this.
What they do is impossible so there are only a couple of actual answers:

1) The entire crowd is fake + camera stops, edits, what ever is needed read: only works on tv.

2) This guy is real and tapped into the quantum/magical world whatever.

3) This dude is a demon and fucking with us right in front of our faces.

I tend to think Hollywood is 100% fake and trickery and answer #1 is true.

That said, it entertains me very much and I love both magicians!

I mean, Chris Angel walking up a building, walking through a plate glass window and that kind of shit, that is incredible.

My only recourse is to be IN THE CROWD and witness one of these guys in the flesh.

It's mind-blowing shit.

#2 and #3 are what scares me. I can't logically figure out how some of these tricks are made unless the whole setup is fake (crowd, scene, camera work, etc.)
I mean, Chris Angel walking up a building, walking through a plate glass window and that kind of shit, that is incredible.


He put "LIE" right there in the middle of the title. Magicians are some of the bestest trolls ever.
#2,#3- Blaine does have a history with the Occult; based on what has been said about his Autobiography. What that exactly means is hard to say, but here is an interesting video(though it seems to have been edited)-very strange guy:
[ame=""]David Blaine - interview bloop - YouTube[/ame]

I just looked at that dive of death picture again, then i looked at it upside down. Now I can see the flames and demons form David Blaine's face. The flames are horns and it looks like an eye on his waist.

You can read more about his history, based on a discussion about him here(specifically Visualizer's posts regarding the eye on his hand):
David Blaine - All seeing eye in The Public Forum Forum

Food for thought; just sayin'
David Blaine gets pwned by a redneck lol this is some funny shit:

[ame=""]David Blaine - Wrong Number - YouTube[/ame]
I remember when EvilPenguin got fooled a few years back with his gay webmaster lover...silly goose

[ame=]David Blaine Street Magic: YouTube Edition! - YouTube[/ame]