Some Easy money

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I just received $100 from F-secure for their October special offer. Thanks for the tip abhorrent. That was an easy $100. Got in just before the end of October and had about 30k impressions and less than 100 clicks.
I just received $100 from F-secure for their October special offer. Thanks for the tip abhorrent. That was an easy $100. Got in just before the end of October and had about 30k impressions and less than 100 clicks.
Nice. I never did get anything going on it. Had I had a whole month I probably would have tried harder. Glad some were able to get something out of it.

BTW: So it was ad impressions or page impressions? I'm guessing ad from your post...
All I did was stick one of their small button banners in the sidebar of a completely unrelated (to computer security) but fairly good traffic blog. Wish I had know about it sooner.

I was pretty surprised when I was mentioned in their email newsletter as "Some who got a piece of the action"
Are they running any special promotion right now?
I haven't seen any other emails from them of course, I didn't get the last one until 2/3rds of the way through the month.

Not sure what glowleaf is seeing (the link doesn't work for me any longer) and I don't think they list these in CJ, just through email. At least, I can't find them there.
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