Some Easy money

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New member
Feb 6, 2008
I just got this email today. Kind of pisses me off seeing as October is half over already. But this advertiser is supposedly paying bonuses simply for impressions.

10k = $ 100
50k = $ 150
100k = $ 200
250k = $ 250
500k = $ 300
1mil = $ 500

Some of those number should be pretty easy to hit with myspace or facebook ads.

They're on CJ and this is where the Bonus Opportunity comes from. Whether or not they're on other networks and running the same thing, I can't say.

Anyway, Just thought I'd share. here's the detail..


Just checked that out. Unfortunately, I wasn't active on that advertiser, and now its pending. If they approve of me in time, I will surely give it a try. The 50k milestone is easy to hit even in the last 5 days.

Thanks for pointing it out.
Just checked that out. Unfortunately, I wasn't active on that advertiser, and now its pending. If they approve of me in time, I will surely give it a try. The 50k milestone is easy to hit even in the last 5 days.

Thanks for pointing it out.
Yeah, just pick a crappy demographic that you're pretty sure won't click the ad but has a ton of users.
The last shitty ad I ran on Myspace got 126K impressions in about 4 days and only a few clicks.

It's some extra beer money :D
Just put they're banner on a static page and drive a shit ton of bot traffic at the fucking thing...

Yeah, just pick a crappy demographic that you're pretty sure won't click the ad but has a ton of users.
The last shitty ad I ran on Myspace got 126K impressions in about 4 days and only a few clicks.

It's some extra beer money :D
How do you suppose the network is going to track your Myspace ad impressions? Am I misunderstanding or something?
Just fucking do what I said
Throw the damn banner on a static page
Send a million bot hits to the static page

Easy $500 = A lot of heinekens
Have you seen a CJ banner link?

<a href="" target="_top">
<img src="" border="0"/></a>
Shouldn't be hard to figure out.

Doesn't cost you anything or at least, very little to try it out. Or just do what -Bill- suggests...
Have you seen a CJ banner link?

<a href="" target="_top">
<img src="" border="0"/></a>
Shouldn't be hard to figure out.

Doesn't cost you anything or at least, very little to try it out. Or just do what -Bill- suggests...

Still doesn't make any sense when myspace hosts the image, therefore you cannot track the impressions by a third party.
Thanks for the share! I have a few sites that are getting over 300k pageviews per day (combined), so this will come in handy :)
Just applied but I'm reading the offer as Page Impressions ... not ad impressions. Meaning a click through but not a completed offer

So seriously, what you're saying is just drop their ad in place and get paid. No special applications for the bonus offer?

The 50k milestone is easy to hit even in the last 5 days.

Their offer states October, not the end of CJ's billing period
That still wouldn't work. You have to upload a static image to MySpace. No way to track impressions outside of their system.

Exactly. And sending bot traffic is just cheating a legitimate advertiser out of their money.
Just fucking do what I said
Throw the damn banner on a static page
Send a million bot hits to the static page

Easy $500 = A lot of heinekens

Then get banned by the network and sulk with your Heinekens.
Just got accepted and was considering throwing the ad up. Any comment to this?

I'm reading the offer as Page Impressions ... not ad impressions. Meaning a click through but not a completed offer

Am I understanding it incorrectly? This seriously dampens the opportunity to make a couple quick and easy bucks with this if users must click through. Ofc, I can always manipulate the system but would rather not if I don't have to.
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