Social Linkbait Artilces: I write articles for Digg, Reddit, Mixx etc.

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I have some free time so:


$15 Linkbait Articles for the first 3 people who message me.

* Maximum 5 articles per person.
The service has been slow for me and I had to chase him after the due date had passed. When I did he PMed me to say "it will be finished tomorrow". A few days later I chased again and he said he needs an email address to send it (it's an article, why can't you PM it?!) so I've sent him an email address today. Still waiting.
The service has been slow for me and I had to chase him after the due date had passed. When I did he PMed me to say "it will be finished tomorrow". A few days later I chased again and he said he needs an email address to send it (it's an article, why can't you PM it?!) so I've sent him an email address today. Still waiting.


Article has pictures, plus it's better to have it as .doc anyway.

sorry for the delay.
The service has been slow for me and I had to chase him after the due date had passed. When I did he PMed me to say "it will be finished tomorrow". A few days later I chased again and he said he needs an email address to send it (it's an article, why can't you PM it?!) so I've sent him an email address today. Still waiting.

Seriously, nevermind goldspreader's opinion. He is very touchy, he called me abrasive :)
And yes man, show some patience, we all ask for emails to send articles. Always. And things happen, delays etc. Always.

Mudger, POST THE FUCKING RATES. Pretty please.
Sorry, but screw rates, what are the results in traffic from this hight cost article writing service? ill gladly pay hundreds if this works in getting traffic, but there has not been one review that relates to results. I have been waiting to purchase from mudger, but we need reviews on results of the service.
Sorry, but screw rates, what are the results in traffic from this hight cost article writing service? ill gladly pay hundreds if this works in getting traffic, but there has not been one review that relates to results. I have been waiting to purchase from mudger, but we need reviews on results of the service.

I think anyone here will tell you there is no Golden Egg that will drive mass amounts of traffic from next to nothing. I can write an article that reads like it was penned by God himself but if you suck at writing Digg titles, or your website/blog is full of shit ads then you're going to get shit traffic.

So many factors to consider, and that's why I don't charge $200 for an article :rasta:
Lots of people asking me if I do bulk discounts and I can do $17 per if you order 5 or more.
Have some slots open so $15 per article if you order 5 or more for the next three members.
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