So There I Was Smashing Out Content When...


The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
So There I Was Smashing Out Content When...


Caught me off guard! I've never seen a lobster-spider hybrid before. That sucker was fast! I tried to save him and sling him out the window, but ultimately his exoskeleton shattered beneath the weight of my diet coke 2-liter ban hammer.

I live in Canada where we don't have any poisonous spiders, so I capture and release them outdoors while apologizing for the temporary hostage situation.
This is south east USA.

Yeah, it looked like that spider, except its front legs seriously appeared to have pincers. Unless he was just rocking that 2nd pair of legs real close to the first ones. Dunno.

I did try to save him. I prefer to not kill or harm any sentient creature. But that bitch was up in my office sprinting full speed across my shit!
So There I Was Smashing Out Content When...


Caught me off guard! I've never seen a lobster-spider hybrid before. That sucker was fast! I tried to save him and sling him out the window, but ultimately his exoskeleton shattered beneath the weight of my diet coke 2-liter ban hammer.
bahahaha, i like this guy
don't worry, insects don't have any form of intelligence that you'd call "sentient" except for a few spiders. smash on.

just killed a fly obama style.
Hahaha man, just be glad a thousand little fuckers didn't spawn from it

[ame=]Spider burst in to 1000000 - YouTube[/ame]
Kill. Immediately.

Whenever I have a moment of weakness (compassion, if you will) and decide to let one go, it usually turns out sort of like that scene in Schindlers List where Amon Goeth lets the little jew boy go after he fails at cleaning the bathtub.
While we're on the subject of spiders....

When I was living in China, I woke up one morning to find this bitch crawling on my living room wall. (just so you have the right perspective: there was approximately 1 foot between that plant and the wall, so the spider was actually much bigger than it looks on the picture. I'd say probably the size of the pot) ... It was tough as hell too, I had to hit it like 15 times with the broom to kill it.

I know that feel bro, I ruined a nice LG monitor when I saw a spider crawling across it, I instinctively threw the ka-bar in my boot at it and only winged it but the monitor was wasted.
While we're on the subject of spiders....

When I was living in China, I woke up one morning to find this bitch crawling on my living room wall. (just so you have the right perspective: there was approximately 1 foot between that plant and the wall, so the spider was actually much bigger than it looks on the picture. I'd say probably the size of the pot) ... It was tough as hell too, I had to hit it like 15 times with the broom to kill it.


Damn nature you scary!

I've never seen a lobster-spider hybrid before.

I hadn't been in Spain more than a month when I woke up one morning to find a Tarantula in my bathroom. I sprayed it with tile cleaner but that only pissed it off.

One of my coworkers saved the fucking thing and I swear it came back 2 or 3 more times. We found it in the kitchen. Someone saved it from drowning in the pool.

Some of us were out partying one night and another one of my roomies found a life sized picture of a Tarantula in a magazine isolated on a white background. He cut it out and left it on my toilet seat so that when I lifted the lid it was right there. I screamed like a little bitch and leapt back about 5 feet just about knocking myself out on the sink.

I didn't sleep well for days. I hate creepy bugs.

On the other hand I found this little guy scurrying around in a beer flat full of empties and saved him from being horribly crushed...

While we're on the subject of spiders....

When I was living in China, I woke up one morning to find this bitch crawling on my living room wall. (just so you have the right perspective: there was approximately 1 foot between that plant and the wall, so the spider was actually much bigger than it looks on the picture. I'd say probably the size of the pot) ... It was tough as hell too, I had to hit it like 15 times with the broom to kill it.


No thank you.