So I heard a lot of you were married

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"...The breastfeeding woman may experience orgasms or a pleasurable let-down reflex..."

Let-down reflex?

Turbo explain!
Extended breast feeding is basically nursing beyond one year.

My daughter is 2.5, still breastfeeds, and her mother is still coming at me like a cat in heat; AND she's also 8 months pregnant.

Similarly, the positive effects of extended breast-feeding should be considered in light of the negative effects on the marriage. In other words, sex and its consequences are a family affair.

Unless you're fucking your wife while she's breastfeeding and the kids head is in the way of you groping her tits, having sex and breastfeeding are two entirely separate entities that have no bearing on each other. Unless of course you're a weak bitch like the author who loses his appetite because of something that's occurring naturally.

I love that my wife breastfeeds. The positives are 100x. Decreased risk of breast cancer, diabetes, ovarian cancer and depression, more often than not keeps the mother slim, bigger tits, increased immune system for the child (she's only been sick 2-3 times whereas our friends with formula fed kids have been sick 5 times more), save money, the list goes on..

Author needs to man up.
[ame=]Me, Myself & Irene: Drinking Breast Milk - YouTube[/ame]
Extended breast feeding is basically nursing beyond one year.

My daughter is 2.5, still breastfeeds, and her mother is still coming at me like a cat in heat; AND she's also 8 months pregnant.

Unless you're fucking your wife while she's breastfeeding and the kids head is in the way of you groping her tits, having sex and breastfeeding are two entirely separate entities that have no bearing on each other. Unless of course you're a weak bitch like the author who loses his appetite because of something that's occurring naturally.

I love that my wife breastfeeds. The positives are 100x. Decreased risk of breast cancer, diabetes, ovarian cancer and depression, more often than not keeps the mother slim, bigger tits, increased immune system for the child (she's only been sick 2-3 times whereas our friends with formula fed kids have been sick 5 times more), save money, the list goes on..

Author needs to man up.

I think what he's talking about is watching his grown-ass son go apeshit on his wife's swollen floppy thumb-nippled-tits with abandon makes them look less erotic and more...utilitarian.

Kinda like the tits on any other animal.

Or maybe it's subconsciously related to his wife putting out for her son more than for her husband.
"...The breastfeeding woman may experience orgasms or a pleasurable let-down reflex..."

Let-down reflex?

Turbo explain!

I haven't read the article but I believe it's the flood of Oxytocin which is key in orgasm inducing for women (possibly for men too, I don't know). This doesn't mean that when flooded with it you automatically get one, most women aren't that simple (for lack of a better word.) But I have heard that it occasionally happens to some women.

This never happened to me, but I could definitely feel the flood of Oxytocin at let-down because I would suddenly want to snuggle with my baby (which is actually the evolutionary point of Oxytocin ) and my husband at the same time. Or make goo goo eyes at one or both of them. It was really really weird to be able to call a flow of hormones down to the second which normally we're all just usually guessing at at any other given time.

Oxytocin is an awesome hormone. If you don't know much about it you should research it. It's just as important for men as for women. Next time your snuggling with your S/O notice how almost instantly you relax and feel happy. That's the Oxytocin.
My wife had a baby 12 weeks ago. I love that she breastfeeds... The health benefits are awesome. Plus, breastfed babies smell better and are generally healthier than formula-fed babies.

I also love that if I need a snack I just need to pop her titty out.
(she's only been sick 2-3 times whereas our friends with formula fed kids have been sick 5 times more)
So they were sick 10 or 15 times more. WOW. Are they living in a toxic environment or is that a tad exaggerated?

Edit; Should mention my kids and others I know have never been sick 10 or 15 times ever. If they were sick once a year they would be 15 b4 that tally mounted.
WOW. Are they living in a toxic environment

It's called day care.

Or even the children's museum. It's cliche but that place is a germ factory. I rarely get sick. Like maybe once every 3-5 years or so. (excluding allergy season) and I went to the children's museum last weekend and came back with something that literally almost killed me day before yesterday.

Never. Again.
Wife is still breastfeeding the 2month old. Agree with all the health benefits comments. Haven't read the article but have read the responses.

She says... when the baby is old enough to ASK for the booby = time to ween.

Why? She says that that would be creepy.

So the author probably has a point.