So CPA/Dating Niche, who's doing it? Question...


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
Minimized summation of possible transition into dating: So obviously for the past few years, I've been knee deep into debt management / debt settlement. I have an office here in Socal and have been doing this for a long ass fucking time. But despite the money, it's stressing me the fuck out and simply put I'm looking to get into something else (if the moneys right).

In short, I've spent a few grand testing various dating offers through exo, pof, and many other networks. I'm slangin niche dating, to straight up adult. I've done the research, using several angles and have studied the shit out of this. I'm using aao.

No one likes a long thread - so simply put, my question is this:

1. I'm not using a landing page. I'm going direct from ad to offer. I ran a good month of this and checked my "conversion rate" and I'm at around 8-9% (of my clicks are becoming conversions resulting in $). Now is this good?

2. For some of you actually doing this, are you finding that you're getting a higher conversion rate given you use a (source+landingpage+offer)? If so, any idea on how much better of a conversion statistically speaking?

3. I'm using headings like "zusammen macht frei", "The ideal aryan woman", "Unterscharfuhrer
, want some ass?", etc. are these good headings or?

.....ok kidding about # 3. I went direct for a good month because common sense told me why not cut out the middle man (landing page). But after reading a bit, it looks like the landing page may offer a solid "sale" or "re-assured" them of why they are clicking...

Anyhow, just wanted math from people if they saw a higher conversion with landers.

LPs can definitely increase conversion rates. The key is to split test. Try a rotate script using a few LPs while also throwing in direct link.

9% conversion rate isn't typically bad for direct linking depending on the offer. More importantly, are you profitable? Conv rate doesn't mean much unless you bring in more revenue then you're spending.

I'd recommend utilizing a LP eventually, as they are imperative to obtaining success with some offers.
...the campaigns are giving me 100% roi on average. My problem is that I want to scale this bitch up and by doing so, I need to possibly increase my budget amongst other things. Anyhow, before I went that route I just wanted to ensure everything is spot on and at least hitting the averages.

...I did up the landing pages today, I'll make them go live tomorrow and answer my own question I guess and report back for the others wanting to know the answer to this. Thanks for the response though
9% direct linked is pretty damn solid man. With a landing page, you'd probably need at least 18% CR to match the same level of profitability because I doubt you'll manage a CTR from LP to offer of over 50%.

Assuming your quality is alright, I think you're better off sticking with a direct link in this particular circumstance because there aren't too many offers that can pull off the conversion rates you'd likely need for an LP to work better.

As far as your heading, you just have to keep split testing - try what you're using now vs what you see some of the competition using. Look for trends or patterns in the competition that might help you get an idea of what to try next or what is working. As fluffy as it sounds, I don't think there's a better answer here.
It's been awhile since I've done pushed any serious dating traffic, but I did try it for a month in 2012 (July) and it seems like there was a consensus to use a landing page. I tried direct linking, which I made 100% of my money from before, and the landing page out performed it by far. This was purely on Exo too, so take that into account.
Really depends on the traffic source. On POF direct linked 8-9% isn't really amazing. For adult offers direct linked that's great. On Facebook I've had it go both ways. I'll take 8-9% direct linked all day on Facebook traffic for the most part. Sometimes lander works better, sometimes it doesn't.

When you get a good angle running on POF you can have offer conversion rates literally as high as 40% after landing page. My most stable POF campaign has been running for 6 months now with an offer conversion rate of around 30% after lander.

Get CPVLab and split test direct linked with your lander. figure out what works better for you. CPVLab is beastly.
Lander helps when the ad and offer don't quite match. Say you send them to a generic dating site but made a very specific claim. The lander then helps ease the flow.

+1 on cvp lab very useful for split testing both direct and multiple landers.

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Just submitted my new ads which are 100% landers, ill report back with updated info. I noticed one demo is killing it though.

Direct link 1: 6.8% conversion rate based on my clicks.
Direct link 2: 29.3% conversion rate based on my clicks.

I suppose I need to scale the ever living shit out of # 2. all #'s based on actual volume, no 3 click 1 conversion math. Anyhow, ill report back
Yeah definitely use a lander to increase response... Here is a tip: The rules style landers still work really well. Been trying to get more into dating.
Yeah definitely use a lander to increase response... Here is a tip: The rules style landers still work really well. Been trying to get more into dating.

29.3% is a very good CVR for direct linking a dating offer. I've had up to a 50% CVR but that was using a LP.

@skohh; Well I hope so, that's the point. To think that 6.8 is only converting bothers me a bit on the other campaigns.

@ HiGhPeR; 50% would be insane! I'm stoked on just this 29%. But I'm split testing the shit out of this 29.3% campaigns and will know more in a few days. Sorry for bailing on the landing page deal, been focusing more on this the past few weeks but ill be back into debt in the next week or so and ill hit you up.
@skohh; Well I hope so, that's the point. To think that 6.8 is only converting bothers me a bit on the other campaigns.

@ HiGhPeR; 50% would be insane! I'm stoked on just this 29%. But I'm split testing the shit out of this 29.3% campaigns and will know more in a few days. Sorry for bailing on the landing page deal, been focusing more on this the past few weeks but ill be back into debt in the next week or so and ill hit you up.

Keep in mind -- 50% CVR is using an LP. If you're direct linking and getting 29.3% that's pretty good.

And no pressure at all man.. whenever you're ready.
Lander is a must now probably, cause year or two ago it was easy to direct link cause of non saturation and with usual bids you get same set of people which already seen it all + lander gives more quality leads / sales / reccur

oh and medway says it all, I highly doubt you could make nice ad which getting great ctr along with representing offer in a same time.
POFpro - Management, automation, and optimization platform for Plenty of Fish advertising is pretty cool if you do's still in beta but it saves a lot of time.
Watch out, iPyxel/Tom Fang is a douche. I've read his guide, and it's shit. I wouldn't be surprised if he was using that tool to grab people's ads and become less of a failure. And before you ask, yes, the following group was pretty shitty - one or two good bits, but unfortunately a lot of people from WaFo, as you can probably tell.


Next day:

Watch out, iPyxel/Tom Fang is a douche. I've read his guide, and it's shit. I wouldn't be surprised if he was using that tool to grab people's ads and become less of a failure. And before you ask, yes, the following group was pretty shitty - one or two good bits, but unfortunately a lot of people from WaFo, as you can probably tell.


At the recommendation of one of my AMs I did buy the guide and read it. I thought it was OK as an introduction to POF, but there are a lot better resources out there, especially for the price. I'd much rather recommend the finchsells premium post series to people... a lot better content there.

As for all the WaFo people buzzing around Tom - that's to be expected. On the WaFo he comments on just about every aff related post for a sig spot. A bunch of guys do this (the ppc-coach guy comes to mind). After seeing their content you can see why :) Also, a few of them do use bitly links, so you can add the + to the end and see that they do get a good trickle of traffic from this.

As for dresden - I've seen your posts over at STM (and I have almost the same username over there as you) and we're doing basically the same thing. I've kind of figured a couple things out at this point... and landers are essential, as per my experience. As others have said, ads that have a great CTR probably don't have the best conversion if you're targeting general dating sites (like matchmaker, true, whatever). I'm basically using my landers to bridge the "fantasy" with the "reality".

Ran a small test today; 667 clicks (to a lander). From that lander, I managed to get a 32.53%CTR to my offer (217 clicks). Of this 217, 21 conversions (9.67%) (I was getting 7.5-8% when going direct from other networks). This is from a new traffic source, so I've yet to go direct. Will post back tomorrow with the direct results.

Ran a small test today; 667 clicks (to a lander). From that lander, I managed to get a 32.53%CTR to my offer (217 clicks). Of this 217, 21 conversions (9.67%) (I was getting 7.5-8% when going direct from other networks). This is from a new traffic source, so I've yet to go direct. Will post back tomorrow with the direct results.

you can definitely work a bit more on that LP CTR.